
A tale of FURY & DESIRE

[MATURE CONTENT WARNING!!!] In the kingdom of Wisteria, where wyverns soar the skies and magic courses through the land, Cielle receives an extraordinary gift from her uncle: a magnificent dragon, with a demand to tame it. Enthralled by the creature's majestic presence, Cielle embarks on the daunting task, unaware of the perilous secrets concealed within the dragon's heart. As Cielle forms a deep bond with her draconic companion, she finds herself inexplicably drawn to him, captivated by his strength and allure. Little does she know, the dragon she cherishes is actually a powerful enemy, concealing his true identity to carry out a nefarious plot against Wisteria. Blinded by love and oblivious to the danger lurking in the shadows, Cielle becomes entangled in a web of deception and betrayal. With her heart torn between loyalty and desire, she must uncover the truth before it's too late. Can Cielle tame the dragon's heart and thwart the impending threat, or will her love lead to the downfall of everything she holds dear?

cherriex · Fantasy
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24 Chs


Cielle tip-toed toward his bed, cautious of her movements to not make any noise. She had heard dragon's have very high senses and the last thing she wants now is to be caught.

The cuts on the man's body seem glossy from this close, her heart stinging when the memory of that thorny whip from earlier cutting through the dragon's skin burned her memory.

Cielle's heart raced as she hovered her hands over the sleeping man's wounded body. His chest rose and fell rhythmically, his breaths shallow and strained.

She focused her energy, drawing upon the ancient magic that flowed through her veins, willing it to mend his injuries.

She watches the golden flakes that dance in the tips of fingers as she gently grazes his torn skin.

As her healing powers coursed through him, she watched the wounds slowly begin to knit themselves together, the torn flesh closing up under her gentle touch.

A strange pleasure starts to pool in her belly, her heart filling with something so powerful, the magic blinding her senses.

Cielle couldn't shake the feeling of dread that gnawed at her insides. What would happen when he woke to find her hovering over him, meddling in his fate without his consent?

Her fears proved to be well-founded as his eyes snapped open, locking onto hers with a venomous glare. Cielle recoiled, her heart pounding in her chest as she braced herself for his inevitable wrath.

Cielle froze, her hands trembling as she met the gaze of the man she had been tending to. She had expected him to remain asleep, unaware of her presence and her efforts to heal him. But now, as he stared up at her with fury burning in his orbs, she felt a surge of panic rising within her.

Had she overstepped her boundaries by using her magic on him without his consent? Would he be angry with her for intruding upon his rest?

"You," he growled, his voice laced with contempt. "What are you doing to me?"

Cielle swallowed hard, her throat dry with fear. "I— I was only trying to help," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

For a moment, neither of them spoke, the silence heavy with unspoken questions and unspoken fears. Cielle's mind raced, her thoughts tumbling over each other in a desperate bid to make sense of the situation.

Cielle's cheeks burned with embarrassment as she felt the man's gaze lingering on her, a fire burning in his golden eyes. She glanced down and realized with a sinking feeling in her gut that she was still wearing her revealing nightdress—a sheer garment that hung loosely on her lithe body.

A shiver of discomfort ran down her spine as she realized just how exposed she was, the thin fabric barely concealing her curves. She had been so consumed by her mission to heal him that she had paid no attention to her appearance.

But now, as his eyes roved over her body with a hunger that sent a shiver down her spine, she couldn't help but feel a surge of self-consciousness. Would he think that she dressed like this to provoke him?

Cielle instinctively crossed her arms over her chest when she felt her nipple harden under the intensity of his gaze, a feeble attempt to shield herself from his scrutiny.

She had always been careful to keep her guard up around everyone, to never show any vulnerability in others' presence. But now, as he looked at her with an intensity that made her heart race, she felt a flutter of uncertainty stirring within her.

"What are you staring at?" she demanded, her voice trembling with a mixture of anger and discomfort.

The man's lips curled into a smirk, his gaze lingering on her with an intensity that made a heat pool down her belly. "I never took you for the modest type, Princess," he replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Cielle bristled at his words, her cheeks burning with indignation. "What do you mean?" she shot back, her tone sharp with irritation.

But despite her attempts to maintain her composure, she couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability that washed over her like a tidal wave.

She had always prided herself on her strength and resilience, but now, as she stood before him in her revealing nightdress, she felt exposed in a way she had never experienced before.

The man's smirk widened, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Well, you certainly succeeded in capturing my attention," he remarked, his tone laced with mischievousness. "like you wanted."

Cielle's cheeks burned even hotter at his words, a flush of embarrassment spreading across her features. She had never felt so exposed, so vulnerable, in his presence before.

With a flicker of determination, she squared her shoulders and met his gaze head-on, refusing to back down in the face of his scrutiny. "I don't want your attention."

A laugh slips through his lush lips, eyes sharpening on the edges, "Then why were you hovering over me almost naked in the middle of the night?"