
A Tale of a broken "HEART"

This is a tale of a young man who lost everything. "Love" was the only thing he could never find in his life. Betrayed by his friends and family, in his life's last moment he only thought what he had done to deserve this amount of pain. Unknowingly to him this was only start of his journey for finding his love and getting his sweet-revenge.

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A Colorful "BLOODY" night and DEATH

It was midnight, a young man was laying down on a field of flowers, with 5 bullets in his bloody body as he was dreaming about his life and why this happened.

"His name was Roulen sasaki". He and his parents lived in NWC. He became orphan when both of parents died on a car accident when he was only 10 years old. His parents were from a wealthy family. His father was an internationally known business man. So he had his fathers inheritance as a lifetime support of financial needs. From an early age he was a genius in multiple things. So he decided to take over his fathers business when he is of age.

After his fathers death his only known family was his grandparents,uncle and his aunt.

He knew from little that the world is not fair as his parents always taught him that,so his trusted persons were only his remaining family.

After his parents death he moved to japan where his grandparents lived. There he joined school.Though he did not made any friends in his middle high school,His cousin Alex who was the same age as him was his only friend. Roulen was very popular in school because he looked like a model from entertainment industry.He always worked out to keep his body healthy and he was 6ft in height which completed with his body fitness which made him prince charming to girls but he ignored almost every girl. But In high school he fall in love with a girl from his class named Sera. He started to like her from day one because she was kind,smart,and very beautiful,then some time passed,he proposed to her,she also accepted cause she also liked him a lot and they started dating.After graduating from high school he started to manage his fathers company. With his skills the company began to flourish. His secretary was his fathers best friend Alfanso. When his parents died he was the one who has been keeping the company safe and sound from falling apart. He was a man of pride and loyalty. Roulen also trusted him from his heart. then some time passed he met a young master named "Haruto Adachi" from his rival company and became good friends. When Sera and Roulen went on dates they sometimes would invite him and Alex to have some free time together. His life was moving from the pain of his parents death to a road of happiness. And then suddenly both of his grandparents died in a explosion in there house.

He mourned heavily because there were his mental pillars. It made him broken,depressed and angry at his fate.

Some time passed and it was his 22th birthday.

At midnight his girlfriend called out to him to come in a location near Mt.minako. It was a place known for its flowers where all kind of wild flowers bloomed.The moon was shining brightly.

when he reached there he could see his uncle,aunt,Haruto,Alex and lastly Sera standing.

"Hey everyone,what's up?-Roulen casually asked them because he thought it was a surprise party of some kind to celebrate his birthday.

"we have gathered here for a very important reason roulen"-Sera

"so what's the reason my barbydoll"-asked Roulen smiling at Sera.

suddenly Sera showed him a cake like box in her hand where one of her hand was in it and Roulen was surprised to see that.

"So?" He again smilled at her and said

"open it,its midnight and Happy birthday my love"-Sera said coming face to face with him.

When he opened the little cake box he heard a sound and then he slowly fall down.

when he put his hand on his right side of his chest he only felt some red liquid sticking on him.

But unknowingly he was smiling looking at Sera.

"Here is your gift my love"-Sera finished her word and deeply kissed Alex in front of him.

"Why?" asked Roulen still smiling at her.

Alex took the gun from Sera's hand and shoot him on his left leg smiling at him.

"Because she never loved you moron,she was just acting for us hahahaha"-said Alex

"Why?"-Roulen again smiling asked Sera who was silent and looking at him with dead eyes.

Then "SATO" his so called uncle came and took the gun from alex and shot roulen On his right leg.

Same time "NANAMI" his so called aunt came and shot his right arm.

"Because we wanted her to hahahaha,now everything yours will be ours.when we killed your fucking parents they begged that we spare you,we agreed as long as we get there assets but no they had to give everything to you a little 10 year old kid and those old bastards somehow found out after 10 years of investigation that we killed your parents so we had to kill them too.Now everything is solved. All of yours will be now ours.after all it was mine to begin with.your father shouldn't had been to receive my fucking fathers wealth and build his fucking empire on it.Now you have a arm to sign this paper which will be your Last WILL saying that everything belongs to us. "-said Sato with a disgusting smile.

Hearing his parents and grandparents murder was planed by his own uncle tears flew down from his eyes but he was calm as water.his whole body was in pain but he did not showed any sign of it.

He looked at the paper and threw his blood filled arm which made it bloody.

"Bang"-another bullet went throw his left arm which was shot by Haruto.

"You were always a pain when dealing business or anything else,Although you were a perfect in almost everything But Your judgment of women and friends were really poor my friend"-Haruto said with a gentle smile at him.

"Uncle lets go we don't need his sign,we can always make a fake will"-said Haruto to Sato.

One by One went pass him.Only SERA was left. Roulen was still smiling at her with blood on him everywhere.

He barely raised his hand.Sera came near him.

"Roulen if there is a next life i swear to you "i will love you for eternity",the love i couldn't give you in this life i surely will give you,i'm sorry my love i didn't had any choice,"Now please tell me that you hate me so that i can burn in hell for what i have done to you,please"?"-smilling at roulen with teary dead eyes

"I still love you my stupid Barbydoll"-said roulen with bloody eyes mixed with tears.

"Roulen wait for me ok,i will be following you shortly after i take my revenge for you my love"-sera said with silently crying after saying she kissed him on his forehead and left the place.

Roulen was confused by hearing her words and couldn't comprehend the meaning,after thinking he let it go because he was eventually going to die but he was somehow felt relief that those bustards won't get anything because his original will was safely kept by alfanso who never betrayed anyone trust. so his every property and assets will go to various orphanages around the world according to his will.

The only regret he had that he never found the thing called "love" in his life but he was smiling at deaths door betrayed by his blood related family just for money and a unknown reason for his life's love to kill him but he was still smiling. Because he remembered his mothers teaching to him-

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

he remembered those words and kept smiling looking at the sky.He felt the moon had turned red and the stars were slowly falling off the sky.

and slowly his eyes began to close down and his consciousness faded into complete darkness.

At last he was consumed by Death it self and his journey end. Or was it?

This is my very first novel,and i am writing this only for improving my English.My first language is not English so if there are any mistakes i'm sorry in advance.

Hope you enjoy the story as it reveals many mysteries along the way that will make your blood boil.

Hope you like it...Thank you!

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