
Work, Work, Work

Steamers. Banners. Decorations. The entire building of Glory's Century was beautified from every nook and cranny, inside and out.

Everyone was excited to see this new CEO they were hearing about, if it hadn't been for Old Master announcing his stepping down then they surely would've ignored the rumors.

"I heard he's really good-looking"

"No way! I heard it's a she!"

"That might also be true, but what if it's both?"

"You mean it's a gay CEO?"

"We've never seen anyone from the Lu Family except for Old Master and Old Madam"

As Feng Shen listened on the topics around him, he didn't pay any heed, all he thought was that he needed a promotion, and to do that he was gonna start sucking up to his new CEO!

A smile etched on his face as the thought tickled him, he shrugged off the looks and whispers he got, all he knows is this plan of him

"They're here! They're here!" a man pointed to a black Mercedes as it parked in front of the building

Feng Shui stared at the car with his mouth agape, he couldn't believe it, he hit the jackpot! If sucking up to this new boss turns out well he was gonna be bathing in money in no time at all! Oh what luxury it was to have come upon this blessing

Feng Shui didn't hesitate and grabbed an umbrella and opened the door to the car suddenly

"Good Morning Young Mas-" He freezed as soon as he realized who was inside

JiangChen looked at the man before him and raised an eyebrow at him, the man looked strangely familiar to him

"Feng Shui?" His voice sounded so cold and distant that it brought shivers down Feng Shui's spine

"Hey Uncle, hurry up and get ou-" Feng Shui looked where the voice came and was shocked to find out it was from a little boy!

"I mean Daddy- Daddy pls get out, Nuel's feet are hurting" Hannuel pouted his lips

When Feng Shui saw this scene in front of him, he almost vomited out blood, My god! The boss has a kid!

He almost gagged when he saw another kid peep out her head, JiangChen left the car and quickly held the hands of the two kids

Everyone in the scene couldn't believe what they were seeing, a man with a godly figure, who's face makes a god's look paler and fake in comparison came out from the car, and as he walked down the middle, beside him were adorable kids!

One kid was smiling brightly and he looked similar to the man, capturing the women's heart in no time, while the other had a doll like face and beauty that made her seem frail like made of snow, the men couldn't help but gape at the child, 'who in the world are these people!?'

In the minds of everyone, everything was clear, any nasty rumours about JiangChen we're forgotten, 'What gay!? This guy is technically a god on Earth!'

As everyone watched this painting-like scene, Grandma Lu's eyes were shining 'Who are this kids? They look like Little Chen!' She went up to JiangChen and hugged him

"Nice to see you too Grandma, this are Hannuel and Athanasia, kids, say hi to Grandma" JiangChen let the kids greet Grandma Lu

"My what cute little kids you are" Grandma Lu gave them. a big hug and both gave her a kiss on the cheek "Do you kiddos want some chocolate?"

"Thank you Grandma!"

As Grandma Lu was doting on the twins, JiangChen's gaze wandered off until his locked with Grandpa Lu, he walked up to him and bowed slightly

"JiangChen gives greetings to Grandpa" JiangChen smiled softly at Grandpa Lu and the look on Grandpa Lu's face was showing how he dearly appreciated the actions of JiangChen

"Little Chen, come on, it's a celebration, no need to be uptight" Grandma Lu patted his back and held the hand of the two kids who were happily eating chocolate

Both men nodded at her, they went around and greeted some guests and some department managers and although it was a party to greet the Young Master of the Lu Family, somehow the twins attracted all the attention!

JiangChen smiled softly as he watched a crowd form around them, Grandma Lu went up to him "They your kids?"

He almost spat out his drink, he glared at this old woman beside him "Alright, Alright, I won't ask, sheesh" Grandma Lu sighed disappointedly, it was such a good chance to know everything!

As he looked at Grandma Lu who was plating food for the twins, he smiled on the inside


(3 hours ago, Jemmimah's apartment)

"You will never catch me!" Hannuel jumped on the couch and threw a pillow at JiangChen who was laughing demonically, the pillow hit his phone and he was currently playing, which caused him to suffer a loss

"Come here you!" He swiftly stood up and. chased Hannuel, he lifted him into his shoulders and started spinning around then suddenly stopped and tickled him

Hannuel slumped down on the couch, his eyes spinning, he never knew anyone who could spin like that, it was horrifying!

"You two are loud" Athanasia casually flipped a page of a thick book while eating cookies, Hannuel sat beside her and started eating cookies too

JiangChen looked at the twins 'Now that you mention it, they don't look like twins at all!' He analyzed things on his head he then becked for the kids over

"Do you guys wanna attend a party?"

The moment Hannuel heard the word "party" he stopped moving and quietly went to JiangChen's side. He looked up at him with excitement and anticipation. He was terribly cute that his body stiffened

JiangChen stared at the kid who has quietly gazing at him then he felt that something tugged at his shirt and saw Athanasia also looking up at her with those eyes

He felt something pull at his heart

It can't be right?

He hadn't felt this way before

And he definitely didn't lay his hand on Jemmimah for she went missing all these years!

His instincts should be wrong..... Right?

I'm terribly sorry guys, although I know most of you don't support this novel and hate me for not updating, those 120 updates I promised you were considered trash by my "teacher" he said that I was writing with my heart shut off and my eyes closed and my brain dead, so I've been stagnating all this time and made a plot that he approved of, yay (TT) I'll work hard and keep updating at balanced speeds and probably do surprise chapter updates at times, again, I'm terribly sorry

God_creators' thoughts