
A Tale of a Student who rose to be the King and was Greatly Feared

The Tale of how a Average Japanese Highschool Student who worried about things such as dating rose to be the king of the intergalactic empire and was feared by all. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I don't own the cover art!! If you're the artist and want me to change it, plz tell me!

ManekiNekooo · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: Thrown to the very bottom! The true power of the demon lord is revealed!

My new classroom was absolutely terrible. Compared to the sleek futuristic look of the rest of the school this classroom looked like it was a dungeon that had been teleported from a fantasy world!

I guess I shouldn't have expected anything more since this is Class-F but still… I glanced around the room, observing all of my classmates. Although a lot of them looked extremely stupid and weak, some of them looked more promising.

Of course, the students with potential would never get to show it, since the teacher was probably the stupidest of all. She only looked a couple years older than me, so she had only probably recently graduated from this school, and she had a look on her face that showed how brain-dead she truly was.

"Teacher! Are you actually going to teach us something, or is staring at us more amusing?"

"Teach you? Oh….oh yes I'm sure I should. Uh sorry! I'll get right to the lesson!"

Hmmm… very interesting. So the teacher of Class-F is a complete klutz. She seemed completely content with just looking at us instead of actually doing her job…

"If you're not going to teach us anything of interest, I'm sure it won't matter if I go to another class?"

The teacher looked at me with fear in her eyes.

"No….I am not permitted to raise you to another class, since you specifically put into this class….to be honest it would probably be smart to transfer to a different school….actually the king specifically told me that you cannot…s…sorry again…"

The teacher was annoyingly apologetic and she constantly stuttered over her words. She seemed like the definition of a bad teacher. But seriously, what am I even supposed to do in this class if the teacher doesn't even know how to teach? Just sit at my desk and talk to my classmates?

"You misunderstand. I'm not saying transfer to another class, I'm just saying leave this class."

I stood up abruptly and smirked at all my classmates.

"It's not like I'll learn anything here, I'm sure I know more than all the teachers here anyways."

"Leave? You can't just leave and say that you already know everything!"

A girl with short blonde hair stood up from her seat.

Ugh, a goody-two-shoes perfect student sort of girl. They've always been the worst since they constantly pretend to be way better than everybody else.

"We'll get more things done if you don't just walk away! Plus if you go away from this class you'll just get demoted again!"

"I think you're wrong. This is as low as I can get demoted."

I walked away from the girl, not sparing her another glance. She seemed to want me to stay in the class in hopes that having a full class would mean they'd actually learn something.

"If you really want to learn something worthwhile, come with me."

Most of the students looked at me with confusion on they're faces.

The girl with the short blonde hair obnoxiously scoffed.

"Hmph! Nobody is going to want to join you! Why would anybody want to be taught by a random person who they just met? These students have no drive to even do their schoolwork. Why would they want to suddenly get taught by you?"

"You misunderstand. It isn't that these students have no drive, it's that they have no hope. They don't believe they can ever get out of the class, so over time they have even given up trying. They need hope….they need someone to give them hope. What they're looking for is a leader, or more accurately, Me."

The girl stared at me. She was clearly impressed by my idea but it seemed she was also a bit scared of my intelligence. I suppose even I am sometimes scared by it as well.

She hesitantly shrugged and walked towards me.

"I guess there's no point in ignoring you. I'll see what your lessons are like."

Heh, that was my plan all along. I made my speech to make this girl, who would obviously get swayed from my charisma and power, to want to join me. And of course I was right.

I walked out of the door, closely followed by the girl with blonde hair.

"Just wait!"

A boy who looked to be a bit shorter than me with light brown hair ran towards me. He had an odd looking smirk on his face.

"I need to learn your ways to effortlessly make girls like you! Tita Myer is the most popular girl in our class, and you so effortlessly made her like you!"

The blonde girl who was walking beside me began to blush bright red.

Tita Myer….I guess this class really sets their standards low. I mean, she just seems to be an average 'smart' girl.

After more of the students noticed that Tita had joined the group more than half of them followed me. It's surprising how one influential person's opinion can trigger changes in other people's opinions.


The teacher called after us, but I paid her no heed.

After I had successfully gathered many of the students we walked out of the school.

Hmmmm….now I need to find a large empty space. Chances are that I'll have more luck finding a large building than a place outside because the city is so dense.

There! After a bit of searching I saw a huge abandoned warehouse. I kicked open the metal doors effortlessly and walked in.

"Alright, now that we have a whole warehouse for our use, I will give you your first lesson. Use magic."

"WHAAAAT!!! MAgIC! That's impossible! Don't you know that magic is impossible to use!"

"Hehe… it's really quite easy. If you know how to use it it's much easier than using a weapon. I'll try to describe it."

I took a breath, making sure that the large crowd of students who had followed me had organized themselves into a group.

"Magic sources have before been thought to have been from the world. The sources were thought to be from either natural or manmade, but never in the history of the world have they ever been made from inside oneself. This is precisely why the world's magic source was used up and over time magic became a lost art. However, I, being the genius that I am, have found a new way. Perhaps it is different for me, since I have the innate ability to use magic. However, magic's source is your own emotions. Anger leads to more explosive magic such as explosions and fire and fear leads to evasive and invisibility magic. Stronger emotions lead to stronger emotions, while weaker emotions lead to weak magic. To gain control of one's magic, one must have complete control of their emotions. Of course this is simply my theory, since I have natural magical abilities so I have no reason to use my emotions as a source for magic."

"Question! Can you actually use magic? If magic was so simple to use, why hadn't we found out how to use it again?"

I easily shot a lightning bolt that immediately crushed one of the lights above while answering the girl's question.

"You underestimate human's stupidity. Nobody can control their emotions to this extent. There is one way to use magic, however I have not tested this out so it could kill you."

"Huuuuuh!! What is it? I'm willing to risk my life if I can have those cool powers!"

The boy from earlier stepped up and walked towards me.

Observing him it's obvious to see he is not strong. And since I just gained some of the demon lord's powers I am not sure if I can pull this off. But following the rules of magic should work. However, the output of magic that is needed for this is far past what is humanly possible.

"Kneel in front of me. To complete this your mind must be in complete submission to me. My theory for this is if I put enough magic into your body I should be able to slightly give you magical powers by the shock of it."

"I don….don't understand."

"Ahem. Over time your body will reach the maximum amount of magic and it will break apart, however I will be using my most strong magic which is so strong it should be able to slightly reverse reality, and if I then use another bit of magic, your mind should automatically think to give itself magical abilities, and since you will be in a state of reality fluidness your mind will eventually break and give yourself slight magical powers. Of course no matter how much power I give you, you will still not have a fraction of the power I have."

The boy hesitantly kneeled in front of me.

"Do you know what your limits are?"

"At this moment I am not sure….My powers seem to be almost boundless."

The students who already seemed to be having trouble staying standing up seemed to become even more shocked.

"I must keep in your mind that I have never done this before. However I have full confidence in it working."

I raised my hands above the boy's head and closed my eyes.

Galaxies rushed past my eyes. Stars exploded and I felt my weightless body float through it all.

"You ignorant fool."

A voice resonated through my soul. It said words that normally cause me anger however the only emotion I felt was intense fear. I had not felt fear ever since I had found my true identity of the Demon Lord.

"You know not how disgraceful your mere existence is."

I turned around desperately to find the body of the voice, however no body was there except the endless stars.

I grabbed my head with my hands as my eyes bulged. I had been so arrogant, now all my weakness flashed before my eyes just by a couple of meaningless words.

"I, Xalvual Evilian, have not felt such displeasure in many millions of years. You should know your place and not think of my reincarnation so lightly. I no longer have the powers I once did, however my intellect still remains. You, however, who claim to be my reincarnation, are as weak and ignorant as the very king who sits on the throne. You use your abilities not for power or even wealth, no you use your powers to gain recognition from others. You are pathetic."

I felt tears in my eyes, as my life flashed through my head.

"You have no intelligence. You are nothing but a child. Fall to your knees and know your place."

The galaxies that had been flashing by my vision suddenly stopped.

"I shall show you how the Legendary Demon Lord, Xalvual Evilian is meant to be. Then you will realize your flaws."

Suddenly the galaxy cracked into an endless black desert. However, my mind felt as if it were opened. For some reason I felt immense power and arrogance. I felt as if the entire world was mine. It all made sense now.

"So this is what it means to be the Demon Lord."

And then I was pushed back into the endlessly revolving galaxies, the power I had felt just a fraction of a second before, completely gone.