
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

The Witches of Sin

Castle of Dreams,

??? POV,

"Why? Why did you come out Daphne?!" Minerva shouted at the little girl bound in a coffin, there was no reason for her to appear here! "Weeeell, a nice smell just brought me here." 'Daphne' answered, opening her mouth wide revealing jagged teeth, drool escaped as the metallic legs under her clanked, striking the ground, shaking the area.

"Don't tell me..." Minerva looked at her with slightly wide eyes, she couldn't be here for something 'that' outrageous right? "Ne~, you wouldn't mind if I ate him right?" She asked licking the drool off herself, a somewhat ominous aura spread outwards as Minerva's eyes widened, "Why would you want to do that?" She shouted at the little girl, taking a step backwards, Daphne had always had outrageous demands but for her to actually take to the offensive in order to eat something wasn't within Minerva's expectations.

"A niice smell, a property I could never giiive, growing with change, an endless food supply that'll never become bland." Daphne smiled widely leaning forward, she wanted to eat the boy whole! The drool coming from her mouth only served to reaffirm this point, "I can't help but want to eat now can I?"

They all saw the first trial, they also heard the conversation between him and Echidna.

"...." Echidna simply remained silent, observing them all with a small smile, though her hands were still tense, just in case a fight did break out right here....... in that case though, how would she protect Samuel?

"That's not right at all! He's trying isn't he? That's all that really matters! I can't let you kill someone who actually tries to change himself!" Minerva waved her hand in protest, humans were beautiful existences diluted by evil, to see one try to improve himself after a past like that greatly moved the Witch of Wrath. She raised her foot before stomping it on the ground, once more shaking the dreamscape as cracks spread outwards.

"He did bad, he's a bad person." Typhon answered unusually seriously, a man who had killed before deserved to be killed as a consequence, that was all, reasons for doing so didn't matter.

"Haaa~, you all really gonna .... fight?" A tired voice came from the side making Echidna raise her brow in slight surprise, 'her' arrival was .... unexpected. "You're here Met-Met?" Daphne looked towards the person that had just made herself known with a big smile on her face.

"Yes...." Sekhmet, the Witch of Sloth, replied looking at Samuel with a thoughtful gaze before turning towards the rest. "Just so you know, I can't let you two move." Sekhmet said, or rather proclaimed staring at Typhon and Daphne, she had something she needed to ask the boy and that was reason enough.

She wore a sultry black dress that showed off her voluptuous figure and had extremely long unkempt purplish red hair. Her skin was deathly pale, and should have made her look sickly but instead it added to her attractiveness.

Typhon, having had enough of standing around, looked towards Samuel and appeared right in front of him in the next instant with her hand raised..... except, before she could move any further, her entire body was blown away flinging her through the sky. She crashed into the ground some distance off, a puff of smoke rising from the crater that had formed.

"I thought I made myself clear, stand down." Sekhmet sighed, this is why dealing with people was a pain..... Regardless, she'd been stuck here for centuries and she had to know the answer to her question no matter the cost.

Daphne stood back, the Witch of Gluttony understood that she wasn't going to be beating Sekhmet, no, the witch of sloth would be barely inconvenienced even if she were to kill all of them here.

Minerva too backed down, Sekhmet seemed to be actually serious here. "How surprising... but do you think Typhon will back down from just that?" Echidna smiled at her, she didn't quite get her reasons for helping but she did appreciate it regardless. Sekhmet sighed in response, of course the childish Witch of Pride wouldn't back down, Sekhmet had been the one to stop her rampages back in the day and knew full well just how stubborn the girl was.

Just then, as if to confirm Echidna's words, a blurred figure passed by them splitting the land behind it as a hand was extended towards Samuel....... However, again, Typhon was stopped just short of actually touching him. A hole was blown through her shoulder, almost tearing it off before her body was jerked, raised to the sky and then slammed into the ground forming a crater.

Though, Sekhmet wasn't done yet.

Once more the little green haired girl was raised into the sky and then thrown away, this time far farther than before. Sekhmet raised herself up using her hands and slowly stood to her feet, slightly cracking her neck. This surprised the other witches quite a bit, Sekhmet rarely put effort into even maintaining her own well being, for her to make actual effort for someone else.

Echidna gazed at Samuel, still standing near him, "What a sinful man, having us witches fight without even doing anything." It was obvious that she was only poking at him, the reason she stood nearby was because the damage from the two witches going at it at the moment would shatter him quite literally.

"I see you Daphne." Echidna said tilting her head, the witch was trying to sneak up from behind them, as futile as it would be. "Just a little bite should be alright?" Daphne spoke, still somewhat drooling over the prospect of getting to eat Samuel.

"Absolutely not!" Minerva raised her hand, appearing in front of Daphne, ignoring the shaking of the ground. She wasn't going to let any harm come to the silver haired teenager! "A shame." Daphne settled down, the legs under her coffin disappeared and she settled down, seemingly giving up on eating Samuel.... Minerva still stood in front of Daphne with her arms folded just in case.

"W-What are all of you d-doing?!" The final witch made her presence known, a timid yet loud voice made nearly all the witches halt in place. "W-Why are you fighting over a m-man?" a meek looking girl with red eyes and long pale-pink hair that reached her hips protested, her hands held near her chest. She wore a dark red dress that reached down to her ankles and a long snow white coat that covered her entire body. She also wore an extremely long light green muffler that seemed to drag on the ground.

The Witch of Lust Carmilla, rather than having striking beauty, was the very picture of adorableness.

Echidna started lightly laughing at her words, "That does seem to be the case." Any other reasons aside, the only actual reason for the fight taking place in the first place was Samuel, whom she was currently showing something..... to anyone who looked at him though, he seemed to be fast asleep.

"Typhon... touch him. You'll know that he isn't a bad person." Minerva pointed at Samuel while looking at Typhon, Typhon, possessed the power to sense if a person was good or bad by heart simply by touching them. So far, she had only 'seen' him commit evil deeds and being a child, arrived at the conclusion that he was evil.. a 'bad' person.

At the same time though, if she could know that he wasn't a bad person, then she being a child and most of her concept of 'good' and 'bad' and understanding was that it was a matter of the heart rather than the action.

She walked over to him slowly before raising her hand to touch him, at the same time though, Echidna pointed her own hand directly at Typhon's face, a magic circle appearing at the fingertips, fully intent on blowing her head off if she tried something funny. Sekhmet silently stared at Typhon, she too was ready to instantly deploy her authority.

As she touched him though, Typhon's eyes widened in a mix of shock and regret, "Not a..... bad person?...." She stumbled back, she was trying to kill him.... why?

At the same time though, Samuel too woke up, rubbing his eyes groggily as he looked around until his gaze landed on Echidna. Ignoring the presence of the other witches, much to the surprise of 5 out of the total 6, he grabbed Echidna by the throat before raising her up. "This... is what separates you... from him." Echidna spoke with difficulty, understandable considering she was being choked but at the same time, an unnaturally wide smile formed on her face. "Why would you show me....., something like that?"

"A.... test. To show you why....... you are superior to Subaru in... any and all ways." Echidna grinned.


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