
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

Fall of the Yamazaki - II (A Catapult)

Tokyo, Japan,

Yamazaki Family Main Compound,

Ren POV,

Ren slightly smiled at the gate he had just blown apart, it appeared that he still hadn't quite lost it yet. Resting the bat on his shoulder, he walked into the compound observing everything 'calmly'.

"Don't hurt those that don't resist. As for those that do? You're allowed to do as you please." Ryu ordered around his men with a hand behind his back, knowing full well that the Hayes Patriarch would be doing no such thing himself.... no, the man would probably demolish the entirety of this place before calming down.

Multiple groups split off from the main one, heading towards the different buildings in the compound itself. They would get rid of every obstacle here quickly.


??? POV,

In a traditional Japanese room, a number of people could be seen sitting around a long table in seiza positions. At the head of this table sat a man with a well kept beard and grey hair. He wore a nagagi with a hakama underneath, a haori was worn above the two, the traditional way Japanese nobility used to dress.

Earlier they had heard an explosion, quickly surmising that they were under attack the family had gathered up. "Why is the Hayes boy here?" The man at the head of the table rubbed his chin, fairly calm under the somewhat strange conditions.

"That sir, we've no idea. Your son however, mentioned fighting a silver haired maniac. Could it be perhaps related to that?" A man kneeling to his right reported, not daring to raise his head, who knows what would happen if doing so without permission would end up offending the man in front of him, the Yamazaki were known for their arrogance after all.

"Silver haired..." The old man facepalmed, letting out a disappointed sigh as he connected the dots behind what was going on. Either Gun had attacked the Hayes' head or his direct son, that was the only possible explanation for it. Considering the injuries on his son though, he wanted an apology instead of apologising for his son's actions.

He moved a hand over his katana with a small helpless smile, "Oh well, it's not like this is a big deal. Some ruffians are throwing a tantrum again. Get rid of them quickly!" He ordered waving his hand to the side as the gathered men kneeled, their heads almost touching the ground.

"As you wish, Oyakata-sama!"

They quickly got up, took up their preferred weapons and set off, their footsteps which were strangely in tandem made for a strange kind of war cry.


Ren POV,

Ren rubbed his chin looking at the veritable line of men that had formed in front of him in but a few moments. "Am I being looked down on?" He asked rhetorically only for the Yamazaki to quickly brandish their weapons, while not many, some among them held bladed weapons like katanas, wakizashis and the likes.

Holding the bat in his right hand in reverse grip, Ren raised and pulled it back towards the left instead, pulling on it with the left hand stretching out the right arm.

The human body possesses strange amounts of elasticity, this was made visible when the arm was pulled more than halfway.

"Is he an idiot?"

Using the right shoulder joint as the fulcrum and the right hand as 'lever' he could then reproduce a certain weapon from ancient times by relying on the flexibility of his body (Making it function similar to a spring) and sheer physical strength.

".....They're gonna regret waiting..." Ryu remarked with a chuckle, did they think he was just warming up or something? "Sir?"

"Catapult." Ryu answered his subordinate pointing at Ren.

Leaning forward, he used the ground as a pad and launched forward, appearing next to a shocked yakuza who had failed to even notice him until it was too late. The grip from the left hand was let go and then.

"Boom." Ryu voiced out the sound effect with a smile on his face.

It sounded as well as looked as if a cannon had been fired in the compound

Men went flying to the right, blood coming from their mouths, bones were shattered, and the one who had taken the hit head on had a few of his organs collapse from the sheer momentum transferred and force behind the swing.

Dust kicked up, the part of the ground the bat had brushed up against was ripped open and thrown along with the men.

"This is Yakuza? You should've seen the one back in my day." Ren looked at the dozens of men that couldn't even move anymore with a mocking grin, people these days were weak.

His bat now had blood on it but it appeared as if the old man didn't quite care about it.

That served as the signal for the start and soon men from both sides could be seen rushing across the compound. One side was wearing traditional Japanese clothes while the other wore neat suits.

Punches and kicks were thrown all around, blood sprayed from the swords used, jaws were broken, bones shattered, people crippled, some mortally injured. They fought with a rather strange kind of stupor with both families having high emphasis on upholding the honour of their individual families.

A rather tall man, near 7 feet in height, moved through the yakuza like what could only be called a bulldozer, quite literally lifting and smashing people into one another.

At another point, a man with a sword could be seen trying to disembowel the men in suits only to be stopped by Ryu who wore metallic gloves and seemed to be smiling with closed eyes.


Ren raised his bat overhead, being hit by a metal pipe in the process, "Huh?" He smashed it into his assailant's head giving the man a concussion not even bothered by the hit. At the same time, a bent pipe fell to the ground.

By now, the others seemed to be avoiding him as if they were afraid..... well none could quite blame them considering he had only left bodies in his wake. Smashing, hitting, breaking nearly everyone that had tried to stop him.

A number of veins seemed to be popping out on his forehead, neck as well as his arms. The man was angry yet seemed to move with thought...... well as much thought as could be expected from a man driven by rage.

Ren rested his bat on his shoulder, tilting his head to the side as a blade passed it, he then grabbed his assailant by the throat before smashing his head into the man. Throwing the lifeless yet breathing body to the side, Ren wiped the blood from his face..... evidently, not his own.

He held out his hand, grabbing a hold of the collar of another that seemed to be rushing at him, pulled him back before throwing the man at the central building sending the flailing yakuza right through the wall and to the feet of the clan head.

The old man sighed at the scene before him...... perhaps it wasn't quite as he had surmised it to be. Gun had left after saying his part claiming that he would seek treatment in Korea rather than this accursed nation.

Resting both hands on his katana, he stood up letting out a deep breath. "Well then boy, come at me." His pupils turned white and the sclera turned black as he inhaled deeply, raising his now unsheathed sword. He waved it around a bit seemingly for no purpose before raising it to the right.

Ren sensing immediate danger, held out his bat, as if intending to block something. A sharp sound rang out as his eyes widened in slight surprise yet no one seemed to know why.

Soon though, the reason made itself known. The wall fell apart dissected in countless pieces as an old man with a sword made his way out.

"Are you from the Kure Clan?" Ren asked thoughtfully, those eyes...... they looked familiar.

"One of my forefathers may have bedded one but no boy, I am not." The old man answered with a close eyed smile, he had earlier surveyed the surroundings and they...... had lost most of their manpower by now. Most of them showed signs of being hit by a blunt weapon so it was obvious that this child in front of him did most of the work.


In an instant, Ren was over him with his bat pulled back to the side, the night made a shadow fall over his face at that moment, only his wild unruly hair standing out serving to make for quite the intimidating sight.


Share thoughts please.

Extra chapter per 250 powerstones.......*shamelessly averts gaze*

Drop reviews please, we got like 800k views and 12 fucking reviews. Partly my fault considering I delete most of the spam five stars but still.....y'know.

Lastly, the rest of whatever you lot said can be understood from certain point of views but...

Cuck MC?

......I choose to believe you don't quite know what that means cause the other choice is that you expected him to fuck Beatrice. She looks like... she's 10 or something...

No I'm not going to accept the 'she's a few hundred years' excuse. Age aside, that body is a child's.

.......Seek help.

Actually I don't get the rest either. Beta? Cuck?......What?.....Also, you don't even know what he said to the lass.

It was supposed to be revealed later on but all he said was, "The person you should be with is Subaru." and that he wasn't 'that person'.

Echidna was slightly annoyed because he was calling himself a bad person for just saying that much and that he completely misunderstood why he was blown away.

Also did some motherfucker really call Echidna plain looking?