
A tale of love and hate

"I feel so stupid for ever thinking that you could go from my boss to something more" the shattering voice of a girl could be heard as she cried her eyes out. She was a very young and dynamic woman with a big heart who wanted nothing more than to be loved and to be happy. What exactly was she thinking would happen when she got her life mixed with that of this mysterious CEO named Lucien, who eventually became her boss... Just a night after fully trusting and letting him into her life without holding back, she discovered that all along, she'd been nothing but a stupid game to him and her sister... Her very own sister who was supposed to love and cherish her like her biggest treasure.. so she thought. Along her unsteady path of emotional breakdown, she meets another guy, Damon. He seemed to be one of the many God sent angels in her life but she wasn't really ready to house any angel in her current condition.. "I will help you." Damon said. "I will sponsor your every need and help you get back on your feet... If you let me" "And what do you get in return?" "Not everyone wants something in return young lady" Damon replied with a smirk. She found his words hard to believe. But after a while, she deceided to give it a shot.. After all, she was on the receiving end. As time passed, she decided to let go of her past and give love a third chance, thinking she had found the right person in Damon. But was Damon really the right person for her? Or was he just one of the people who wanted to use her for his sole purpose? And then, all of a sudden, it became a law in her life that who ever she loved and cared about would leave her hurt, broken, betrayed and damaged beyond repair in the end... Was this really her fate? .... Cover isn't mine and isn't permanent as well. The image you're seeing there is not a character in this book.

xoxo_teddiebear · Urban
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19 Chs

"Just a question"

Jena nearly flinched.

The timing couldn't even be worse! This man.. Jena's lips smacked as she made a gentle turn.

"Love at first sight" she echoed "It's a very rare thing you know but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist right? It's like a huge spark that ignites instantly and captures your heart without your knowledge.."

"Yeah kindly skip to the part where you answer the question, hmm? rainbow"

"Absolutely" Jena snapped. "I do believe in love at first sight"

A loud laughter echoed, causing Jena to crease her brows in dismay. She didn't quite get the reason behind his laughter. Did he really find it funny!?

When he had laughed to his satisfaction, Jena turned to leave but then, heard his voice call her back.

She stopped in her tracks, about to respond but Lucien beat her to it, again.

"You still owe me this dance" he said with a smirk on his face

A smile formed on her face as she slowly nodded, before she quickly turned around and ran off.

. . . .

Jena's heart raced as she stepped into the gates of her house. She sighed deeply, preparing herself for how her grumpy big sister was going to react.

Moments with Lucien started replaying in her head. It had been that way ever since she left that hotel twenty minutes ago.

She couldn't get him off her mind no matter how hard she tried. All she could think of was Lucien Sanderson and how the hell she was gonna see him again.

"What took you so long?" The angry voice of her sister echoed loudly in the room.

"Um the traffic tonight was pretty jammed" she lied

"So why didn't you take my call?"

"I was already on my way to the house so I felt like it wasn't really necessary to take it"

"Okay why didn't you come home as soon as I told you to?"

"I'm sorry I.."

"Who were you with?" Jessy fired the question at her before she could make a meaningful sentence.

"What?" Jena was more than shocked to hear that question.

"You heard me right. Who the hell were you with?"

Her heart nearly skipped it's beat considering the weight of seriousness accompanying the tone of her voice.

"Answer me Jena!"

"Lucien Sanderson.. that's his name" her response came out plainly.

Jessy scoffed in disbelief "What did you just say? Lucien Sanderson?"

"Yes Jessy. That's the guy I was with"

"What in the world could you possibly be doing with Lucien Sanderson? Do you even know the guy?"

"Well I don't know much but I know he's a successful business man"

"And that's all? Look I didn't send you to that party so that you could play the role of an insane gold digger I sent you there as my representative"

Jena let out a deep sigh before saying a word. Jessy was trying to get on her nerve and she wasn't willing to let her.

"I accidentally spilled wine on mr Lucien's shirt, he made me make up for it with a dance and that was it, okay?" Jena sighed again in annoyance.

After all her years of being with Jessy, she had learned to never take any of her words or actions to heart. That was the only way one could live with her.

Jessy is one tall and no doubt, breathtaking brunette with a slim, slender figure and pretty brown eyes. But her personality was nothing close to her looks.

She possessed a complex personality that can be very challenging to navigate. She has a sharp tongue and a tendency to exude an aura that makes others want to keep their distance.

She didn't have many friends. The only friend she has, left five years ago to Singapore for a contract and didn't mention when she would come back. So she had this sense of loneliness in her that maybe, just maybe, could have added to her distant and rude demeanor.

Part of the reason is the amount of pride she carried from being the CEO of White Mega Group of Companies. One of the best in the country.

According to her, her parents passed the company down to her before they passed away. And luckily for her, they had already built a strong and prestigious reputation before they passed, only making things alot easier for her.

"So nothing else happened, after the dance?"

"Nothing.. I'll be going to my room now if you don't mind." Jena said and quickly faced the stairs.

"Oh um your food is in the kitchen"

"I'm not hungry"

"So what do you expect me to do? Throw it away?" She asked, rather rudely.

"I'll just have it later" Jena replied and ascended the stairs, not waiting to hear her sister's response.

. . . .

Jena was just about to retire for the day when a little voice popped up in her head and reminded her of her night bestfriend duties.

She quickly picked up her phone and put a call across to Anna.

"Jena I was just about calling you! You know I thought crazily for one second that you had forgotten the little night duty you owe me" The girl on the other exclaimed. She seemed quite happy and excited.

"Bes, guess what?"

"Oh my God what juicy news do you have this time?"

"Okay so um I met someone"

"Spill it all bes! Who's the lucky guy? Where did he come from? What is he like?" Anna bombarded Jena with questions "Tell me everything!"

"You won't believe it Anna. This guy is none other than Lucien Sanderson!"

"You have got to be kidding me!" Anna screamed. "God bes that's huge!"

"Yeah, Lucien is one sophisticated and charming young man. He's got this magnetic presence and energy that just draws you in. God! He is very far from what I imagined him to be"

"Wow.. He sure sounds like the one because i've never heard you speak about a guy like this in like, forever!"

Jena blushed "Really?"

"Of course. It sounds like he's got the whole package you know- success, charm, sophistication..."

"Mmm" Jena chuckled. Anna seemed even more excited about this than Jena.

They have both been best friends right from childhood. They are and have always been like sisters to each other.

Back then, when they met, they promised each other that they would never part ways and they sticked together since then.

Anna too was no exception when it came to true beauty. She has the most gorgeous brown hair that falls in soft waves, framing her face perfectly. Her freckles are like tiny specks of stardust, adding a touch of charm to her light, radiant skin. And those brown eyes... they're like pools of warmth and depth, drawing you in with their captivating gaze. Her curves are just the right balance of grace and confidence, accentuating her natural beauty. She was truly a sight to behold.

Back in high school, people always criticized Jena, saying that she only befriended Anna because of her wealth and social status.

It all got even worse in college. People went as far as calling her Anna'a lapdog but Jena couldn't care less.

Anna was always ready to beat up and if possible, imprison anyone who dared to pick on her bestfriend.

She loved Jena that much and Jena loved her too. Jena and her sister never really got along so well so Anna was like the sister Jena wished to have while Jena was the sister Anna never had.

Thier bond is simply an unbreakable one. They are like two peas in a pod who never wished to be seperated from each other.

And right now, Jena was blowing her bestfriend's head away.

She just told Anna about the last minute question Lucien decided to ask her and then,

"No way! No freaking way!" Anna exclaimed excitedly "Gosh I can't believe that he's that into you already"

"What?" Jena blinked repeatedly. "Come on Anna don't carve things yet i'm sure the question just popped in his head or something, I don't know"

"Hello! I am 100% sure that that question was way far from the "just a question" zone Jena. He can't ask you that for no reason whatsoever that's not how it happens. so just keep being the amazing Jena White that I know and remember that i'm here for you no matter what."

Jena sighed. "I just hope that one day, our paths would cross again and something magical would happen"

"Absolutely! If anything exciting or magical happens you better spill all the details to me okay? and don't even leave out a scratch... Gosh i'm so excited" Anna said and both of them giggled excitedly.

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