
Ifediogor's Death

CHAPTER ONEIfeanyi and Emeke, twin brothers felt that they had more than their share of problem. Can you blame them? Ifeanyi and Emeke never knew the joy and thrill of a mother. They lost their mother, Ekene at the labour room. The midwife had to use her twenty-five years of experience in health delivery to save the life of the twins when it was apparent that their mother would not survive. That of course was her first pregnancy, meaning the twins had no other siblings. They had to grow up with their dad, Ifediogor who was the production manager at the Sun-Shine Brewery, Lagos. He was a hardworking, conscientious and meticulous officer. The company, a new outfit in the brewery industry was able to stand firmly on its feet. They were able to contain and withstand the fierce competition in the brewery industry, especially the monopoly enjoyed by the brewery giant, the Nigeria Brewery Limited. Ifediogor had refused all entreaties by concerned folks to re-marry. He had great and undying love for his late wife. Ekene, the petite, jovial, loving and congenial woman, so loved and adored in the neighbourhood came into his life when he was nothing. He had nothing when she came into his life. He had just one room apartment in "face me face you' at Mushin. He had no bed, no pot, just a pair of shoes and a pair of trousers. At this period, he was a clerk at UAC, Ikeja. All the women he approached for marriage gave him the cold shoulders. He would always remember the very woman that skinned him alive. He met her at his friend's place and she seemed in every sense of the world to understand. Ifediogor was spending all his salaries and allowances on her. You couldn't say Ifediogor was not well off financially, this woman took everything. People were wondering the type of charm she used on him. The bitter taste of the whole situation was that after three years of saying yes, I will, she dumped him like an old and outdated clothes without caring a hoot. Ifediogor came back from work one evening and saw a note on the floor: 'useless man, don't you know your mate.' Ifediogor was confused and perplexed. It was at this particular point in time that his people in the village, who had heard that Monica the tsetse fly in his scrotum had left him that Ekene was arranged for him. Ekene came into his life and as God would have it, things started turning for good. He got a new job at the brewery. He was able to rent a two-bedroom apartment in Surulere. As the days or years went by, he succeeded in building his own house at Hospital Road, in Surulere, Lagos. He had two official cars assigned to him and a car of his own which he used during the weekends. For some years, Ekene was having problem with pregnancy. She used to conceive but after five months it would wash off. Right now, it seemed to say that the good Lord had heard their prayers. She was in her eight months and some weeks of pregnancy. She was expected to come down at any moment...…. So Ifediogor took very good care of the twins. He had vowed never to have anything to do with women as long as the twins were young and tender. No one can say exactly how a second marriage could be. Women are unpredictable creatures. He therefore decided to erect a high wall, just to protect his own: as you know a bird at hand is worth two in the bush, Ifediogor used to say, thousands in the bush. The twins were in JSS 1 in a private school in Surulere. Their dad was ready to give them the best education under the whole heaven; as the twins stood promising. Ifeanyi was the toast of the neighbourhood. He was a complete extrovert, a fast and intelligent learner. He could learn and master anything under the sun. He was sincerely speaking in the people's good book. Emeke on the other hand was an introvert; slow, quiet, and shy, yet very intelligent and brainy. Emeke's interest centered most on book. The most surprising thing about the kids was the invisible cord that held them together. Now, see what happened, Ifediogor developed a mysterious sickness. He spent all his savings and all that the company had given him, yet there was no respite. 'Nohealing balm in Gilead.' He used his house to take loan from his bank, all to no avail. Ifeanyi and Emeke woke up one fine morning and found their dad dead. The company had to use the remaining part of his entitlement for the burial. His body was taken home for a real African burial. Ifeanyi and Emeke did not know what to do in this wide wild world. Their dad never took them home. In fact, they did not know their village. Now, no food! The neighbours had tried in their own little way; but as the weeks passed by, it seemed to say 'To your tents o Israel.' Emeke as his custom, would cry and then pray, pray and pray, and dry his tears and start going about his business as if to say the good Lord is in control. Emeke had not forgotten his dad favorite Quote while he was alive 'Cast your cares upon the Lord, for he cares for you.' Emeke had realized that anytime situation got out of hand, and he had cried and prayed that something used to happen. But Ifeanyi had no time for all that. He seemed unperturbed You could as well understand that the house they were staying would be taken from them in a month's time; the bank would be coming to take it as their loan had to be redeemed. It was at this time that their uncle, Okolie walked into their parlour. They did not know him intimately, but their dad used to tell them about his brother who had helped him in some occasions. Before you knew it, the twins were at Umunkwo village. Uncle Okolie's wife prepared food for them but they could not eat it. The food was strange and poor. The next morning, which was Saturday, the uncle took them to the farm but they could not work. They were not used to that kind of work. Their uncle's trap caught a very fat grass cutter. The twins were afraid to come near it. They had never seen such an animal. When they returned, their uncle's wife prepared pepper soup and it was very delicious and the twins were very happy and Emeke started reciting Psalm 23 and singing praise and worship to the Most High. The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though; I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies: thou anointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over. Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. All over the world,The spirit is moving.All over the world,As the prophet said it should be.All over the world,There is a mighty revelation,Of the glory of the Lord,As the waters cover the sea. ........................…..Abraham's blessings are mine,Abraham's blessings are mine,I am blessed in the morning,I am blessed in the evening,Abraham's blessings are mine............................…..Hosanna, hosanna,Hosanna in the highest.Lord, we bless your name,Hosanna in the highest............................…..Lord, I want to be like JesusInner my life.Lord, I want to be like Jesus,Inner my life.Inner my life,Inner my life,Inner my life,Inner my life,Inner my life.Lord, I want to be like Jesus.Inner my life.........................…Come by me O Lord,Come by me O Lord,O Lord, come by me.........................….Cu ba ya ya,Cu ba ya,O Lord,Cu ba ya........................….Emeke ended the evening with the old Negro spiritual song.We shall be free,We shall be free,One day, one day, We shall be free