
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

Smoking Isn't Good For You!

Tokyo, Japan,

Samuel POV,

Samuel let out a deep sigh somewhat disappointed in the 'robber', the man had started apologising after he lost the bat. "Could've at least shown some spunk." he said letting him go, only to hit him in the back of the neck knocking him out. "Call the police will you?" He said to the cashier who came out of his dumbfounded stupor and nodded quickly going for the phone.

Samuel with a small smile walked over to one of the magazine stands and picked up the latest manga issue, he then walked back to the cashier who had by now finished calling for the police who were relatively quick to comply once they learnt of a robbery. "Umm, thank you." the cashier bowed scratching the back of his head slightly embarrassed, he had initially thought that Samuel was a cunt like most attractive people.

"You're welcome, got a pack of cigarettes and lighter?" he asked waving his hand dismissively, he didn't do worse to the robber because he had just gotten out of juvie, didn't want to go there again to be honest. He had already wasted 5 years of his life in there beating the ever living shit out of any who sought to wrong him.

The cashier nodded, giving him what he wanted and then looking at him intently, in truth he was confused about how to thank Samuel for what he had just done since he probably would have lost his job after this. "Eh... can I get these for free as a reward?" Samuel asked, scratching the back of his head with an awkward laugh, he didn't have enough money for it....

The cashier nodded dumbly, not expecting the young man to ask for some cheap things in return but before he could inquire further, Samuel had already left the store opening the book as he walked.


Samuel walked down the empty street reading manga peacefully, it had been quite a while since he had obtained anything of much entertainment and he was thankful for this. "Hmm, I feel betrayed." he remarked with a small smile, usually in these scenarios, people plagiarised works from their old lives and earned money and fame by publishing those but here, save for a select few novels and manga, nearly everything was already available.

One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, Bleach, these old long running ones as well as numerous new ones so he couldn't take that approach. Same with movies and western comics, everything was being published with time but then again, it was like 2016 right now so he couldn't really be sure.

It had been about an hour since he left the store and having gone through the magazine relatively quickly, he was now finished and promptly threw it away not wanting to carry it anymore. Taking out a cigarette, he lit it up and inhaled, letting out smoke afterwards. "Nice..." he remarked with a small smile, from his posture to demeanour to the way he talked, he was someone relaxed and fairly calm.

The sole reason behind this was that he was well past the point of regretting or getting angry over life's problems.

As he walked he passed a somewhat strange establishment that for some reason looked extremely familiar, Samuel tilted his head in confusion at the odd scene before him just as the door opened and a relatively short girl with short lilac hair tied in twintails walked out, she had grey eyes and a few bangs hung in front of her face... What stood out the most was that she was wearing a maid uniform and Samuel quickly connected the dots,.... it was a maid cafe.

The girl who noticed him staring at her a bit lost had her cheeks turn red, she was pretty sure she hadn't seen someone so attractive in her life, she smiled a bit smugly, "You interested?" she asked bluntly, turning even more red the next instant. Samuel, hearing that, blurted out his own thoughts, "Child Labour?"

A vein popped out on her forehead as she placed her hands on her hips, "I'm a high school graduate!" she shouted at him, feeling insulted by his assumption.... she had been mistaken for a child again! Samuel, looking at her angry but fairly cute figure, simply smiled with closed eyes, "Sure." he said politely, she could be anything she wanted.

"Don't make the mistake again.." She grumbled folding her arms, she wouldn't even mind dating someone who looks like that if she wasn't busy with her studies so she for sure couldn't have him think she was a child. "I won't." Samuel said raising his hands a bit helplessly, people these days were a little too easily angered to be honest.

She narrowed her eyes at him, she felt like he was thinking something rude about her right now. "Well it was a nice little exchange but I'll be off." he waved his hand, turning to leave a few moments later, maybe he should visit this place sometime? He breathed out some more smoke but a voice stopped him, "Don't smoke, it's bad for your health." his cigarette was snatched from his hand and thrown away by the little lady from earlier.

Samuel just shrugged and left the matter alone, he wasn't about to get angry over something like that. "What's your name kid?" the girl asked from behind him, "Samuel....Hayes."

"Foreigner eh? I'm Asumi Kominami, visit us sometimes....Master!" she said, waving her hand slightly as he walked away nodding, it was her job to advise their establishment.... even though she was beet red now.

Samuel pulled out another cigarette as soon as he got some distance away from the place, he was going to do what he wanted and no one was going to stop him. Shaking his head at such thoughts he walked towards home with a slightly hurried pace, even if he were to live with a mindset like that, actually thinking about it would reveal that that was pretty much impossible so his thoughts were mostly hollow.

One other thing he wanted to add about this world, was that there was a plethora of hair colours. He actually saw someone with green hair as well multiple hair colours and that was fairly surprising, it would mean that such colours had been present in this world throughout history... "A Hitler with orange hair." he laughed to himself as he walked.

An hour and a half later, he arrived in front of his home. Samuel threw away the cigarette and stomped on it with his foot putting it out, he breathed deeply, "Home sweet home." he said with a small happy smile this time, his parents hadn't visited him much when he was in there for some reason and he was glad he could meet them again even if their relationship wasn't the best out of them all.