1 =|**Introduction**|=

Hello, I'm Ilham the author of thi- SIKE, I'm not that boring well My sense of fashion is

but I am not. So hi there!! I'm Ilham as you already know by reading the first words of

this introduction. So this is my book a Story about my "interesting" life. So first of, I would

like to thank you for reading this and hope you enjoy this book. So while I was typing the

words I watch anime bus why not. I'm an anime fan yes, but I am not the type of Anime fan

to buy a body pillow with a 2D girl printed on it. I'm the type of anime fan to buy T-shirts,

Manga, etc. So as I was saying I'm an Anime fan, Most of my friends all like anime but my

friends that dont watch Anime think that Us Anime Watches Anime because of the "Waifu"

well I cant say for myself but for some people....They watch Anime because of the waifu (no


The End of the "Introduction"

Pls do Enjoy the first page about the story of when people mistaken me for an adult
