
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

A Crossroads!

Kingdom of Lugnica,

The Sanctuary (Formerly),

Samuel POV,

Samuel looked at the white haired young man somewhat taken aback, before shrugging, the guy was right after all. The man too seemed to be taken aback by Samuel's reaction, people usually lost their shit when he was kind enough to state the obvious truth for them. How truly rude, for him to take special consideration and time out of his busy busy busy life to tell them what they lacked. He slightly sighed, the common rabble were truly the very height of stupidity.

"I don't feel like it anymore." Samuel said standing up, dusting off his clothes with a somewhat expressionless face, he just came to the realisation that changing was very hard all over again after all.

"Did you just presume that I wanted to know about your mood? I do believe that to be truly rude of you." The man sighed again, raising his hand to the side 'helplessly'. Samuel scratched the back of his head bowing slightly, "My apologies."

Why was Samuel going so far as to apologise?

Well, white clothes? Check. Average ass face? Check. Skin pale as snow? Check. A rod ten feet up his ass? Check.

That was definitely Regulus Corneas, the Witch Cult's Archbishop of Greed, a man he currently had no hope of beating, moreover, he was having a somewhat lethargic phase at the moment so that might have been the reason.

He looked at his now bloody hand before slowly moving his hand towards his hair, pushing it downwards so that he might have a chance at seeing it and as soon as he did, his shoulders slumped down dejectedly..... Washing his hair was most definitely going to be a pain in the ass.

"At least you know your place..... unlike most." Regulus shrugged, shooing off the rest of the witch cultists gathered with his hands, they looked annoying, how stupid of them considering he had allowed their useless lowly selves to witness his glorious form.

'Giving up without trying? How unmanly.'

Samuel's brow twitched, maybe he should have that contract through more. Soon enough though, the witch of greed giggled, 'I agree with your sentiment however, not manly but rather stupid if you did in fact, attack him here.'

Samuel shook his head before politely bowing to Regulus and then running off into the tomb at speeds that left even the archbishop of greed somewhat surprised.

His reasons for not attacking him weren't something as smart as noticing that he was outmatched but rather that he wanted to get the hell out of this god forsaken world as soon as possible. He just intended on grabbing the pyroxene crystal inside the tomb so that it could house Beatrice while he was back in his original world.

Couldn't really just bring in a girl out of nowhere and explain it too in a modern world.

Quickly finding Echidna's casket, he pulled back his fist before slamming it into the construct. Soon enough, the thing fell apart and so did the body held inside it. Neither of the two had any particular feelings about it though.

'To violate my body without a second thought.'

"Wording woman." Samuel's lips twitched as the woman once more began giggling, he grabbed onto a relatively small part of the crystal before rushing out of the tomb and then past Regulus who had an annoyed expression on his face.

"Now listen here, isn't it really rude of you to run around when a person is talking?!" Regulus shouted glaring at Samuel's back except the silver haired teen didn't even spare him a second glance and soon enough, he disappeared from the Archbishop's sight entirely.

Regulus looked at the sky before sighing and turning back, "Consider yourself lucky, rabble." He muttered out as he left, it was nearly time for him to have dinner with his lovely wives. Regulus wasn't willing to waste the enjoyable time he could spend with his wives on filth that behaved like an animal.

"Guide me to Irlam." Samuel 'ordered' as he ran, leaving cracks on the ground with every single step he took.

Both Irlam and the Sanctuary were a part of Kremaldy forest and as such, the distance between them couldn't be that vast, a few kilometres at most.


Kingdom of Lugnica,

Irlam Village,

Currently in the small village of Irlam, a small girl wearing a fancy dress could be seen pacing around worriedly. The connection between them informed Beatrice that Samuel was completely alright but she still couldn't help being worried. Just at the moment she had teleported away, she had noticed the stench of the Witch..... that and she had an arm belonging to Samuel near her.

As for the residents of the Sanctuary, she had dumped them on Roswaal who seemed unusually gaudy for some reason. Beatrice clutched the metia her contractor had given her for safekeeping tightly, "Hurry up."

A scream brought her out of her thoughts making her quickly raise her head, were they under attack?! Had the annoyances followed them here somehow?!

"It's a demon! Run!"

"I'm not a demon! And I'm harmless!"

The voice of the 'demon' was instantly recognised by Beatrice who smiled happily, it brought her immense joy that he was safe. With a helpless sigh, she pointed her hand at Samuel, a calm wave of water washed over the teenager, cleaning away all the blood on him in an instant. A pocket of wind then enveloped Samuel, drying him completely.

Beatrice folded her arms and nodded at her handiwork, magic was a very convenient thing.

"Kyaaa! Stay away from me!"

A stick was broken on the silver haired teenager's head making him instantly go silent. The woman that had been running away from him, slowly opened her eyes looking back.... to see him staring down at her pensively.

"Did you save me from the demon, sir?"

Samuel facepalmed at her words, "I'm done with you people."

He just gave up and hurried over to Beatrice, holding up the pyroxene crystal.

Pyroxene crystals were aesthetically pleasing to look at however, that was not their true function, their true function was to house spirits. Traditionally they were carried around by people who had contracts with spirits so that the spirit might rest in the time that it was not being made use of. One such example was the female lead of re zero, Emilia who carried around her contracted spirit, Puck, in a pyroxene crystal.

"Betty could just have made you one." Beatrice sighed at the clueless expression on Samuel's face, it was somewhat nice that her contractor was capable of acting his actual age sometimes.

'....I said that too by the way.'

A bit of explaining how he had a run in with the witch cult and torn the, apart (leaving out the exact details) later,

Samuel could now be seen pointing at the crystal in his hand as he silently stared at a pouting Beatrice.

"Your cuteness is too much for the world."

"...." Did he think she was a kid? Her shaking hands though seemed to suggest that it did have some effect.

Samuel sighed, he wanted to leave this world fast.

As for a member for the group chat? He would get that from another world.


Well this, Re: Zero was a world with reality warpers and a person that could literally change the past. By leaving this world, he would isolate himself from the verse entirely thereby rendering himself immune to any changes made in the past. Separate space time continuums and all with the two being relative for the most part.

In contrast, if Samuel did get a member from here then by extension of group chat, he would still be vulnerable to any changes made here..... Call him a cowardly bastard if you want but he couldn't sleep right knowing that he could have prevented something like that.

His wariness prevented him from having any connection to 'here'.

'Or you could just get rid of Beatrice.' Echidna suggested with a strange smile, why the hell did he even feel like he had to bring the runt along?

Samuel wanted to punch Echidna.

'Alright alright, let me put it this way. Bring her along, put her in danger, risk her being removed as you go back as an 'outsider' or tell her that Subaru is 'that person' and the girl can have a happy life. A crossroads! I'm very curious as to what you will choose my dear dear contractor.'


Share thoughts.

Echidna being Echidna has put Samuel in a tough spot.

Which do you think is the better choice?

This ends the arc.

As always, 175 powerstones, 1 extra chapter.

Join the server.
