
A Technologist's life

A young girl from the times of the 1830's aspires to become a world-breaking technology developer, but being raised in the streets of France, always being chased away from the shining shops stops her from doing so, but one day an old man takes her under his protection. The old man supports her till he is unable to function, now she is working hard to achieve her dream, but as always, obsticles stop her from pursuing her future. But something happens and she is in a "New World".

Just_Damask · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chapter 2

As I was just about to stand up, some one came up to me and mentioned something along the lines of 'Apprentice' and 'Heritage', everything seemed so hazy to me, I wasn't able to focus.

After some time, they took him to the gaveyard. The last time I would ever be able to see his face even if it wasn't as florid as it normally was. The dirt slowly piled more and more taking away his face.

I'm scared.

Scared I won't be able to remember how he was like. Now I know your going to say 'But isn't there portraits of him?' and 'Can't you dream of him?' Yes. I know that. But it really isn't the same as living the happy moments in real life, instead having pictures or memories to remind you of once happy memories, that now have turned bittersweet and painful to remember.