
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

A Saviour

Norfolk, England,

Norfolk Command Centre (Heaven),

Samuel POV,

In one of the many training grounds placed throughout the location, Samuel leaned against a wall with his arms folded, calmly observing the two men 'sparring' at the moment. The Sun was nowhere to be seen, a damp and humid atmosphere was all to be seen, with the smell of wet soil wafting through the air with the gentle breeze.

The silver haired teenager ran a hand through his hair, putting on an amiable smile as he ruffled the hair of the little girl standing nearby. She seemed to be holding a phone in her hands, pointed at the fighting men all the while curiously observing the screen.

The Infinite Dragon God was rather intrigued by the tool she'd been handed, never quite having seen something like it... Ophis looked at Samuel for a few moments before simply returning to what she was doing before, having him do that was a strange sensation. A life as long as hers made the littlest of things intriguing.

Samuel noted a serious difference in the fighting styles... or, what he perceived to be a flaw. While on the surface, they appeared to be using martial arts when exchanging blows, in truth it was all magic. Just before the hits made contact, they were coating them with magic and then there were the blatant spells thrown about.

....He could see how it would be a greatly damaging way to fight but, Samuel still believed in using martial arts to fight, be they armed or unarmed, with the existence of worlds like God of High School where martial artists split entire islands, it wasn't really a foolish notion anymore.

Rubbing his chin in thought, Samuel decided that it would be better to leave before the attacked man regained consciousness. He'd no doubt notice the missing sacred gear and with the intelligence the people had displayed so far, it was more than plausible they'd conclude God took it away or something but, better safe than sorry.

"You coming with?" Samuel asked the girl nearby with a smile and she nodded, following after him as soon as he started walking away... albeit, at a hurried pace.


Two individuals could be seen walking down a dirt path... well, only one of the two was actually walking though. Samuel walked with slight hastiness in his steps and Ophis only floated about, following him through the air.

"Flying is rather convenient." Samuel commented with a chuckle, he much preferred the walk though. Made him feel all natural and calm, flying wouldn't have the same feeling.... It definitely wasn't him coming up with excuses.

"Hmm..." Ophis only hummed in response, it was convenient as he put it, walking got a little bothersome.

"Wonder how Elia reacted." Samuel's attempts at conversation weren't half-bad, it was just the person he was trying to converse with was rather awkward and introverted.

"The .. exorcist?" Ophis' eyes held a bit of curiosity, wondering what relationship the two had had for him to bring her up like this.

"Yes, the exorcist." Samuel smiled at her way of talking, it was rather cute.

On another relatively distant note, Samuel had already rolled twice for the two completed missions. One being acquisition of a Longinus Class Gear and the other being a massacre, the Jade Emperor had apparently pulverised two battling armies for ignoring him.

The first roll was a dud, giving him nothing but a bottle of water that he'd just gulped down right there and then. The second roll did give him something but it was no better than a dud, to him at least.

'It' was a passive skill called "Serenity" that directly augmented his voice, he had no way of turning it on and off but, you gain something, you lose something. The 'effect' so to say, was that his voice would have a calming effect on those that heard it... as if it didn't already, this just boosted the effect by leaps and bounds. Subsequently, he'd have an easier time making people let down their guards and feel at ease around him.

Relatively useless from a fighting standpoint but not completely so, especially with the effects it brought on more peculiar 'peace-seeking' people. Samuel's gaze wandered towards his companion, Ophis hadn't left yet... He wasn't wrong in attributing it to the newly gained skill right?

'I suppose so.' Echidna seemed to have a far more reserved manner of talking after what had happened earlier during the day, Samuel could even notice hints of difficulty in her voice.

Nonetheless, the silver haired teenager only sighed as he continued his walk.... or so he would have, except, a sharp noise drew his attention to the sky. "What in the name of?" A veritable meteor flew across the cloudy sky, parting clouds.... Only problem was, this 'meteor' was a crimson red and had multiple pitch black dots following close behind it.

Samuel's blue eyes changed to a bright golden as he narrowed his gaze; the spirit sight modified by Echidna was rather useful for observing stuff in greater detail. The red 'meteor' had an energy signature far superior to anything in the vicinity but, it appeared condensed and hollow, as if the person it came from was injured.

The black ones were relatively weaker but still significant.

"Ophis, can you see what it is?"

The Dragon God looked at him in silence, was that the first time he said her name? Wait, why did that even matter? Shaking her head, she observed the creatures in the sky thoughtfully, "A bat and...crows."

"A Devil and Fallen Angels." Samuel nodded at her words making the girl look at him with a questioning gaze, why did he repeat what she said? Well, not that she cared much.

Taking in a deep breath, Samuel leaned slightly leaned down before veritably blasting off in the same direction. He was curious after all and these missions were nothing more than a way to get stronger while entertaining himself... to him at least.

The ground behind him lay cracked, each of the steps taken held just that much power.

His 'running' was more leaping by kicking at the ground as soon as he neared it. In this way, Samuel could cover long distances in short intervals of time, he did have rather insane physical strength.. which was only heightened each time he fought a stronger opponent.

Small booms followed his sprint, the dirt path lay in shambles, soil flew all around and the hard parts of the ground had cracks spreading all over them.

As was expected however, Ophis was easily keeping up with him floating in the air as she followed behind him. What did he want with the bats? Yes, his physical composition wasn't quite normal but, he was still human.

Not a few minutes later, they'd arrived at the crash site. Around 4 to 5 individuals flew in the sky, the one at the head had four massive pitch black wings extending from his back while the others only seemed to have two.

Instantly drawing out the Sacred Gear he'd acquired earlier the same day, Samuel pointed it at four winged one before pulling the trigger. At that moment, he felt something being sapped from his very being as the surroundings went silent and instantly after, a shocking event took place.

A pitch black beam exited the rifle's muzzle, slicing through the fallen angel like a hot knife through better before flying to the sky, parting clouds and exploding in a massive black ball of nothing but energy.

"Oh my.." Samuel was taken aback by the weapon's effects...

Sure he'd drawn it because there was no way to beat them without risking the injured person but still.... He knew Sacred Gears had varying levels of power depending on their users but..., "Wow..."

'It sapped your life force as fuel though...' Echidna informed him with a pensive voice, 'But, you're immortal, I doubt loss of life force is a problem....' The Witch was slightly jealous, he'd just revive in case he got killed and he was ageless anyway, life force was the one thing he'd never been running out of.

With a spin, the gun transformed into an ornate golden longsword and Samuel shot towards one of the other fallen, slicing one in two with a swift swing before falling to the ground with his two feet on the ground.

Fighting was the one thing the teenager was proud of himself about.. at least, when it came to skill.

This sacred gear's sword form had cut through the Longinus Regulus Nemea easily so it slicing apart a fallen really did check out.

Two of the five assailants were dead before they could even notice the attack.

"Yo." Samuel smiled with closed eyes, doing a small salute at the remaining three.

"G-Get hi-..." One shouted.... or at least tried to, only to be skewered by spikes made of red energy before he could even finish his words.

Samuel used the unknown attack to his advantage and lunged again, reeling back the longsword as he kicked at one of the fallen, using the momentum generated to spin around and slash at the other one, splitting the poor being in two vertical halves.


The last one tried to run... but, Samuel spun the longsword as he took a kneeling posture. With the sword now in gun form, he took aim and fired once again, a similar black beam sliced through the retreating fallen and he fell to two pieces... Pieces that just evaporated a few moments later.

"Eh, nice!" Praising himself as the sacred gear (which he absolutely refused to call by it's real name) disappeared into wisps of light, Samuel turned around towards the person he'd just saved with a big grin on his face.

'Why not just give it another name? It's yours now anyway.'

In Heaven, there was a bit of a commotion.... Apparently a sacred gear had been removed from the system out of nowhere.

Ophis stared at the silver haired teenager in slight surprise, he'd not displayed such significant combat ability before... She looked at the parted clouds in the sky, musing to herself, couldn't he have just slaughtered the people there easily with this much power? The explosion was no joke..

This.... was rather curious.... Most strong people made sure that everyone knew they were strong.


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