
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

Misheard Words?

Tokyo, Japan,

Meguro Ward,

Samuel POV,

Time resumed, and Samuel once more found himself standing in the streets of a modern Tokyo. A relieved sigh escaped his mouth as he sighed, facepalming for a moment. While many may say that they would love to be in the mediaeval ages, Samuel didn't much prefer such a thing. Lack of technology and convenience was a major problem after all.

Still however, he had a more pressing matter to deal with.

'You were whisked away mid-chase, they're still headed for you.'

"Yeah, yeah." Samuel looked at the men approaching him cautiously with an annoyed gaze, he just wanted to head home and sleep right now. Rubbing his hands against his knees, the teenager stood up straight with another sigh, "Come at me already." He raised his head ever so slightly, just enough that he had to look down on his pursuers.

'Five, no one in the area.' Echidna dutifully notified him, a wide smile forming on her face alongside her next words, 'No witnesses.'

Samuel huffed, did she think he was going to kill them or something?

"If you'd accompan-" The first one was cut off by a sideways kick to the arm, quite literally being flung across the air from the impact. Samuel was certain he actually heard a crack but he didn't care enough.

The silver haired teenager smiled, retracting his leg under the shocked eyes of the remaining ones.

"Crap, he's caught on! Get him!"

"Great fucking idea! You literally just saw me yeet him!" Samuel pointed at the downed man, an incredulous gaze on his face, were they stupid or something?

His words however, fell on deaf ears as two more rushed at him. Their hands held out to the sides, a ploy to prevent his escape.

Samuel sneered, "Don't, just don't. I'm not gonna run... Well, I'm not gonna run away." The silver haired teenager rushed at them, much to their displeasure. "Gra-..!!" Spinning around, he kicked the one on the right on the shoulder and then proceeded to use said shoulder as a platform to swerve in the air and smash the same leg into the back of the remaining attacker's head, pushing the head down into the cold hard ground right after and standing up straight,.... right on it, a small grin on his face.

A complete manoeuvre!

He'd managed to straighten himself mid-air and land facing the remaining two, a foot firmly planted on the head of a knocked out assailant, "You can't blame me. This is self defence." Samuel nodded wisely with folded arms, self defence indeed.

'Samuel, you're getting carried away.'

The remaining two looked at him as if he were some kind of monster, suddenly regretting their decision to take on this task. It was supposed to be a simple roughing up and kidnapping for their leader... Yet, 3 of them were on the ground, unconscious with broken bones, and it hadn't even been a full minute!

"Get your gun!" The one wearing a hoodie shouted, reaching inside his clothing, possibly to pull out a pistol or something... Except, before he could move much, Samuel, moving faster than he could perceive, appeared right next to him, slamming his gloved palm into the man's elbow prompting pained groans accompanied by a very distinct and somewhat disturbing crack.

Yet, the silver haired teenager wasn't done.

Quickly pulling back his other hand, he slammed it's palm into the man's stomach with a slight twist. The next instant, a body shot back, crashing into a wall a good few metres away.

"S-Stay away!"

"Sure." Samuel lightly smacked the trembling young man's neck, instantly rendering him unconscious. It wasn't like he was the one attacking here right? Though, admittedly, he'd gone a bit overboard... They did pull out guns soo... Samuel didn't feel that guilty.

"Hmm...." He looked down at the conscious people, rather average appearance, slightly bulkier frames, casual clothes... Either someone was being careful about being found or this had a small time backer behind it.

Still though, Samuel didn't ponder much. It wasn't like the two following him around weren't there, they'd find out the cause.... Nodding his head in approval of his thoughts, the silver haired teenager ran away, wishing to get back home as soon as possible.


"Welcome home, sir. How was your day?"

"Same old, same old."

The security guard only bowed respectfully in response to Samuel's casual response, such was his job and place after all.

Currently, Samuel stood somewhere in the outskirts of Tokyo city, gazing at a massive walled compound surrounded by a good number of houses, all rather high-class in appearance. Still though, he wasn't alone in doing so. A number of passer-bys could be seen staring at the high walls with curious and awed eyes. If not the walls then the incredibly luxurious gate, made of a silver colour with beautiful embroidery. At the very centre of this gate was a bold and large capital 'H', giving away the owners of the place.

"Hey, that guy's going in right?"

".....Hots and money, bullshit..."

"Stop being so sour."

Such remarks fell upon uncaring ears, the guards were already used to the ramblings of the common people and Samuel didn't care enough.

"Welcome back, sir!"

A number of other guards bowed respectfully as he entered, "At ease, gentleman."

'You seem to be enjoying this..'

Samuel could only smile as he waved them off with his hand, he couldn't deny this was quite a bit of fun. The compound itself was absolutely massive and equally beautiful as well.

Cleanly trimmed grass could be seen for a good distance, accompanied by gardens with numerous varieties of exquisite and rare flowers and other such aesthetically pleasing plants.

Samuel could only sigh and smile at the majesty of it all, this.... This was his home... Yes, they'd relocated to one of the main 'houses' of the Hayes. Calling this a house was a severe understatement though, Samuel was certain he'd seen an artificial waterfall in one of the gardens actually....

At the same time, this place was a complete fortress, manned by trained and loyal professionals armed to the teeth with the latest weaponry. Normally, Japan didn't allow weapon possession in such great numbers but, the owners weren't exactly 'normal', holding enough wealth and power to fuck up the nation's economy.

It had everything, even a place for helicopters to land and an underground parking lot filled with cars expensive enough to make the common man double back in shock and get a heart attack....

"....Yeah....." Samuel had a hard time accepting just how much wealth his family actually had and this, all of this wasn't even a fraction of it.

'.....Yeah...I agree....' Echidna couldn't help but agree, the sheer wealth this place exuded made palaces from her own world look like they were for peasants.

Smack dab at the centre of this compound was a two floored mansion in a U shape that was better described as a palace. Samuel walked along the path leading up to the main doors, looking around in slight amusement, he'd been here a number of times already so he was used to it already.

'I can completely understand why you didn't react much to Roswaal's mansion.'

Just outside the main double doors, with furnished wooden framing and glass panes making up most of the body, was a beautiful fountain, surrounded by flowers of many a colour, growing within elevated long soil pots.

At this fountain, a very familiar black haired woman sat to the side, waving her around in the cold and fresh water spewing from the central piled up stones. Mei Hayes, didn't have much to do anymore other than exercising, watching T.V and taking care of her children, what with all the maids and butlers on duty here. Hell she could only cook if she insisted.

"Ah, welcome home, Sammy. How was your day? Any trouble? Be sure to tell mom kay?" The older woman had a bright and cheery demeanour as she waved her hand at her son, "Come join me for a bit... Nehe, we can talk about all the girls you fancy..." Mei giggled with a hand over her mouth.

"Why is that.... plural?" Samuel deadpanned at his mother, he'd apologise to her later but right now he was too much of a mess to have a normal talk.

"Your grandpa has six wives." Mei replied with a smile on her face, and that wasn't even counting the man's concubines...

"...Right, anyway, I'm heading to bed for today. Talk later!"

"Ummm...sure." Mei felt a bit disheartened.

"Love you mom."

"Mommy loves you t-....?!" Mei's head snapped towards her son's retreating back, did she just mishear? Did he really say that? When was the last time she heard those words?!

The older woman thought to run after her son but then decided against it. She'd cook up a feast in celebration for when he woke up! And get him to say it over and over again! Yes!


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