
A Tamer's Curse Of Mana Immortality

Max Tanaka, an 18 year-old boy found himself learning inside one of the greatest magical institution, The Apus Haven School. Not only does he have to compete with students that excel in magic, he also has to survive for four years as a Tamer. To make matters worse, he was born with a curse, Mana Immortality. Join our hero as he embarks in a journey and find new friends, lovers and enemies. Maybe a little curse isn't so bad after all? Everything is a gift from God. CONTAINS: HAREM, SCHOOL-LIFE, MONSTER GIRLS, CURSING, ROMANCE, MAYBE GORE AND BLOOD.

Degasi_Claire10 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 0: Prologue

Okay, so...where should I start from? The beginning? Of course. But which beginning? Mine? The others? Hmm...

I know! How about the very beginning?! Nothing better than a sudden history lesson. So, without further adieu, let's dive right in.

[Year 2022]

After three whole years of fighting a plague that has haunted humanity and killed so many, we emerged victorious. Humanity celebrated and became more united then ever.

The plague reminded us that all humans are the same. In what manner though? In the manner that we all are in the same fragile, weak species that inhabits this planet. With so many people dead, a collaboration on a global scale was needed. With the help of the W.H.O., humanity succeeded in eradicating the plague.

Peace was once ours again. Though not for long. During a cold night in August, a particular meteorite fell on Earth. That's not a surprise. Hundreds of meteorites falls on Earth each month. This one was no different. But I wish I could say that.

It was said in history, a group of students found said meteorite and exposed themselves to it. Teenagers am I right? They'll do anything for some social media popularity. And that will be their own undoing.

This meteorite was special. It carried a new form of microscopic parasite, called by today's scientist, the M-12. Or what we would like to call, the Morphers. They were cool and all, they could change and manipulate human genes in an instant, giving humanity boosts in strength. Bad news was, people who were exposed to it became monsters. Flesh-eating monsters. And which flesh do they like the most? Take a wild guess.

The people, starting with those teenagers, were infected with the virus. Their bodies mutated, turning them into blood-thirsty monsters with huge bodies, pale and wrinkled skin, with sharp claws. And not only that, these monsters were capable of harnessing elements from the Earth. You name it, fire, water, wind, earth, metal and so much more. as long as it's on the list of superpowers, they got it.

These monsters only have one goal in mind, which is to continue feeding on flesh. The more they eat, the stronger they get. It wasn't long until the governments of the world went haywire again. People were massacred everywhere. Streets and houses painted red with blood, buildings demolished, fathers killing mothers, siblings munching on each other's flesh. Once the virus gets you, you're no longer yourself. You're only a Morphed.

Humanity was on the brink of extinction in less than two weeks. However, hope was not lost. A brilliant scientist, known today as the saviour of humanity, Jack Harris, created some sort of medicine from the virus. It couldn't cure the Morphed, it also couldn't kill or harm them, but it could strengthen what's left of humanity and protects them from being infected with the Morphers and Morphed.

Soon, the medicine was distributed amongst the remaining survivors. With the medicine injected into their bodies, powers like the ones the Morpheds has, flowed inside their body. They call it, Mana.

Humanity now had a weapon at their disposal. These people were called Magicians. I know, sounds a bit cliche. I mean, they could have thought of a better term for these people. The Gifted, The Blessed, The Supers, The Saviours, there is like a whole list of cool names and they chose Magicians? Like what kind of name is that? This is definitely not some sort of fantasy isekai shit!

Sorry about that. Got a little carried away. So with these new powers, humanity retaliated against the Morphed. Finally, humanity gained an inch against the monsters. Slowly but surely, with the hopes and prayers of people, they defeated the Morphed one by one, taking back the territories that were lost to humanity. Not long after, humanity triumphed, and all of the Morphed were defeated. Humanity was saved once again, surviving to fight for another day. I wish I could say that. Oh, I wish I could. Sadly, this is not a fairy tale.

Even with their newly gained super powers, humanity was still outnumbered. It's not always quality over quantity. In some cases, quantity wins. Humanity was pushed back even further. The survivability was almost a zero sum. There was no hope in winning against them. So the backup plan?

Humanity knew that there was no way they could find victory in the war. In a desperate last resort, the survivors built themselves a safe haven. They called it the First Sanctuary. Hiding from the monsters, they honed their skills, created weapons and readied themselves to fight back against the Morphed. And so they did.

Anyway, that was almost three hundred years ago. Humanity has so long managed to conquer back almost 40% of their territories. Nowadays, people are born with magic, or mana for a better suited term, flowing in their veins.

Cool right? Everyone was born with super powers. And the world was no longer the same. Everyday technology was now fitted and equipped with mana. The cooking stoves uses mana, that car right there drives on mana. WiFi? Mana. Air-conditioning? Mana. Phones? Mana? Hotel? Triva-.....well, you get the picture.

Since humanity needed to reclaim their lands back, a new job was created. Lucky us right? They call themselves, well you guessed it, Magicians! With the dire need of strong individuals to help in the efforts to rightfully take back Earth, help was much appreciated.

Magicians were recruited to help in the frontlines of battle. To fight against our only enemies, the Morphed. Do not worry! You will be paid handsomely! That is what they promised. And it actually was true, those who survived do get paid a lot. Though, emphasis on "survived". It's not an easy job. People lose their lives easily fighting the Morphed.

Sounds like a tragic story right? "Sacrifices are necessary in order to achieve greatness. Doesn't mean I have to like it though". So are the words of my grandfather, a really wise man.

How much more lives are needed to be lost to get back our control of Earth? We may never know the answer. Every year, tens of thousands of Magicians die in the hands of the Morphed. That is the ones that are managed to get recorded though. I don't even want to begin imagining what the real numbers are.

However, after centuries of facing this problem, it has thus became the norm. It's common news to here a stories of Magicians dying everyday. In fact, it could be a close relative of yours, a close friend maybe. Your siblings or parents? It hurts, trust me I know. You always question why people do this? To go and fight? For what?

Some people answered for money, some for fame, some because they were just that bored. My father? For you, my son.

Those were his last words to me. And it pained my heart so much. Thus I vowed to avenge my father. That was the dream. To destroy every Morphed there is, and find peace for my family, knowing that my father's death was not in vain.

Well, that could be easy. If not for the fact that your powers and skills are predetermined by your genes. You heard me right! No picking on this one, you just had to suck it up. Leave it to fate, God and a little luck. Once you are born, the very mana in your body defines what kind of magician you are. Some are unique, some are common, some are strong is most cases, some are hard to master. That was the deal.

If that were the case for me, I would be a little happy regardless of what I have. I was different however. There are a really miniscule number of cases where some children are born with what they call "Magical Disabilities". Sounds high-class no? Normal people just call them "Curses". And I was one of the very few special cases that was born with one.

"Mana Immortality". A name that I would dread for the very first few years of my life. What does it mean though? It means that my life is not reliant on my health, instead it is reliant of my mana. Which means, if I run out of mana, I'll die. End of story. Roll the credits.

But I didn't want to die! Who does?! Don't worry, I just don't have to use mana! That way, my mana won't ever run out. Yeah good luck with that. In a world were everything is mana, that is pretty much impossible.

Practically every new born in this world suffers from one thing, Mana Leakage. And the same can be said for me as well. Since children are unable to use their mana to conjure magic powers until they are mature, nature granted them a way to let their mana slowly seep into the environment so that mana won't overload in their body.

Pair that up with my curse and you get an instant recipe for "just kill me already please". It really seems like fate really REALLY wanted me dead for some reason. Why? It's not like I I'm going to be a evil magical tyrant when I grow up! I just want to live. Or like what that classic singer "Gloria Gaynor" from centuries ago said, "I will survive, yea-yea-yea!"

Due to my abnormal conditions, my mother and grandfather raised me in solitude.As I grew up, I would always watch the outside world through my window and I longed for it. The trees, the birds, the smell of fresh air. I wanted to experience everything.

Sadly, all I could do is watch. My mother had to monitor me all the time, so I couldn't really go out. Though, I never questioned my bad luck since mother always told me that I was destined for great things and that is why I was different than the others. Good ol' mom.

Luckily, the mana leakage problem wasn't permanent for everybody. When children finally have their 10th birthday, their body will undergo a change that cannot be seen with the naked eye. In a sense, by reaching maturity, their body will be more accustomed to their mana, preventing it from leaking while at the same time, it will recycle their mana to prevent it from overloading.

Henceforth, my time has come. I still remembered it until today, the day of my 10th birthday. I was sleeping peacefully on my bed, without a care in the world. Until....

*ding* *ding* *ding*

My eyes immediately shot open the moment my alarm clock blared. With a huge happy grin on my face and my heart beating faster than ever, I immediately jumped of my bed and ran downstairs. This was the day. As I ran down through the old creaking wooden stairs, I found myself looking right at the house door.

My mother and grandfather were already there. Huge smiles plastered on their faces. Looking back at me with pride and joy in their hearts.

"Are you ready to see the world, my baby?" my mom asked me.

And I nodded furiously. As I neared the door, my heart was beating faster. And faster. And everything around me felt like it was moving so slow. The moment has arrived. With one turn of the metal door knob, the door was pushed open and I could finally now bask myself in the glory of the sunlight.

I stepped outside and I could feel the warm gentle breeze flowing around me. I could see the birds perching on the rooftops, happily chirping in this beautiful morning. I could feel the blades of grass grazing through my feet. I saw people jogging in front of my house, and they waved at me with a smile on their faces.

That day, was the day my journey began. And it will be an interesting one if I do say so myself. My life as a Tamer begins. I will be known by people around me as the Cursed. The Tamer born with Mana Immortality.