

I still remember the day when i learnt my parents would never love me. I was a show piece for them in social events to prove the world that how great they were..

I was five year old that time. My baby brother and sister were born that day twins! I was beyond happy . I would be a big sister. But no one let me see them.  I was crying in a corner saying, ' i want to see them". But everyone treated me like i was not there. I has a big brother zach but he was mean to me.

When i told my mommy she said, " Shut up and don't irritate me ". I thought mommy had a bad day so i went to daddy who slapped me for disturbing him.   After that i never tried . We live in a big mansion but i was treated invisible by my brother,  parents and even maids. Nobody would talk to me.

There was only one time when i was treated as family when there was a special event. I used to pray that my parents should organize a party every day so I can be a part of their family.

I am rose and this is my story