
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

A Maid's Feelings

Tokyo, Japan,

Unidentified District,

Samuel POV,

"You made me watch bloody Titanic of all things..."

"Ugh... I'm sorry.."

Two teenagers could be seen standing outside a cinema, both clearly disoriented and dismayed at what they'd witnessed before. The people passing by looked at their interactions with strange gazes but ultimately didn't quite find the courage to voice their thoughts. Why? Because the couple both had extremely attractive appearances, a 'high class' aura about their persons and high end clothes.

It would be stupid to agitate such people openly.

"Senpai, you have to admit it was romantic how h-"

"...Jump off a building." Samuel facepalmed, he really really disliked how he'd spent the past two hours, it felt like he'd never wasted time in such a way before in his entire life.

"...I'm sorry." The blue eyed blonde apologised genuinely, she hadn't had the 'pleasure' of watching that movie before and relied on the ratings and reviews when inviting her target... Needless to say, she regretted it.

Now, one might question how they were here.

It was simple really, they'd come to one of the malls and upon 'learning' that it had a cinema, Hayasaka had invited Samuel and the silver haired teenager, not having much else to do, accepted her invitation.... He did regret doing so though.

"It's not romantic, it's retarded, even leaves me in the dirt." Samuel ruffled his own hair, looking down with annoyed eyes, his other hand at his waist, "So what's your opinion on it?" He asked out of basic manners, though he'd be judging her according to her response.

"Jarring and stupid. The death could have been avoided." Hayasaka replied in an unusually monotonous voice, a deadpan expression on her face. The movie was complete shit for someone of her tastes, the 'shoujo' act would love it but clearly, that wouldn't have worked.... Did she even remember to act?

"See? You get it. How can people think that's romantic?"

"I agree, you know what would have been more romantic? Both of them surviving."

A rapid fire exchange followed, mostly about how the movie was dumb and people were stupid for liking it. Those that heard the two could only lower their heads in shame and hasten their paces, not finding it possible to argue with the two's logic. The movie DID have a massive flaw after all.

"Ugh..." Samuel ran a hand over his face, trying to wash down the annoyed feeling that had come over his person but then, he smiled teasingly, "Not acting once in a while isn't so bad is it?"

"...." Hayasaka stopped short, her words freezing in her throat as the realisation that she'd dropped her cutesy act slowly settled in.... This..... Was this the result of spending so much time with the silver haired teenager? The blonde found herself speechless, she refused to admit that she'd actually messed up.

At the same time, she averted her gaze, avoiding his and looking at the tiled floor, the heat she felt on her face was enough for Hayasaka to realise that she was actually blushing... It happened okay? She was human too! Humans make mistakes!

Samuel lightly chuckled at her reaction, ruffled her hair and walked away with a hand in his pocket, "I'm gonna go freshen up a bit. Don't get yourself dragged into a stupid cliche event now~." The silver haired teenager smiled strangely, hopefully he wouldn't have to go through such a thing.

Making his way to the toilets, Samuel found a group of young men inside already. He recognised one of them, it was the guy sitting opposite Hayasaka in the theatre watching the dreadful movie... though, the man was more focused on his phone even then... They looked to be college students, and wore casual outfits... but, Samuel wasn't much interested in them.

He ignored their words for the most part, leaning against the wall the side opposite to them as he lit up one of his cigarettes. He always carried a pack with him, as well as a lighter and either would be replaced as soon as they were finished up. It wasn't necessarily a good habit but then again, Samuel didn't have many of those.

And so, a few moments passed in relative peace, the constant talking and snickering mostly flew over his head, even as he did keep an eye on them from the corner of his eyes, holding a cigarette in one hand. Thinking for a few moments, Samuel pulled out his phone and opened up the GC.

[ Ophis: .....

Okhwang: Welcome, child.

Ophis: ... Child?

Okhwang: Is that not what you are?

Ophis: .... ]

That was all that had happened, clearly the Dragon God wasn't much interested in conversing with the Jade Emperor and the latter was too busy with his own activities to actually care. The two entities that had recently joined the GC were immensely powerful and incredibly old, it made sense that the place wasn't quite active as it would have been had the members been different but then again, there were only three including Samuel himself.

[ Ophis: Samuel?

Samuel: Here.

Ophis: Where?

Samuel: At home, well not home, outside with that amusing blonde.

Ophis: Interesting person?]

The Dragon God stood at the edge of a cliff, the waves of the sea crashing against the hard earth just below her as strong winds blew throughout the area. This thing was confusing but convenient, it let her converse with the human she sought with her mind and told her he was in a different dimension... One she couldn't access without his permission as the GC owner.... Ophis wanted that permission.

[Samuel: To me? Yeah. You? Not so much. You must be used to humans and their acts.]

[Ophis: Humans can... act? I see them behave weirdly with different people...] A trait Samuel did not have for the most part.

Samuel: Ah well, I have to get going. Talk later.

Ophis: Come soon...

Okhwang: You youngsters seem lively.]

Samuel put the phone back in his pocket, smiling pensively at the strange conversation he'd just had. Ophis... had a rather eccentric way of talking.

"See this blonde chick? I got a real nice shot of her..."

Samuel's eyes widened ever so slightly, his gaze turning to the phone in the man's hand, was this what he thought it was?

"Ooh, that's nice!"

"...." Samuel was speechless, this world was weird. The people here were too extreme or too docile, kind people and rotten people, those in the middle were less compared to the former two. Such were his thoughts as he silently walked over to the talking men.

"She di-.....What the fu-....?!" Before he could speak much, Samuel had his hand on the side of his face and shoved it into the tiled wall, cracking it, along with the side of the man's jaw.

"You just gave me an excuse." He smiled eerily.


Ai Hayasaka, walked to the men's toilets with conflicted feelings, holding paper cups filled with coffee in either hand. The girl walked calmly, an expressionless mask over her face hiding her actual feelings...

The girl realised this was a slip up, she'd slightly messed up.... but was it really her fault? The two of them had gotten rather close, she'd mixed in bits of truth in their conversations and he knew more about her than most people.... She couldn't rightly deny slightly being attracted to him either.. He was tall, handsome and competent, supportive but rebellious in a strangely attractive manner.... He also shared certain interests with her...

...Hayasaka's eyes slightly widened... Did she like him?

This couldn't be.... No, she was just embarrassed about her slip up and thinking too much.

Shaking her head, the blonde girl stopped near the door, hopefully the coffee would be enough of an apology for the hell she'd put him through... Who was she kidding?

Still, as she waited she noticed that the door was ever so slightly open and curious, she peered in from the opening, curious as to whether she'd spot the silver haired teenager and spot him she did..... Punching a man in the face so hard he crashed some distance off.

"I'll admit it's bloody retarded of me to react, but this shit I don't like." Samuel wiped his mouth, holding a phone, Hayasaka knew it wasn't his own and the photo she saw on it once more made her feel embarrassed. The toilets weren't too spacious, it was easy to see the same undergarments she wore on it.... Did those men on the ground take them? The blonde was pissed off.

But wait.... was that the reason he was angry with them and had beaten them up? She knew he had a history of fighting but... Hayasaka suddenly found her heart rate speeding up, little by little. Her eyes widened when he turned her way with a smile, "Ah, sorry you had to see that."

Samuel threw the phone down, then stomped it with his foot, shattering it into a million pieces.

"N-No..." Hayasaka shook her head quickly, conveying that she didn't exactly mind. She knew it, it was even nice to see them beat up once she came to know the reason. Still, unable to understand her own reaction, the girl shoved a cup into Samuel's hand before scurrying away, "Goodbye!"

It was a retreat made so that she could settle down and get a level head, she couldn't even understand her own thoughts at the moment after all.

"What about shopping?"


Samuel laughed lightly, if this was his reward for sitting through the movie then it might just have been worth it.

'....What about me?' Echidna sulked, her contractor was becoming a bad person...

"I actually couldn't imagine a day without you." Samuel nodded with closed eyes, putting his hands in his pockets. The Witch of Greed had helped him the whole way, he realised that somewhere along that, her efforts had become earnest and knew he owed much of his current peace of mind to her.

'W-Wha..' The Witch of Greed hid her face in her hands, regretting her question.

Samuel smiled slightly, it would leave him feeling lonely if she just one day disappeared.


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