
A Teenage Assassin is Transported into the World of SAO

Like the title suggests the story is about a teenage assassin that dies and is transmigrated to SAO. He’s going to be a knife user. I’m also not going to go too in depth into the game mechanics of the world because that would be exhausting. Upload schedule will be inconsistent and there will be no proofreads. Mostly doing this because I’ve always wanted to do an SAO fic. Also this will probably follow the anime mostly, as I don’t really want to try and write all the different floors. Honestly I don’t have much planned out yet, so we’ll just kind of see where the story goes together. Hope you enjoy.

SellinSlinkies · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Death Game

"Haaaa, seems like Kirito won. I got 120 boars." I want too upset at having lost, as I honestly expected the outcome. But it still slightly stung with it being one of my few losses or failures in my life. Kirito and Klein both looked at me with wide eyes and before I knew I was throwing Klein over my head with practiced ease. He had reached out to grab my shoulders and I reflexively threw him like a rag doll.

"Oh sorry, Klein. I wasn't expecting you to try and grab me." I said as I reached out a hand to help him up and he just rubbed his back mumbling out an 'ouch'

"You can't feel pain, ya know." Kirito spoke up and Klein snapped out of what he was doing and chuckled in embarrassment as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Oh ya, I forgot. But what the hell was that move there, Shinji? One second I was reaching for you and the next I was laying on my back looking up at the sky." I cocked and eyebrow and then shrugged.

"It was just a standard judo throw. Again sorry for throwing you." He waved me off with a smile.

"No worries, I shouldn't have been trying grab you like that anyways. Though I may send some people your way from time to time for you to do the same to them. Sorry in advance." He grinned cheekily and I accepted with a smile of my own.

"Oh that's just fine, Klein. I just hope you don't mind me getting a little payback when you do." I had a warm pleasant smile, but I could see the virtual sweat rolling down Klein's face.

"Well, it seems that Klein owes us food and drinks at the closest tavern. I don't know about you Shinji, but I'm starving." Kirito said with a knowing smile and I reached both my hands to my stomach, feigning hunger.

"Ya, Kirito. I feel like my stomach is gonna eat me from the inside out if I don't eat at least half of Klein's moneys worth of food." Kirito nodded sagely at my response and Klein began sweating even more than previously.

"Wait, wait, wait! Have mercy on my meager wallet guys! If you're that hungry then log out and eat something." He said in a panic and me and Kirito bust out into a laughter similar to earlier and Klein realized he had been tricked again.

"Wait that reminds me I have a pizza coming. Let me log out and get it real quick and then I'd totally be down to keep playing with you guys." Klein said as he began to navigate the menus.

"When I get back, I'm supposed to meet up with some other friends. I'd love for you 2 to join us, want to friend them too?" He said taking his eyes off the menu screen to look at me and Kirito. Kirito looked to me, but I just nodded to him signifying that it was his decision. His pause caused Klein to back peddle.

"If you don't want to, that's okay man. I'll just introduce you all another time." Kirito looked relieved to be given an out and truthfully I was thankful as well. That would just be too many people to constantly be around, if Kirito wasn't such a kindred spirit even he would start to annoy me.

"Yeah, sorry. It was fun playing with you Klein." He says and reaches out a hand for a hand shake which Klein gratefully accepts. He then turns to me and I hold out my hand, though he looks at it with a traumatized gaze.

"Haha, sorry Klein. No throws this time, gotta save those for when you're least expecting them." He grinned good-naturedly and grasped my hand.

"I'll get you next time, Shinji." I smirked at him and gripped his hand a little tighter.

"Don't think we'll forget about those food and drinks you owe us. Better get your col up before then." His grinned turned to a nervous smile as he releases my hand and went back to his menu.

"See you guys, thanks again for the tips." Me and Kirito gave a wave to him, though I knew what was going to happen next.

"Huh? There's no button to log out." I look to Kirito confused and he takes a step toward Klein with a puzzled face.

Look closer." Klein just shook his head as he turned to face us.

"Nope, it's not there." Kirito walks to stand next to Klein and I step forward as well.

"At the bottom of the main menu…" he trails off as he pulls up his own menu.

"See? It's not there. Shinji what about you?" Klein says and then turns to me. I open my own to the same blank log out button as then before looking to Kirito.

"Eh, it's probably just a bug. It is only the first day of the launch, I'm sure the server people are freaking out right now." Klein waved off his worries with a nonchalant look on his face.

"You will be too. It's 5:25." Kirito days pointing at the clock in the menu.

"Huuuuuuh! My teriyaki Mayo pizza and ginger ale!" Klein screams in despair. They try to call the gm to no avail as well before Kirito takes on a more serious tone. The way his voice becomes emotionless and colder almost makes me think he knew about this if I didn't know that he didn't. He stated everything matter of factly as if it was obvious. He might have made a half decent assassin the way he seems to be able to disassociate himself from the situation.

The next moment a loud church like bell begins to ring and we all snap towards its direction, seconds later a glowing blue effect appears on our bodies and we are teleported to the starting area where there is a structure with a clock on it. Above our heads is a red blinking warning sign that quickly spreads into various other red warning signs that begin to pour out blood forming into a red cloaked being. Nervous murmurs scatter throughout the crowd, but everyone goes silent as the figure begins to speaks

"Attention players. Welcome to my world. My name is Kayaba Akihiko. As of this moment, I am the sole person who can control this word." The being now revealed to be Kayaba pauses, knowing him most likely for dramatic effect. The crowd once again breaks into whispers of disbelief, but I just stay unmoving gazing up at him.

"I'm sure you've already noticed that the logout button is missing from the main menu. But this is not a defect in the game. I repeat.

This is not a defect in the game. It is a feature of Sword Art Online."

"A-a feature?" Klein says audibly to my right and I honestly can't imagine what's going through a normal person head. Personally I think the theatrics of everything is cool and all, but I'd much rather this hurry up and end. I'm too excited to begin my life in this world. Some people might wonder if even with my previous profession why I would look forward to a world so much, and to that I would say that the 2 really aren't that different. People will die in both worlds, by natural causes, accidents, suicides, murder etc. It doesn't make a difference, if you die, you die.

People too scared or timid to leave can eek out an existence inside the safety of the towns, but me I can grow stronger and stronger by being out there. Arguably you could say it's safer that way, you're fighting with other with near similar ideals and they are going to be much more skilled. I'd much rather have them watching my back, and eventually you can get strong enough that it would take a group of similarly strong players to PK you.

"You cannot log out of SAO yourselves. And no one on the outside can shut down or remove the NerveGear. Should this be attempted, the transmitter inside the NerveGear will emit a powerful microwave, destroying your brain and thus ending your life."

The crowd continued to devolve into disbelief at the words coming from Kayaba, and they were only continually shocked as he showed reports of game related deaths on news sights. I could see Kirito clenching his fist, and his eyes met mine with a determined look, but also in guilt. Most likely feeling it was his fault that I was even here. I just shook my head and gave him a determined look back, he smiled in thanks.

The area was engulfed in blue lights as everyone pulled out the mirror in their item box, changing everyone to how they look IRL.

"Kirito? Shinji?" Me and Kirito both turned to where the voice was coming from to see Klein with shorter hair, but it was still red and he still had a bit of stubble. I was the same, but Kirito had obviously changed as well to his short and spiky haircut and younger face.

"Klein?" Kirito asked back only to receive a nod.

"Right now, you're probably wondering, 'Why? Why would Kayaba Akihiko, developer of Sword Art Online and the NerveGear, do all this? My goal has already been achieved. I created Sword Art Online for one reason… To create this world and intervene in it. And now, it is complete. This ends the tutorial for the official Sword Art Online launch.

Good luck, players."

With that the figure that Kayaba had been speaking through began to melt away into in pixels before being sucked back into the spots the blood had leaked him out from. Kirito looked down at his clenched fist with a serious expression, most likely processing everything. All the surrounding people began to devolve into hysterics.

"Come with me, Shinji, Klein." I was already right beside Kirito and gave him a nod, but he dragged Klein by the arm to a dark alleyway.

"Listen to me. I'm heading to the next village right now." He pauses to look at me, probably just now thinking that this decision also effects me considering he brought me here. I place a hand on his shoulder and give a serious smile.

"I'm with you, Kirito. I don't know anyone else, and we're texhni brothers now legally." He smiled and gave a nod before looking back to Klein.

"We're heading to the next village right now. Come with us. If what he said is true, the only way to survive in this world is by making yourself as strong as possible."

"I know all the paths and dangerous areas. Even at our current level, I can get there safely." He says, but Klein speaks a little hesitant.

"But… but you know… I spent a whole night in to buy this with my friends from the other game. They're out there, in the plaza. I can't leave them." A somber pause is held between the 2 before Klein adopts his usual nonchalant expression.

"Sorry. I can hardly ask you for anything else, can I? So don't worry about it. Go to the next village.

I used to run a guild in my last game. I can use what you taught me to get by! Besides after killing all those boars, I'm level 2 and close to level 3!" Klein continued with a bravado for try and relieve Kirito's guilt at leaving the first guy he head become friends with in this game.

"All right. Then let's say goodbye here. If something happens, send me a message." I turned away as Kirito and did.

"Will do." Klein responded.

With a wave from me and Kirito we replied with our goodbyes.

"Kirito! Shinji!

Hey… Kirito. You were actually pretty cute. That's my type.

And Shinji. That face of yours is too plain, try changing it up a little or you'll never get annoying falling for you." I tilted my head in contemplation, does he really expect me to be able to change my face?

"And that unkempt face of yours suits you ten time better." Kirito snarks back Klein, and with that we both take off back down the alley. Kirito still visibly upset having separated from our newfound friend. I let strode with and could tell he put his stats in something different than mine as I was actually slowing down to not pass him. I reached out a hand mid stride to his shoulder as we crossed the threshold from the city gates to the fields.

"Don't worry Kirito. I got your back." He looked at me stunned briefly before nodding with a tearful smile.

"Thank you Shinji. I gotta say even with as guilty as I feel, I'm still glad at least someone is here with me." I just shake my head and nod towards a whole in our path. I dash forward ahead of him and can hear his gasp of surprise, either from my speed or the fact I drew 2 daggers I didn't care. I gave 2 quick swipes to the wolf and then jumped to the side as it focused on me. Kirito followed up with a sword skill that finished off the beast into a hail of polygons.

"We'll survive this world Kirito, and return to your family." I said as I sheathed my daggers again, and he looked at me with a serious face and then nodded.

"Ya, we'll survive this world together."




Author's Note:

Early readers might have noticed that Shinji's game name was changed from "Slinks" to Shinji. When I came back to write these 2 chapters I realized I didn't too much care for his previous game name, so I just went the Asuna route and had him use his first name. Hope everyone is cool with that.

See ya next week, most likely Wednesday.