
A survivor's life in the dungeon. (Danmachi fanfic)

witness the journey of a man who lost everything, as he dives in the dungeon for strength and power. will he succumb to the dangers that he'll face, or will he persevere and find what he's looking for, be it revenge or closure that's for him to decide. . . . . . Hey, I'm writing my very first fanfic, I'll write this story as realistic as I can, so no overpowered MC, he'll be strong, but not in an overpowered kind of strong. I hope y'all like it, and please leave comments and feedback so that I may improve the writing of the fanfic, and it will be deeply appreciated. this fanfic will be dark, themes of death, violence, gore, and other dark stuff, so reader discretion is advised.

TheManCandy · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter 125 Consequnces

August and Denki returned home, dark looks etched onto their faces, their street conversation running restlessly inside their heads.

Upon opening the door, they were greeted by silence, dark expressions on others' faces, and in the middle of the room stood Heracles and Hestia, both wearing angry expressions.

"August, Denki," Heracles' voice was tense, his face stoic, his eyes burning with rage. "Sit down. We have much to discuss."

Denki nodded and moved toward the open seat, sitting down with a plop, nervous about the way the two gods were looking.

August stared at Heracles for a moment, then sighed. Knowing Heracles for more than 9 years, he sensed that his expression boded ill news. "So, I take it that things didn't go as planned, right?"

"Yes, they did not," Heracles held a sigh, hiding the fatigue from dealing with the "Old fools," as he called the other gods.

"Tsk," August clicked his tongue, moving to an area near the fireplace, opting to lean on the wall rather than sit; he was too restless to contemplate sitting.

"Now that we are all here, I'm going to start," Heracles took a deep breath. "The request for a war game has been approved. But the bad news is, it won't be fought on our terms."

"What do you mean, Lord Heracles?" Denki asked nervously. From appearances, the war game conditions weren't in their favor. The others gulped, awaiting Heracles' explanation.

Heracles looked at everyone. It was a lopsided condition; the other gods favored Apollo too much, aiming for his downfall. While some may have sided with Heracles, those grateful for saving them 3 and a half months ago, it couldn't change the fact that the majority of the deities in Orario hated Heracles—the butcher of the gods.

"King of the hill," Heracles answered while clenching his hands. "The condition of the war game is king of the hill, no outside interference, meaning Apollo familia and us won't have any helpers in these war games..."

The others felt confused. Why was this bad news? It seemed the best scenario for them, especially with August on their side; he could wear the crown, and no one would take it away, even if they ganged up on him.

August and Denki exchanged a look; they understood the implications. It meant Apollo was confident enough to face Heracles familia—August specifically—without aid from the other gods.

Jogu laughed; his laughter echoed inside the room, others wearing small smiles. "Is Apollo stupid? No outside help? Did he forget we have the cap'n on our side?!"

Others agreed. Regardless of how one put it, deciding the war games as king of the hill was a bad move on Apollo's part. They expected a siege or a full-on battle on an open field, where they could use their numbers to a greater advantage.

However, Heracles shared another condition. "Apollo added another condition..." He looked at August and shook his head. "August cannot wear the crown."

"What? T-that puts us in such an unfavorable position!" Helga couldn't help but stand up, frustration leaking into her voice.

"I believe that was the idea from the start," Bors grimaced, his shoulders falling when he heard the condition.

"H-how long will the war game last?" Denki's mind began establishing different scenarios on how to tackle such a disadvantageous position; he wanted to know the specifics of the fight.

"Noon to dusk, the familia who has the crown by the time the sun completely sets will be declared the winner," Heracles answered. "Surrender is also another win condition, as well as... Complete wipeout."

"Lethality?" Lysander asked, a cold look on his face.

"Allowed," the god bluntly answered, his voice making the others tense up.

"Bastard," Lysander cursed, venom laced in his voice. "Apollo doesn't want to win... He wants to wipe us out."

"What do you mean?" Kiez nervously inquired; his voice was shaking a bit because of what Lysander said.

"The timeframe, it's too long for a king of the hill," Lysander clenched his fist. He had a lot of experience in this type of fighting, being a gladiator; he has had his fair share of group battles similar to war games under different stipulations.

Stipulations like siege, open field, capture the flag, as well as King of the hill. He took a deep breath before continuing. "In the arena, a king of the hill would usually last within an hour or so, and a winner is usually declared if a king, or in this case, a team, had the crown for more than 10 minutes."

"If that is the case... Wouldn't this put us back in favor? Even if August couldn't wear the crown himself, he could still wipe them all out if he goes full force," Helga was confused; if they had followed the standard rule, Apollo would have kept the advantage. "This doesn't make sense."

"It does..." August, who was quiet, suddenly grabbed the attention of everyone in the room. "Lysander is right, Apollo familia wants blood. And his move makes perfect sense..."

"Surely you jest... Lord Heracles said it himself. Apollo might be an idiot, but he isn't that stupid," Nadia had a nervous chuckle escaping her lips. "Everyone in Orario knows of your strength; this is an unnecessary risk... Stupid even."

August sighed, he gave a glance at Denki who was also looking somber. His eyes then roamed over everyone in the room. His familia, the people whose lives are in his hands. "Hyakinthos... Apollo is confident to face me because of Hyakinthos."

Everyone was confused; sure, Hyakinthos is well known in Orario, being a level 3 adventurer and captain of one of the most prominent familia, would surely give him fame. But compared to August, he was but an ant.

"Cap'n, that's a nice joke," Jogu chuckled and slapped his leg; he couldn't contain the amusement he felt when August mentioned Hyakinthos. "You almost got me there cap... What, next, you're going to say that he somehow jumped to level 6 in a span of what, two days? That's hilarious!"

But August's face didn't move; it still had that stoic look, that seriousness when he said it, making Jogu's laughter slowly die down.

"Y-you can't be serious... T-that's impossible!" Jogu's eyes widened; he stood up in shock, and he wasn't alone. Everyone in the familia, including Heracles, couldn't believe what August is implying.

August sighed and then he opened his mouth. "He was able to react to the spear that I threw this morning, and was even able to somewhat catch it... This should have been impossible, unless..."

"He's close or equal to your level..." Helga continued for August. "And given the sudden confidence Apollo has, it is safe to assume that Hyakinthos right now is also a level 6."

August nodded, clenching his fist tightly. He could see the morale of the familia plummet to the ground. He knew this would happen.

It was obvious now what Apollo was planning. Hyakinthos would engage August, while the rest would pluck the other members with their superior numbers. Then they would surround August after they were done with them.

A tactic which aims for a complete wipeout...

August couldn't even look at the others; his eyes were glued to the ground. He gritted his teeth in frustration, imagining what the others might be thinking right now, especially since he could have stopped it.

He could have talked to Heracles, told him what happened in Apollo's mansion after the fact. They could come up with a better plan. Yet the adrenaline of seeing Hyakinthos, someone who could possibly challenge him, as well as the fact that he was angry, made him forget all sense and reason momentarily.

Denki closed his eyes; he knew what August did was wrong. This was a breach of the trust everyone had given to him as captain. He had put everyone's life in danger, and as much as he respected and admired August, even he was a bit angry at what he did.

Because even his trust was a bit shaken...

August still believed that he could win against Hyakinthos, but it wouldn't amount to anything if anyone died in his familia. Because Hyakinthos didn't need to win against him to achieve victory. He just needed to stall... Stall for enough time for Apollo familia to finish the job.

As August was thinking the worst, he suddenly felt a massive amount of killing intent directed at him. He turned and saw Heracles, looking at him coldly. A look of pure anger and rage.

It made him gulp; his hand instinctively reached back towards his spear, his mana suddenly burst, red lightning crackling all over his body. For the first time in a long while, he felt like he was the prey.

In an instant, August found himself lying on the ground, the air knocked out of his lungs; he could taste the iron in his mouth. He couldn't even see what happened. One moment he was inside the house, and right now, he was lying on the dirt, outside, with Heracles' feet placed on his chest.

The others were shell-shocked; they didn't see what happened. They felt a huge amount of killing intent, making them shudder in fear. Then a shockwave hit their senses, making them close their eyes, and in the next moment, a huge hole was made in their wall, with both Heracles and August gone from where they stood.

Their eyes moved outside the hole, where they found Heracles standing on top of August, a suffocating aura enveloping his body, making them hold their breath.

One thing is certain... Their god is angry.

August felt his whole body aching; he could feel his bones shaking and protesting under the strength of Heracles' feet. The attack even made him let go of his spear. His head looked to the side, finding his weapon lying within arm's reach. He tried to reach for it, but a cold voice stopped him.

"Don't move... BOY!!!" Heracles' voice was filled with rage; he added more strength into his feet, pushing August deeper into the ground.

August gasped for air; Heracles had placed his feet near his solar plexus, making it harder for him to breathe. On instinct, both of his hands moved towards the god's feet, and with all his strength, he tried to pry his foot off him... Try being the key word.

"I SAID DON'T MOVE!!!" Heracles roared, his voice shaking the space around him, his eyes staring at August. Like a predator to prey. "Or did you not hear me... Boy!"

August gritted his teeth; his vision was starting to get blurry from how strong the pressure Heracles is putting on his chest.

"I had warned you... I always said that that arrogance of yours would bite you in the ass. Yet you didn't listen! Now look at what that arrogance of yours had led to." Heracles gestured his hand behind him, pointing towards the other members of the familia who couldn't move from their spot due to the pressure his godly aura is exuding.

"You, the captain of the familia, had singlehandedly put everyone's life in danger. All for what? FOR PRIDE?!!" He crouched and picked August up by his chin, carrying him to his eye level. "ANSWER ME BOY!!!"

"...." August couldn't answer; his gaze dodged that of Heracles. And truth be told, he has no answer; yes, it was because of pride, pride born out of his arrogance, of his belief in his strength. And due to that, he failed to account that he not only holds in his hand his own life but the life of the others as well.

And Heracles, who took August in since he was a child, who he raised as his own son, who knows him like the back of his hand, saw that... Saw the shaken confidence August now has because of this mistake. He can see the doubt he has. This made him even angrier... In his mind, this is unacceptable.

So what if he made a mistake? He should face the consequences of his action and push on with everything he has. Not crumble under the pressure. Instead, the pressure should have made him stronger, made him better.

Sure, he can fight, hell, he might be the strongest adventurer when it comes to pure fighting prowess, but that doesn't change the fact that as he is right now... He is no leader.

'Still too fucking green.' Heracles thought as he threw August to the ground. "You got yourself into this mess, you get yourself out of it... Do I make myself clear, boy?"

August coughed; he glared at the ground, clenching his fist with dirt filling his hand. "Crystal." he answers hoarsely, still feeling the pain Heracles inflicted on him.













Chapter 125 is now complete. How are you all enjoying the story so far?

Now then, I decided to add chapter questions at the end, to engage in talk with y'all.

And here's two.

Did August rushed into it, and what would you have done if you were in his position?


How do you feel about Heracles' anger?


Please leave a comment, review, and feedback to help me improve this fanfic. Every little thing helps me understand your preferences and will contribute to writing a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

Thank you for following this fanfic. I hope you're enjoying it.

Have a good day, everyone. Love y'all.