
A Swordsman In Naruto

A normal man finds himself in Naruto world as an Uchiha after the Uchiha Massacre. With some cheats, he decided that he will be the strongest swordsman in the Naruto world. ________ English is my third language so I will try to make a minimal amount of mistakes. _________ I do not own Naruto. The cover is not mine. Maybe slightly AU.

Darker_Than_Black · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

A Mission

Shiro, gaining Ryujin Jakka's recognition, trained diligently to become stronger.

In the past three days, Shiro put a routine as there was no school (academy):

Waking up, washing, eating something for breakfast, mostly eggs and bacon, then training for almost 12 hours, returning to the apartment, washing again and finally sleeping.

He finally mastered the Fake Rainbow move and with his Dance and enhancing them with Ryujin Jakka and his chunin chakra reserves, he was confident of beating any other chunin. And the most surprising thing was that his Sharingan evolved! It now had three tomoes!

Noticing this, Shiro was very surprised. As from the vague memories that he remembered, he discovered that the evolution of Sharingan can be achieved either through emotional growth of extreme conditions. Seeing that he didn't meet any condition, he could only presume that it was another perk for being a Transmigrator.

'Now that I have some power, I lack experience on how to utilize it.' Being a genin now, Shiro decided to do some missions.


Walking in the bustling streets of Konoha, Shiro was surprised to suplee the massive population.

As he walked a little longer, he arrived at the Academy entrance, where the Mission Assignment Disk was located.

'Damn it, I got back to the academy sooner than I expected.' Shiro was embarrassed as he remembered the words he said previously.

As soon as he entered, he headed to The Mission Assignment Disk, where the missions were given to the ninjas.

Shiro arrived to the disk. On the front of the desk, there was a white banner with the kanji that says, "mission assignment this way".

"Hello uncle, I want to take a mission." Shiro greeted the Ninja.

The Ninja was surprised when he saw the boy, and when he saw the Uchiha logo on Shiro's shirt, his gaze was full of pity. "Well, please wait a moment." The Ninja entered to the room beside the desk. And after minutes, he returned.

"Well kid, it seems that the Hokage-sama is calling for you." The Ninja said, to which Shiro responded to with a nod.


Shiro arrived at a large mansion which was circular in design and was close to the Academy, it was The Hokage Residence, the official residence and workplace of the Hokage.

As he entered with the Ninja accompanying him, he walked in the mansion a bit before entering a room.

The room has just some bookshelves, with a desk situated in the middle and some papers on it with a chair.

Sitting on the chair was an old man that his hair was gray, his face was gaunter, and he had the wrinkles and liver spots of old age. He wore a customary hat and haori with a red, full-length kimono that was tied using a white sash.

"There you are, Shiro-kun." Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile while pointing at Shiro.

"Ohh, it's the old man!" Shiro feigned innocence and said. He already knew Hiruzen, as the latter was the one who comforted him after the massacre and the one who provided him with a shelter and also money. Overall, he'd a great impression on Hiruzen. So, he used to call him 'old man'.

"Yeah… Well, I heard that you wanted to take your first mission. I see that you just graduated from the academy; therefore, I already prepared you a suitable D-rank mission for the beginners like you."

From what he read, he knew that D-rank missions were just doing some daily chores or something like finding animals.

"Old man… I was thinking that I am powerful enough for a C-rank mission at least, so I wonder if you can permit me to do one."

"But C-rank missions are dangerous for a genin if he wasn't experienced." Hiruzen refused Shiro's proposal.

"Then…" Shiro showed him his three-tomoed Sharingan, much to Hiruzen's surprise. "I also have my fire release and this powerful, hmm… wooden staff."

Hiruzen looked at Shiro in the eyes, and then to the wooden staff hanged on his back, as he felt something mysterious about the sword. And after moments of thinking, "I think that you are really powerful, so I will accept your request, but on one condition," Shiro nodded and then Hiruzen continued, "You have to promise me that if something unexpected happened, you will immediately retreat."

"I promise you." However, Shiro added internally, 'That I will not do it.'

When Shiro promised, Hiruzen took a scroll and handed it to him.

He took the scroll, opened it, and then read it. In the scroll, was a C-rank mission, it consisted of eliminating a group of bandits near the borders of The Land of Fire. It was written that the bandits were just regular humans with no chakra, and even if there were ninjas, they will be only some weak genin with no formal training.


Shiro was sitting in the trunk of a tree while revising the mission. As he arrived to the location of the base of the bandits after 3 hours of continuous running.


Shiro activated his Sharingan, with his eyes turning crimson in color with three tomoes. With the enhanced eyesight of Sharingan, Shiro scanned the base. Thereafter, he discovered 10 bandits scattered around the base. And much to his surprise, in the tent in the middle of the base, he discovered a person with the chakra reserves of a chunin.

'A chunin? Do I have to go back?' Shiro was startled, as he remembered his promise.

'Fuck it! That's exactly what I want.' Shiro was determined to test his skills.


"Hhhhh, that village has a lot of resources and valuables." A burly man with a hoarse voice said.

"I, personally, enjoyed the stares of men, when they were seeing their women getting raped in front of them. Kekekeke." Another bandit said.

"Well, I liked their screams when they were tortured, Zehahaha." Another one laughed maniacally.

"Yohohoho…" Before the bandit could finish his life, a sword pierced his nick.


The headless body fell in the ground.


Minutes ago.

Shiro was hiding behind a big tree, listening to five of the bandits conversing between them about a raid.

As Shiro continued listening, he felt a sense of disgust. That sense of disgust increased even more after hearing their laughs. Thereafter, he decided that these pieces of shit will be his first few kills.

He didn't consider himself as a Hero of Justice, but looking at the mission and what these bandits did, he just decided that. And although, he was slightly scared of killing someone. He, in the future, will kill a lot.


Shiro pounced on the nearest bandit, piercing his neck, leaving his body headless.

"What the fu…" Before the bandit could finish his sentence, Shiro did a turning motion and slashed the bandit's stomach, making his entrails fall to the ground.

The three remaining bandits were scared, but nevertheless decided to attack him together. However, Shiro, with a cold look, used his Fireball Jutsu, and directly thereafter, the bandits turned to ashes. Shiro felt weird as he looked at the remaining two bodies because he didn't feel anything.

Seeing the commotion, the other bandits quickly went to check the location. They saw a kid roughly 12 years old looking at them with a cold gaze, as his eyes turned to crimson. That was the last thing they remembered.

Genjutsu: Sharingan!

Shiro put the bandits in a Genjutsu and made them kill themselves, each one cutting the neck of the other.


A burly man with a face full of scares, noticing the commotion and even a chakra signature, said with a hoarse voice, "What the fuck is happening?"

The man got out from the tent, and headed to a certain location. When he arrived, he saw his underlings killing each other.

"What are you doing you good for nothing pieces of shit?" He said angrily as the last standing bandit beheaded himself.

He saw a boy standing still, looking at him with crimson eyes.

'Uchiha? But didn't they get massacred?' The man was puzzled and slightly scared as he knew the famous Uchiha clan. And as he saw a forehead protector with the Konoha symbol engraved in it, 'Konoha!' He thought, enraged.

"You're the one who did this kid?" Shiro didn't answer him. "Arrogant! So what if you're an Uchiha, you're just a genin at most. I will tear you apart!"

Earth release: Rock Throw Technique!

The man launched a middle-sized rock at Shiro, which Shiro slashed with his sword.

"You're something kid." The man complemented him, doing some hand seals, he put his two hands on the ground, and then, he shouted.

Ground Shaking Technique!

Suddenly, the ground beneath Shiro's feet shook and made him lose his balance. The man took the chance and cut his head with his sword.

'Huh, what Uchiha? You're just a kid after all.' As he was thinking, the 'Shiro' disappeared, much to the bandits leader shock. The real Shiro slashed his sword in the direction of the man. The man barely blocked the slash, and retreated a few meters.

'It seems that I have to use my trump card.' The man thought, as he began doing some hand seals.

"You're dead kid!!" He shouted.

Earth Release: Earth and Stone Dragon!

A dragon made from the ground attacked Shiro, but the latter exhaled a visible mouthful of air.

Sun Breathing Style: First form, Dance!

Shiro slashed vertically, as Ryujin Jakka flamed with a high-temperatured fire, and slashed the rock dragon. The man nearly shit himself as he tried to stop the coming sword. However, the sword was too powerful, as it penetrated his skull.

Shiro was surprised by the power of Dance. He put all the remained bodies in a sealing scroll that he bought in Konoha.

After he finished, he gave a last glance to the base and went on his way, returning to Konoha.

And just like that, Shiro completed his first mission in this world.