
A tale of love and hate

"I feel so stupid for ever thinking that you could go from my boss to something more" the shattering voice of a girl could be heard as she cried her eyes out. She was a very young and dynamic woman with a big heart who wanted nothing more than to be loved and to be happy. What exactly was she thinking would happen when she got her life mixed with that of this mysterious CEO named Lucien, who eventually became her boss... Just a night after fully trusting and letting him into her life without holding back, she discovered that all along, she'd been nothing but a stupid game to him and her sister... Her very own sister who was supposed to love and cherish her like her biggest treasure.. so she thought. Along her unsteady path of emotional breakdown, she meets another guy, Damon. He seemed to be one of the many God sent angels in her life but she wasn't really ready to house any angel in her current condition.. "I will help you." Damon said. "I will sponsor your every need and help you get back on your feet... If you let me" "And what do you get in return?" "Not everyone wants something in return young lady" Damon replied with a smirk. She found his words hard to believe. But after a while, she deceided to give it a shot.. After all, she was on the receiving end. As time passed, she decided to let go of her past and give love a third chance, thinking she had found the right person in Damon. But was Damon really the right person for her? Or was he just one of the people who wanted to use her for his sole purpose? And then, all of a sudden, it became a law in her life that who ever she loved and cared about would leave her hurt, broken, betrayed and damaged beyond repair in the end... Was this really her fate? .... Cover isn't mine and isn't permanent as well. The image you're seeing there is not a character in this book.

xoxo_teddiebear · Urban
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19 Chs

Wishful fantasy

Jena's feet quickly made a move in response to Lucien's order. She was confused about why he would tell her to go downstairs at this time of the night but her trepidation kept her from voicing her thoughts.

It took her a few minutes to go downstairs.

As soon as she stepped outside of the building, a bright light shone in her eyes, making her squint.

She wondered if Jessy had forgotten to turn off the headlights of her car.

On taking a few more steps towards the light, she realised that the car in front of her was not Jessy's. It looked nothing like Jessy's car.

Her eyes then fell on a card placed on top of the car. The card looked quite attractive in it's bright pink colours and she wondered what could be written inside it.

Her mind buzzed with assumptions.

She wondered if it could be a gift to Jessy or maybe, if Jessy had purchased a new car and left it in the driveway.

After one hell of a moment's hesitation, she reached out and picked up the card. The thought of what could be written in the card was too compelling and it got the best of her. So she slowly unenveloped it to reveal the message inside.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she read the message on the card.

The card read:

Got you this since you didn't have one of your own. Now you'll have no excuse to

give if you ever come late for work.


She imagined what it would be like to receive the card from him in person. Imagining him in three different positions and three different voices saying those words to her.

The first one was the sexy, seductive one, then the arrogant, confident one, and the last one was a mix of the two.

As she imagined all those different scenarios, she felt a flush of heat in her cheeks. The sexy and seductive one made her blush the most as she chuckled all by herself. She was overwhelmed by all the positive emotions that these thoughts stirred up.

A sleek and spotless Audi R8 parked right in front of her. The car was quite luxurious and it exuded a sense of class and sophistication and it made her feel like a queen... his queen, just imagining herself behind the wheels of such an exquisite ride.

The sight of the Audi R8 reminded her of a time when Anna showed her a list of cars she was considering buying. The Audi R8 had been one of the many options on Anna's list. Anna had never been able to make a final decision but she was always particular about this Audi and now Jena saw what the Audi looked like in person, she understood why Anna liked it so much. It was such a stunning car!

She really felt like her eyes were playing tricks on her right now because it just seemed too good to be true. No word at all could possibly be enough to express exactly what and how she was feeling.

She really wished he was there in person to give her the car so she could show her gratutude by throwing her arms around him and say 'thank you' while looking straight into his icy blue eyes but the realisation of what his reaction would be dawned at her. Of course it would not be good. She had almost forgotten that he was not the sentimental type and even if he was, her chances of seeing that side of him was very thin..so she thought, so this imagination of hers was nothing but a wishful fantasy.

She also thought back to the privileges he once told her she would enjoy as his secretary. Could this be one of them?

After only two weeks of knowing this eccentric man, she now found herself the owner of a car. Not just any car, an Audi R8. Who could've guessed that her life would take such a lucky turn? The whole situation was quite unbelievable but in the end it was her reality.

A jumble of emotions would suit the state of her mind right now as they swirled together, creating a feeling of pure exhilaration that she found difficult to put into words. It was a mix of joy, disbelief and excitement all rolled into one.

Her mind, her body and her soul weren't with her anymore. She felt as though her body and soul had been transported to another world, her very own world of fantasy.

A world where she could do anything she wished with Lucien, wherever she wished and whenever she wished. And they could be together always. But then, she wondered if he would want the same thing. Well, she didn't need anyone to spell it out for her since she was already well aware of the answer.

Or maybe she was just wanting too much.

It was crazy how quickly her thoughts could spiral out of control whenever she featured him in them.

Slowly snapping out of her wishful attendance in her fantasy world and regaining a clear mind, she searched for her phone to give Lucien a call. She must have dropped it when she got swept up in her fantasy.

Once she found it, she took a few more breaths to regain herself fully before speed dialing Lucien's number.

Lucien picked up the phone and Jena didn't hold back her gratitude. "Thank you sooo much sir I dont even know where to begin..." she continued, her words pouring out in a jumble of excitement.

She really honoured this gift Lucien gave her, even though she was well aware that it was no big deal to him, but to her, it was a dream come true.

It also potrayed a little bit of extravagance, considering the fact that she was just a secretary who has barely even done her work as a secretary for a day. But that was the least of places her mind were at right now. Finally, she was a car owner and it was all thanks to him.

The few drops of tears that had been trapped in her eyes for some time now finally broke free. She couldn't hold them back any longer, not with the weight of emotions she had flooding in. They streamed down her cheeks, warm and salty, as she got swept up in a sea of joy.

She couldn't remember feeling this happy for like a while now and the tears were a release of all the overwhelming emotions that held her captive.

".. Are you crying?" Lucien interrupted her after noticing the forlorn sound of her voice.

With a shaky laugh, Jena replied, "They're just tears of joy sir" as she wiped them from her face with her free palm.