
A Systems' Wish

I, Muerto, lived an unlucky, miserable life, and then after, I was brutally killed! How rude… However! I woke up and realised I was reincarnated in a baby boy’s body. In this world, there's magic, of course, artificial magic. And now, after finally receiving my magic, I was given a dark prophecy, although it's said that there’s a way to prevent this. Hooray! Starting today! I'll be training to be strong, then I will go to a school for us ‘new to magic’ kids. After all this, I will set out on a journey to prevent this stupid prophecy from happening to me. Amazing. Oh! And it looks like I have friends coming with me…

Mysteryandhotmen · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Cool, I died.

Or maybe I was dreaming? It was my first ever thought that came across to my mind. I could feel my body move as I tried to wake up from whatever was happening to me right now.

Alas, I woke up in a very white space. It was a bit bright, and so I waited for a moment so that my eyes could adjust to the light. Afterwards, I began to sit up, I shivered on how icey this place was. Furthermore, I can't see where exactly the light was coming out in this well lit area.

My first thought that came to mind is: Am I in heaven?. At that point, I tried to speak. It was strange that I found out that little to no sound was coming out of my mouth at all. I tried to stand up with no difficulty and soon after started to walk around in this eerie place.

The place was very white. The wall, the floor, you couldn't even see any edges. It was as if you were still in the same place. I reached both of my hands out and kept moving to see if I could touch anything that could be a door or a secret passage to be my exit.

In 2 hours of walking straight or what I think was me walking straight, my hand then touched something that I assumed was an invisible wall. I felt and tested to see if there was a sign of a door, a button or a ladder that leads me somewhere outside, with no luck, I then knocked on the wall and heard that it was hollow, next I listened to the wall to try and hear if I could pick up anything at the other side of this wall. It was peculiar that there was a wall. At that moment, I speculated that I was maybe in a spacious room in which God was testing me if I belonged to either heaven or hell. Who knows.

I continued to walk straight ahead while both of my hands were still touching the cold wall to try to find an exit– also because I was definitely not anxious about being lost. Then sadly afterwards, I felt that this room was endless, so I then sat on the floor just to rest for a while, which was also very chilly– actually this whole place feels as though I'm in a freezer.

I looked around from where I was sitting and tried to see if I could spot anything that could be seen with the naked eye, but to my disappointment, there was nothing.

I thought that heaven was supposed to be full of angels flying around and beautiful houses and gardens with birds singing everywhere you go. But this place felt like it was an infinite hallway, with no exit. How disappointing…

After sitting here and while casually trying to feel comfortable and be used to this environment, considering I might be here for a long time, suddenly a strange blue coloured square popped up in front of me. At the middle of this square, it said: [PRESS TO OPEN] Then a moving up and down arrow pointing to a white button at the bottom of the text.

Of course, I was doubtful at first (like who would even NOT stop and think before pressing something strange that just popped up in front of you which is now telling you to press a suspicious looking button in a suspicious dull chilly place where absolutely NO ONE is around!)

While I was questioning myself if I should press the button or not, all of a sudden, my surroundings shifted and turned bright red along with a 20-second timer surrounding me in a circle.

At this point I thought, this is totally NOT what I was expecting for my room of judgement, considering all I know in books it surely doesn't give you a suspicious looking square and timer furthermore there's only one button with no label. Having seen this, I started to have cold sweat. Every time the number counted down, my heart kept thumping louder and louder until I could hear it synchronising with the timer.

(Oh how terrible, that this place is rushing me to make my judgement, and true that this is an easy decision to make as it is only a simple press of a button, but I had my concerns about this, and boy! It worries me.)

Soon enough, the timer reached the 5 second mark, and now I was thinking that I should absolutely press this button due to a feeling that something bad might happen to me again. But still even in this distressed time I was still interrupted with a series of scepticism– this was definitely unfair whereas you were only given 20 seconds just to press a questionable button in a nerve-wracking chilly place, also coming from me who was normally fast at answering hard decisions, this was beyond cruel.

As the timer went down to 5..4..3..2 Just as the timer switched to the number 1, my hand instinctively went for the button.

I immediately closed my eyes and braced for anything that could possibly happen to me.

With a click, the button turned into the colour of a beautiful red rose , and my surroundings melted back into white. I slowly opened my eyes, and whilst doing so, the timer all around me disappeared, but all that remains is the square that is still right in front of me.

The texts on the square were switched into words that were even more confusing and supernatural. It said: __________________________________________







'Now this is really not heaven or my judgement room' I thought.

'Maybe this is a dream and I am unconscious right now' I mentally slapped myself with that stupid thought as that was physically impossible as I was obviously BRUTALLY killed (Now that's depressing to hear again).

Although this is rather a very strange text. Will I really be reincarnated after everything I've done? My eyes furrowed and began tapping my chin while my head was deep in thought.

I also realised that there was no timer! So I could definitely think about the choices more thoroughly before choosing this time.

The first choice. Marcellus Adler, the name sounds very interesting, but it feels as if this choice isn't right for me, and it also sounds boring. Moving on!

The second one is Rowan Amir. The name alone I don't feel like it already, I also thought that it wouldn't suit me anyway. (By the way, I don't know anything about these names or their meanings, so it's all purely out of my feelings!)

The third choice. It brought me to a halt because I did not realise that this square is making me pick this one. And by I mean about that, its name is literally the only text flickering the colour green.

But I feel as though it's the right choice to make, even though it's flickering and possibly even vibrating just to show me that this is what I'm supposed to choose, not all those other names.

After thinking about it and debating if it would actually make me live another life in another world or universe for a good 15 minutes or so, I finally decided to pick the 3rd choice, because, why not? It's literally the right answer to begin with!

With a 'tap', the box next to the text was filled with the colour green, like when you shade a box to pick an answer in a multiple choice test.

Immediately, my surroundings blurred, and everything went black. At this point, I thought that I was duped or something. But at least this was a peaceful and quiet passing.

Apparently, I felt like I was dead again.

I'm sorry that this is a short chapter..

Mysteryandhotmencreators' thoughts