
A survivor's life in the dungeon. (Danmachi fanfic)

witness the journey of a man who lost everything, as he dives in the dungeon for strength and power. will he succumb to the dangers that he'll face, or will he persevere and find what he's looking for, be it revenge or closure that's for him to decide. . . . . . Hey, I'm writing my very first fanfic, I'll write this story as realistic as I can, so no overpowered MC, he'll be strong, but not in an overpowered kind of strong. I hope y'all like it, and please leave comments and feedback so that I may improve the writing of the fanfic, and it will be deeply appreciated. this fanfic will be dark, themes of death, violence, gore, and other dark stuff, so reader discretion is advised.

TheManCandy · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter 120 A talk with Heracles. Yearning for freedom.

"YOU DID WHAT!!!" Heracles was fuming, unable to believe his ears. August had just woken up less than a week ago, and he already had trouble right on his doorstep. "Didn't I tell you to be smart abou-"

"I was being smart about it, old man. If I was being stupid, I would have killed him on the spot." August cut Heracles off, his voice carrying a calm confidence, believing that what he did was right. "I know what I was doing."

"No, you don't." Heracles massaged the bridges of his nose as he took a deep breath. He looked at August with a serious face that made the young adventurer straighten his back. "You don't threaten a god, especially one that holds a grudge."

The god sighed as he sat in his chair at his office. "Apollo is an asshole, but he is still a god, and gods are wrathful creatures." He took a bottle of ale and two sets of glasses, sliding one on the table, which August caught. He then poured the two of them a drink. "That being said, the weasel will no doubt be coming for blood, and I can assure you it wouldn't be pretty."

August chuckled, drinking the ale. The sweet liquid of fruits and alcohol swirled inside his mouth. "Geez, you actually sound worried. His familia is weak; hell, even the others could take his familia as a whol-"

"See what I mean when I said you were being stupid." Heracles gulped his drink as he cut August off. He slammed the mug on the table, generating a thud that echoed inside the silent room. "The thing about gods, especially those who are arrogant and narcissistic like Apollo, is that they'll stoop so low just to get their revenge, especially if you wounded their pride."

He stared at August's eyes and rested his head on his hand. With a lazy tone, he continued. "And you, August... just wounded and broke his ego, making him unpredictable and unstable. Right now, even I can't predict what that asshole might do."

August looked confused. In his mind, no matter what Apollo does, he'll never beat the might of Heracles' familia, especially now that he's awake. So he wondered why his god actually sounded worried.

"You don't get it, do you?" Heracles shrugged and poured himself another glass. "He has more resources than us, more connections, more things to throw at us to exhaust our capabilities as a familia... In short... He's richer."

"So what? It doesn't change the fact that he's weak, and so is his familia."

"That may be true, but with his resources and connections, he could just hire swords to bolster his strength. Maybe even a couple of high-level adventurers from gods here in Orario." He sighed again. "It was stupid on your part because you destroyed your element of surprise with just a mere threat when you could have gone for the finishing blow. You could have waited, not giving him a chance to prepare, and yet you squandered a golden opportunity to finish that fight right before it started."

"That action not only put us at a disadvantage, but it also put everyone in this familia at a much higher risk than needed." He eyed him up, looking at August with a hint of disappointment, making the adventurer clench his fist. "Remember that even a rat, if cornered, would inevitably bite back."

"...." August was silent. He did not think deep enough and just rushed in as a first instinct. With the benefit of hindsight, he now realized it was stupid on his part as well. But still, he was adamant that what he did was right. "Old man... He was hurting Froke. I can't just sit idly by and wait in that situation." August couldn't stop a flicker of bloodlust as he spoke those words, his eyes looked straight at Heracles, screaming that if he was given another chance, he would do it again.

"...." It was Heracles' turn to be quiet this time. To be honest, he didn't have a comeback for that. Heracles, the man turned god, knew just how oppressive gods were to mortals, and the tone of August's voice was filled with venom and anger that made him remember just how vile gods could become to mortals, especially Apollo.

He gulped his drink and took a deep breath. He saw that August's glass was empty as well. "What did he do?" he asked as he poured two of them a drink.

"It is not my story to tell." August answered. He pushed the anger down, trying to calm himself. He could feel the mana inside his body threatening to burst just remembering what had happened to Froke in the hands of Apollo. "All I know is that I want to kill him. He was lucky that I was still thinking rationally at that moment. If I wasn't, I would have driven my spear right through his skull."

Heracles closed his eyes. He could feel his body tingling as the aura of the spear slowly moved inside the room, making his skin crawl. The weapon and its master had the same hunger for Apollo's life. Frankly, it scared him. Scared of what August might become once he took a life of a god... Because honestly... He could see himself in his child.

He is afraid that August might become the next butcher.

And he knows that all it takes is for him to snap. All it takes is for the anger to be too much, for his mind to be clouded in it. After all, that is what happened to him, that is what made him the butcher of the gods.

"You're adamant about this huh? About challenging Apollo familia in a war game?" Heracles brought up the topic, wanting August not to focus too much on his anger.

"Yes... It is the only way for Froke to be free from that asshole." August nods, drinking the ale in his glass as he did.

"Very well... Before I agree to all of this, I need to talk to Froke." Heracles' words made August straighten up. He eyed Heracles seriously, trying to see what his god is thinking.

He then shrugs and nods, seeing nothing wrong with his god wanting to talk to Froke.

"Alone, August. I'll talk to Froke alone." Heracles then motioned for August to leave and to call for Froke to come to his office.

"I don't see any reason why I can't be inside the room as well." August protested.

Heracles just looked at him, authority showing in his eyes. August clicked his tongue and headed to the door.

"Oh and August..." Heracles called to him before he fully left the room. August turned and saw a smirk rising on Heracles' lips. "Was the weasel terrified?" he asked.

August's lips also rose to a smile, a sinister one at that. "Like a bitch."

Heracles laughed out loud and slapped his table. "Good job! Now go get Froke."

"Aye." August chuckled before leaving.






Heracles sat in his office, contemplating the conversation he had with his child. He was afraid of how much August resembled his past self—arrogant, believing in his strength above all else. Thinking too much of his own strength, he had failed to see the potential of his enemies. It was a big problem, and Heracles knew it.

Confidence is good, but too much can be poison. He had learned that lesson the hard way and wanted August to avoid the path he had taken. Underestimating opponents was detrimental, and August's recent actions seemed asinine, showing the greenness in his decision-making. Yet, it was a double-edged sword—a sign that there was room for growth and improvement.

There was more for Heracles to teach August, and he was thankful for that. With his guidance, he could steer August away from a dark path, away from revenge and senseless killing. Away from the grim journey he had embarked on when he was mortal.

A knock then a thud on Heracles' door. "Lord Heracles," it was Froke, waiting on the other side. "August said that you wanted to talk to me."

"Ah yes... Come in," Heracles called for the hybrid. The door slowly opened as Froke walked inside meekly. She seemed tense, her movements rigid, a fear evident in every step she took. 'That weasel really did a number on this poor child,' Heracles thought, noticing the unusual twitch in her body.

"Sit," Heracles pointed to the chair in front of his table, urging Froke to sit. He passed a glass to her, pouring a drink to calm her nerves.

"Th-thank you," Froke took the drink, her hands noticeably shaking. Something Heracles didn't fail to notice.

He waited for Froke to get comfortable, not wanting to rush her. Froke took a sip and cringed, sensing the strong alcohol. It was masked by the sweet aroma and taste of fruit in the ale, but her tongue was sensitive enough to pick up on the bitterness.

She coughed a few times, sputtering some of the drink on the table. Clearly not a big drinker.

"Take it slow, child," Heracles' voice made her straighten up. The taste made her forget momentarily that she was in the room with a god. She bowed repeatedly, apologizing for wasting the drink, but Heracles waved her off, saying it was okay.

After a few moments, Heracles could see that Froke was becoming more comfortable. He reckoned it was now okay to start.

"Child. Are you aware that August wants to challenge Apollo familia to a war game? And the reason is to earn your freedom."

Froke's hand stopped. She was about to take another sip when Heracles dropped the news. "Come again?" She thought he was just hearing it, asking the god to repeat what he said.

"August wishes to challenge Apollo familia in a war game... All because of you." Heracles repeated, leaning on the table as he stared sternly at Froke.

Her eyes widened, staring down at the floor, processing the new information. "I take it that it's news to you as well." Froke nodded, fiddling with her fingers. "How do you feel about learning this, child?"

"I'm sorry..." Froke muttered, afraid of what's to come. She was thinking that Heracles would probably kick her out of his house. "I-I didn't know... I'm sorry." She was shaking, fearful that the god might turn his back on her, all because she had brought danger into his familia. Fearful that she'd return back to the clutches of Apollo, back to the hell she had lived in for years.

'She's broken... What did Apollo do to her?' Heracles looked at Froke with pity. He could see how terrified the girl was. "Child, I will not be asking for the details on what happened. That is for you to decide if you are willing to tell... But I do have a question for you. Do you yearn for your freedom?" he asked, making Froke halt. Her shaking stopped as she heard those words.

"...yes..." Froke spoke quietly, her voice sounding like a whisper in the wind.

"Answer me louder, child... Do you yearn for your freedom?" Heracles spoke more firmly, making Froke look at his direction. She saw the serious exterior of the god, even with the rough and growling look on his face; there was kindness in his eyes.

Froke felt a lump in her throat. It felt suffocating. She wanted to scream yes, but something deep inside was stopping her. It was her fear; deep down, she was still afraid of Apollo.

Heracles noticed the hesitation behind Froke's visage. He stood up and slammed his palm on the table. "SPEAK WHAT'S IN YOUR HEART!!! DO YOU YEARN FREEDOM!!!" Heracles' voice boomed inside the room. Froke could feel her heart beating faster and faster; she could hear it even. And with all her might, she shouted.

"YESSS!!!" She stood up from her seat, looking directly at Heracles' eyes, with fire in hers. "YES!!! I WANNA BE FREE FROM THAT MONSTER!!! I WANNA LIVE MY LIFE FOR MYSELF!!! I WANT TO BE SELFISH!!! I FEEL HAPPY THAT AUGUST WANTS TO CHALLENGE HIM FOR MY FREEDOM!!! I YEARN TO BE FREE!!!" She panted, tears flooding her eyes, her heart beating out of her chest, her throat hoarse from screaming.

Heracles looked at Froke stoically. He could see the fire burning in her eyes, her desire to be freed from her prison that is Apollo. He smiled and nodded. "Well said, child." He approved of it. He wanted to see if it was worth fighting for this child, and, suffice to say, there was still fire deep inside her heart. If she had backed down, he would have turned down August's request no matter what.

Froke, on the other hand, was shocked by her outburst. She didn't mean to scream in front of a god; this made her a bit nervous. Making her look at the ground again.

"Raise your head up, child. From this day moving forward, I, Heracles, God of strength and heroes, declare you to be free from your shackle from the oppressive god!" His voice was firm, making Froke stare in awe at the god. She realized just how far of a cry Apollo was compared to Heracles.

'So, this is a god?' Froke thought to herself, staring gratefully towards Heracles, her eyes watering as tears filled up quickly. Heracles himself had now declared her to be free. She bawled her eyes out, thanking the god with everything she had.

Heracles looked at the door to his office. He smirked and spoke. "I never taught you how to eavesdrop, August, you as well, Denki." He then heard a rumbling sound at the other side of the door, making him chuckle. "You lots can come in now."

The door opened, and in entered August, who was smiling from ear to ear walking nonchalant, and Denki, who scratched his head awkwardly, ashamed that he was caught eavesdropping.

Froke quickly wiped the tears off, ashamed to show herself crying to her two friends. August gave her a thumbs up, while Denki waved at her. She didn't know they were listening in; if she did, she would never have screamed like that. 'That was humiliating,' she thought, while roughly wiping the tears and evidence of her crying.

"August, Denki. Call the others, arrange for a meeting." Heracles smiled sinisterly towards August, mirroring his child's patented one. "We'll be declaring war on Apollo familia!"













Chapter 120 is now complete. How are you all enjoying the story so far?

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Have a good day, everyone. Love y'all.