
1. The start

I ain't got anything to say but this is likely to be where any updates are, into the chapter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Do you ever have those days where life just goes and tells you to go fuck yourself in the most unique way that it could possibly find... Well, I am having one of those days.

It all started when I woke up this morning, it was Monday and my alarm didn't go off, due to that perfect start to my morning I was already late for work and I live far enough away from my workplace that my boss probably won't be seeing me till 8:20am which is close to an hour and a half late. So after throwing my dark navy uniform on and skipping breakfast I haul my ass out my door and to the bus stop.. What you think I'm going to drive there, I'm a broke seventeen year old from a normal family not some handsome rich ass plot armour wearing manga protagonist with wealthy parents that follow my EVERY FUCKING WHIM.


Well anyway I arrive at work at 8:12am which was a bit earlier than I expected, the work that I'm doing is a part time job at the hospital near where I live, I'm going to quickly cut off any guesses about what my job is, no I'm not a doctor or a nurse. I work as a support staff, you know the guys that mop the floors, carry the samples or move the office furniture. That's me the professional mopper, the one who weilds the one mop to rule them... Wait wrong book. But anyways, after a scolding that has made my will to live lose its will to live I start work.

About an hour later is where life's middle finger starts to rise, it starts as a bunch off patients being brought in, high fever, nausea and coughing... The usual start of a pandemic but anyways, as the patients kept coughing the doctors begin to as well, me being the grand and mighty asshole that I am thought that the doctors were just joining in to make it a group activity, you know instead of singing by the campfire its coughing with the patients but whether they were faking or whatever the reason was I got out of there.

As I left and kept my germs to myself I went to the cloakroom to wash up while everyone else who has joined the self lung removal club decides to stick together in groups, like seriously people do you not know about a wonderful thing called social distancing, it exists for a reason. As I enter the cloakroom I close the door behind me and look around, other than a few jackets and radios belonging the other staff its just a few tables, chairs, a mini kitchen and a mirror. As I look in the mirror I see my face, my gloriously handsome and attractive face... I'm just joking I'm afraid, *sigh* I'm above average in looks but not by much, I have blueish-grey eyes and one of the most common hair colours ever... brown... that's right my hair is brown. Not grey, white or black like your favourite anime edgelords, its that dark brown that looks similar to mud after there has been a storm which means it looks the same colour as wet dogshit.

My hair is short on the sides and long on top with a fringe that covers the entire left side of my face including my eye so that I can pull the early 2000 emo look, my body so skinny and lanky it'd put anorexic people to shame and I have an unhealthy level of pale as my skin colour. All in all I look like the third or forth guy to die in a slasher film.

As I stop trying to depress myself just by looking at myself in a mirror I check the time, 9:38am, I then proceed to move myself to the table where I promptly sit my non existent ass down and take a nap like a good, hardworking employee does...

As I wake up I check the time which is the first sign somethings up, but as I stare at the clock trying to find out whats wrong I am suddenly shocked to discover that... it's 2:05pm... I missed my lunch.

I race across the room to the mini kitchen and tear open the fridge searching for the piece of heaven that I had so foolishly stored here, as I only find an empty paper plate where it should be, a rage like no other consumes me as I boot open the cloakroom room door and yell to the heavens.


My rage is cut short for the moment as I see my supervisor on the floor about 10 metres away with his insides becoming outsides and the partially rotted culprit that decided to play a real life version of surgeon simulator slowly starting to get up and shamble towards me, the only thing I could think of before I made a tactical retreat back into the cloakroom was.