

At first the game starts with the year of 1999 October 3rd, the birth of me, +Kaandeeban Mohanraj in the hospital of Karaikal, Puducherry, India. I was a child of unlimited diversions in the ambitions. First I thought to be an astronaut, then an archaeologist. I also had an urge of my dad that to become a doc but I am on my way that is I changed my astronaut into a space scientist in the age of 10. Actually I was interested in the field of space by surfing my G.K. book about the information of the Apollo 11. But I was in a dilemma about the selection of the ambition. First I studied at a school named C.P. school from K.G. to 3rd standard. In the standard of 4th, I changed my school from C.P. school to Good Shepherd English School. In Good shepherd English school, I studied from 4th standard. I had many friends but not many liked my methods of studying. One day, I got a great friend named +Anandhan Selvaraj. +Anandhan Selvaraj was born on 22nd November 1999. We both had a great method of analysis. But we don't know to activate it. So we need to prepare for it. I told him that to increase the detective sense .


On 23rd Jan 2014, we had a seminar on the subject social. Boys were given the topic cricket and the girls were given the topic clothing. We used to analyse everyone but my friend decoded about the fear of a girl named Supriya, who was taking seminar.

"What do you find about Supriya?" I asked +Anandhan.

"Wait a minute, she is finding that this seminar is a burden as she is partially prepared for the seminar. In her partial preparation, she is speaking out very fast. She is glossophobic that her blood glucose, heart rate and blood pressure increases; dilated pupils; constriction of veins in the skin causes chilling sensation", replied +Anandhan.

"You are correct but you have left out something", I said.

"What did I miss?" asked +Anandhan.

"Tensing of muscles and shutting down of non-essential systems in the body", I replied.

"Also, the mechanism is that the hypothalamus orders pituitary gland to order the adrenal-cortical system to produce 30 different hormones which causes all these symptoms during this situation", I said.

"Yeah +Kaandeeban, you are right", replied +Anandhan.

"But she escaped due to her fluency in English", I said.

"Yes, as we know that she had visited Nigeria and stayed there for some weeks. In Nigeria, English is the only way of communication between her and them. So naturally she became fluent in English", +Anandhan said.

"Yeah +Anandhan, it's correct", I said.

Then the teacher questioned a student and his name was Sriram. He just stood up and nodded his head with a deeper meaning that what the heck is she, why did she pinpoint him in the class of 26 students. He was very different from others. He was very silly of his rudeness, he used to be like a kid of 10 and he used to beat and tease other ones including girls. But now we were aware that the teacher is pinpointing students those who talks.

"We must listen what she is telling?" said +Anandhan.

"Yeah", I replied.

Then I thought to follow the seminar from book as the student's voice isn't audible for us. So I took a book from the desk and found a piece of paper with a handwriting of the owner of the book but I turned the paper and found a set of codes. I showed it to +Anandhan.

"It's a bit hard for me to decode", +Anandhan said.

"Hey notice this friend, this handwriting seems to be familiar to us", I said.

"I can't find anything in this", replied +Anandhan.

"This handwriting belongs to my pleasant enemy as well as yours", I said.

"Yes, absolutely brilliant deduction +Kaandeeban", said +Anandhan.

He glanced over the paper and found a something different.

"Hey wait, why she needed to ask our pleasant enemy for writing this? There are many girls who know about the singers like Selena Gomez, Jaden Smith, Justin Bieber, etc.", +Anandhan said.

"O.K. leave it off friend", I said.

"O.K. let's deal him later", +Anandhan said.

Immediately the social teacher pinpointed +Anandhan as he was talking with me.

"What do you mean by Indian chintz?" asked teacher.

"Teacher, shall I take the seminar about this topic?" +Anandhan asked.

"O.K. you shall carry on", replied the teacher.

+Anandhan stood in front of the class and started the seminar.

"Indian chintz is a type of cotton cloth with decorative designs. In the early 16th and 17th centuries, these type of clothes were exported to England from India. This type of Indian clothes were worn by everyone including the queen of England. But after the introduction of machine stitched clothes and the banning of Indian chintz, the lives of the Indian weavers were doomed. Everyone lost their livelihood including the great artisans. Here I stop my seminar", +Anandhan said.

"Good one, you can take your place", the teacher said.

"It's my pleasure", +Anandhan said.

Then he came back to his place.

The bell rang and the day was over.