
A Thief Reborn

Kardo, the former leader of a notorious gang in Quiapo, finds himself in a strange new world after being shot during a botched robbery. As he wakes up in a foreign room with a naked woman lying beside him, Kardo realizes that he has been transmigrated to the magical realm of Faerindor. With his newfound strength and agility, Kardo discovers that he has become a rogue in this new world. He sets out to explore his surroundings, meeting various magical beings and encountering different dangers along the way. As he navigates this new world, Kardo realizes that his skills as a street thief and gang leader translate well into his new profession as a rogue. He uses his wit and cunning to outsmart opponents, and his expertise with weapons like guns and daggers to defeat enemies. However, Kardo soon realizes that the consequences of his actions in Faerindor can be far more serious than in his previous life. With powerful magic and ancient prophecies at play, Kardo must tread carefully and choose his allies wisely if he hopes to survive in this new realm. As he begins to uncover the secrets of this magical world, Kardo finds himself drawn into a greater conflict that could determine the fate of Faerindor itself. With his natural abilities as a rogue and his newfound magical powers, Kardo sets out to become a hero in this new world, even as he struggles to come to terms with the loss of his old life and the mysteries of his transmigration.

Torchlansky · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The Heist

The party at the mansion of the wealthy merchant was in full swing. The sounds of music and laughter echoed through the halls as guests mingled and enjoyed the opulent surroundings. The guest list was impressive, including high-ranking officials, archmages, and representatives of powerful families. Everyone who was in the magical realm seemed to be in attendance.

The room was decorated with elegant drapes, ornate chandeliers, and exquisite flower arrangements. The guests arrived dressed in their finest attire, sparkling jewels, and expensive perfumes. The sounds of lively music and laughter filled the air, while servants offered drinks and hors d'oeuvres to the guests.

The host greeted each guest personally, ensuring that they were well taken care of and had everything they needed. The mansion itself was an architectural marvel, with soaring ceilings, intricate stonework, and luxurious furnishings.

Reginald Davenport is a prominent figure in the merchant's guild. He is known as the "Silk Baron" for his lucrative trade in silk fabrics and exotic spices from distant lands. Davenport is a portly man with a thick mustache and a balding head. He is dressed in fine silk robes adorned with gold and jewels, and he carries himself with an air of confidence and superiority. As a member of the merchant's guild council, he holds significant influence in the city's trade and commerce, and his connections reach even into the highest echelons of the government.

Lirien, disguised as a noblewoman, made her way through the crowd, searching for the mark that Kardo had identified earlier. She moved with ease, her disguise allowing her to blend in seamlessly with the other guests. As she made her way towards the mark, she couldn't help but marvel at the sheer extravagance of the event. The food alone was worth a small fortune, with exotic dishes from all corners of the magical realm.

As Lirien approached the mark, she could feel the tension building inside her. This was it—the moment they had been planning for weeks. She took a deep breath and plastered on a smile as she greeted him, trying to mask the nervousness in her voice. The mark, the wealthy merchant with a reputation for being easily swayed by a pretty face, seemed charmed by Lirien's attention. They chatted for a while, exchanging pleasantries and discussing the latest gossip in the magical realm.

Kardo, disguised as one of the guests, couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement mixed with nervousness. The grandeur of the place was unlike anything he had ever seen before, with intricate tapestries hanging from the walls and chandeliers that shone with a thousand lights.

As the guests mingled and sipped on expensive wines, Davenport took center stage to make an announcement. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present to you a rare artifact, a medallion rumored to be the key to a mythical city in the desert," he announced, holding up a gleaming golden medallion for all to see.

The crowd murmured in excitement and anticipation. Kardo couldn't help but feel drawn to the medallion himself. He had heard stories of the mythical city and the treasures that lay hidden within its walls. The idea of possessing the key to such a place was almost too much to resist.

Davenport continued, "I will be conducting an auction for this precious item later this evening. I invite all interested parties to participate, and I assure you that the bidding will be fair and transparent."

Kardo couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the mention of "interested parties." He wondered if the shadow guild had any plans for the medallion or if they were simply here to steal other valuables. He made a mental note to stay vigilant and keep his guard up throughout the night.

As the wealthy guests mingled and chatted with each other, Kardo, disguised in his finery, made his way to the front of the room, where Davenport was standing, holding up the medallion for all to see.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Davenport said, his voice booming through the room. "It is my great pleasure to present to you this rare and exquisite artifact, said to be the key to a mythical city in the desert."

"I shall start the bidding at one thousand gold coins," Davenport announced.

Kardo waited, biding his time, until the bidding slowed down. He then made his move, calling out a bid that was higher than the current offer but still reasonable.

The other guests looked at him, surprised that he had joined the bidding so late, but Kardo maintained his cool composure, determined to win the medallion.

As the bidding continued, Kardo raised his bid again, his heart racing as he watched his opponents' reactions. Finally, when the bidding reached a fever pitch, Kardo made one final bid, the highest of them all.

The room went silent as Davenport looked at Kardo and then nodded his head. "Sold to the gentleman in the back," he said, gesturing towards Kardo.

Kardo's heart was pounding as he raised his hand to bid on the artifact. He had never participated in an auction before, but he was determined to secure the medallion at any cost. The other bidders were wealthy guests from prominent families, but Kardo kept bidding higher and higher until he won the auction.

However, one of the guests, a stout man with a bald head and a thick beard, was not happy with the outcome. He began shouting and cursing at Kardo, accusing him of cheating and demanding a rematch. Soon, other guests joined in the commotion, and the peaceful party turned into a chaotic mess.

Kardo saw that some of the wizards in the room had started to cast spells, and the guards were busy trying to restore order. He knew he had to act fast to secure the artifact before it was stolen or lost in the chaos.

He quickly made his way to Davenport and offered to help him secure the artifact in the safe room. Davenport, grateful for the assistance, led Kardo through the twisting corridors of his mansion, dodging spells and fighting off attackers along the way.

Finally, they reached the safe room, and Davenport quickly entered the combination to open the door. Kardo acted quickly, hitting Davenport at the back of his head just enough to knock him out, then taking the artifact from the unconscious merchant.

Kardo's heart raced as he made his way out of the safe room, the medallion clutched tightly in his hand. He tried to keep his breathing steady as he walked down the dimly lit corridor, but his mind was racing with possibilities.

As he turned a corner, he saw Lirien heading towards another room. He frowned in confusion, wondering why they needed to steal another artifact when they already had the medallion.

Curiosity got the better of him, and he quietly followed Lirien, staying out of sight as he watched her slip into the room. Peering through the crack in the door, he saw a large chest sitting in the center of the room, surrounded by several guards.

Kardo's eyes widened as he realized what was happening—the shadow guild had planned to steal more than just the medallion.

Kardo watched with surprise as Lirien sprang into action, attacking one of the guards who was standing near the chest. He quickly scanned the room and realized that there were five other people who had also started making their move to overcome the guards.

As Kardo was looking at Lirien making a move, the system suddenly beeped, alerting Kardo of a new quest. He paused for a moment to check it out, curious about what it could be.

The quest read: "Assist the Shadow Guild in retrieving the chest from the merchant's mansion."

The room erupted into chaos as the guards tried to defend themselves against the attackers. Spells flew through the air, and weapons clashed as the attackers and the guards engaged in a fierce battle.

Kardo quickly assessed the situation and realized that he needed to help Lirien and the other attackers if they were going to succeed in their mission. He drew his own dagger and charged into the fray, attacking the guards with precision and skill.

Despite the guards' best efforts, the attackers were able to overpower them and gain access to the chest. Kardo watched as Lirien and the others quickly rifled through the contents of the chest, grabbing whatever valuable items they could find.

As the battle died down and the attackers began to make their escape, Kardo couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He wondered what the true purpose of the Shadow Guild's mission was and what they planned to do with the items they had just stolen.

Using his knowledge of the mansion's layout, Kardo quickly made his way towards an alternate exit. He moved as fast as he could, using his agility and speed to evade the guards.

Finally, he burst out into the cool night air, the wind whipping at his face. He took a deep breath, feeling the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Kardo rushed towards Lirien and the other members of the shadow guild, who were gathered at the extraction point. As he approached, a wizard suddenly appeared beside them, muttering incantations and waving his hands in the air. Kardo could feel the magical energy in the air as the wizard created a portal for them to enter and escape.

Without hesitation, Kardo and the others quickly stepped through the portal. As they emerged on the other side, Kardo looked around and realized they were now in a different part of the city, far away from the mansion.

He turned to Lirien, still trying to catch his breath. "What just happened? Did we get everything we came for?"

Lirien nodded with a sly grin on her face. "Yes, we did. We got everything we needed."

Kardo looked at her quizzically. "What is in the chest?"

Lirien gestured towards the chest they had brought with them through the portal. "That treasure belongs to the Shadow Guild. We just came to get it back."

"So that's the real mission?" he asked hesitantly. "What about this medallion?"

Lirien nodded. "It is the mission, but the chest is even more valuable than the medallion. It contains powerful magical artifacts that could be of great use to our cause."

Kardo frowned. "But why did you not tell me before?"

Lirien sighed. "Everything will be revealed later. Just trust me now. Let's go."

Kardo looked at Lirien, unsure. He didn't fully believe her, but he had no choice. He has to earn their trust to survive.