
A Tale of Two Lives: Friendship Amidst Chaos

In a quiet room, Hunter and Mj sat, each lost in their thoughts. A man entered, his gaze shifting between the two. With a gentle smile, he posed a question that hung in the air like a delicate thread. "As you both reflect on your lives," the man inquired, "can you share with me how you navigated the challenges and adversities that came your way? What choices did you make, and what lessons did you learn that helped shape the individuals you are today?" Mj, with a contemplative expression, began to share their journey. "There are many things I could do differently and many things I wouldn't change at all," Mj reflected. "Choices were made that inevitably altered how people perceive me and actions taken that changed how I perceive others. In all of this, however, lies an undeniable truth. What I have gone through in life has made me who I am today, and my actions, while having both hurt and aided many people, will continue to sculpt me into the person I'll be in the future." Hunter, with a calm demeanor, joined the conversation. "In the journey of life, I've learned that adversity is the sculptor of character, and every challenge, a chisel shaping the strength within," Hunter shared. "Embrace the storms, for it is in facing them that we forge the indomitable spirit that propels us forward."

Ghost_Author · Teen
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16 Chs

Summer Shenanigans

July, 2022

What's the word for where you're just relaxing in the moment?

She feels at peace with herself and life for the time being, and nothing can derail that for now. Today is the 25th of July, twenty-five days since exams ended, and she could push school to the rear of her mind. Today she's decided to do a lot of things: message friends, watch TV, eat, and sleep. Yes, lots of very important and necessary things for her to live through her life.

So what the hell is going on with her phone for it to be buzzing like that?

She groans, tossing a hand over her eyes as the other reaches out for the phone near her pillow, turning it on. She ignores the fact that it's obviously late evening and checks the one group chat she knows would be causing this havoc.



Abby: Zani, come here.

Zani: No, inuh, you are an abusive likkle pickney.

Abby: A who ya call likkle ina dis cause a couldn't mi


Zani: Well a couldn't nuh body else.

Mj: T-T

Zani: Oh, hi, Dory.

Zani: Yuh, likkle tree stump-looking something. Is you alone. Mi coulda chat inna dis.

Viv: Is a Saturday Inuh, you guys can just sit back and watch TV.

Abby no inuh V Zani affi apologize to mi

Zani: MI, nah, apologize fi shit.


She sighs, scrolling to the bottom of the chat, passing more of the argument and a sleuth of stickers as she did.

Getting out of bed, she stumbles out of the room and to the bathroom to start her evening.

Five minutes and a long hygiene session later, she walks out and moves to make herself some breakfast. The house is quiet unusually, so you would think with two younger siblings, the house would be louder, but the only thing she hears is the echo of their devices and her own footsteps as she wonders into the kitchen.

"What should I cook today?" she murmurs quietly to herself, looking over the many things to eat in their kitchen.

She glances over nuggets, burgers, and a couple bottle drinks, eventually settling on the no-effort meal of a cup of noodles.

She walks over to the stove momentarily, forgetting her goal as she watches the flames flicker to life. Walking back to the counter, she ripped open the wrapping and placed the cup on the side.

She feels energized; maybe she should go for a run or draw something—maybe anything to burn off the sudden surge of energy to do something.

She hummed, walking to her room and setting out some clothes before walking back into the kitchen.

She pours the water into the cup before leaving it to settle and walking over to the fridge so that she could fill a bottle of water for her run.

What she meets instead makes her pause. There in the freezer is her water bottle; she's positive it is. It was frozen solid and filled to the brim with some orangish substance, which she assumed was her water, and whatever else was placed inside.

Taking it out and flipping it over, she was met with tomato and pepper seeds at the very bottom of it.

She takes a breath, placing her bottle beside the fridge as she tries to calm herself from kicking down the door of the only person who could have been responsible.

Calm, and with more patience than she knew possible, she pushed open the door. Taking two large steps into the room, she glares down at her little sister. Eleven years old and absolutely no damn chill

For a second, she contemplates doing the same: filling a large container of water and tossing it right over her sleeping face.

But that would be mean and wrong, she thinks viciously, slowly reaching out to pat the younger girl's head. Turning and leaving the room, she sighs to herself, leaving the bottle of frozen nastiness in the kitchen and collecting her meal to eat in the living room.

It takes her five minutes to eat, and it takes her ten more to stop herself from potentially drowning the younger girl in her sleep, but she resists pulling on her running clothes and leaving a message for the younger girl in case she woke up before she came back home.

Walking out of the house and striding into the open road, she was met with the usual yard of bush to the front and houses from left to right. She runs around the block twice, pausing to take a few pictures for drawing inspiration, as she did. By the time she strides back into the yard, an hour and a half has passed, and the house is as quiet as she left it.

She walks in with a pep in her step despite her labored breathing, catching her baby sister's eye as she does. She walks over to her, lifting the young girl on her hip, before striding over to the kitchen in silence. She makes the girl some milk, sits her on the sofa with her device, and heads to the bathroom to wash the grime off her sweaty body.

She pulls on her large shirt and some cargo shorts before settling beside her baby sister and scrolling through the messages she missed while she was away.



Abby: @Mickayla

Abby: @Mickayla

Abby: @Mickayla

Abby: @Mickayla

Zani: Abby she gone why ya call har fa?

Abby: Mi wah, ask har something.

Zani: Wah?

Abby: None of your business



Ren: Hey sunshine!

Ren: When you come back, let's watch a movie together or talk or something. I miss you.



Abby: Come a yuh yaad mi wah chat to yuh.


She responds to them quickly, sending an affirmative to Ren with a cheeky little voice note before responding to Abby.

She spends the next couple hours watching the baby and reading manga, and by the time she takes the time into account, it's 11 p.m. and everyone is asleep.

She contemplates going to bed but then quickly brushes off the idea. She has nothing to do and nowhere to possibly go for the next couple weeks; it's not gonna kill anybody if she reads the night away.

So mind-made up she pulls up the book she switched out for the manga a hour ago and moves on to the next chapter, a content feeling in her chest as she continues on.