
A survivor's life in the dungeon. (Danmachi fanfic)

witness the journey of a man who lost everything, as he dives in the dungeon for strength and power. will he succumb to the dangers that he'll face, or will he persevere and find what he's looking for, be it revenge or closure that's for him to decide. . . . . . Hey, I'm writing my very first fanfic, I'll write this story as realistic as I can, so no overpowered MC, he'll be strong, but not in an overpowered kind of strong. I hope y'all like it, and please leave comments and feedback so that I may improve the writing of the fanfic, and it will be deeply appreciated. this fanfic will be dark, themes of death, violence, gore, and other dark stuff, so reader discretion is advised.

TheManCandy · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter 119 Lifeline for Apollo. Deal with the devil.

Two days later, at Apollo's mansion:

Apollo sat alone in his office, holding a glass of red wine, drowning himself in alcohol. Gone was his usual narcissistic and arrogant demeanor; what remained was a broken shell of the god he once was. Every sound made him fidget, paranoia and anger taking over his whole system. He blamed August for this, the young adventurer who had the audacity to threaten his life and take one of his possessions during a recent visit.

"Me... A god... Being threatened by a mere mortal?" his voice was laced with venom as he clenched his fist, shattering the glass in his hand. He winced as broken fragments sliced up his hands. "FUCK!!!" He stood up and flipped his table in anger, his godly aura threatening to burst out.

The crashing table made a loud thud, traveling outside his office, where his children winced at the sound. His anger cascaded to some of them as he called someone to his office every now and then to "clear his head," but they knew what was really happening inside the sadistic god's chamber.

Apollo didn't care what his children thought of him; they were his property, and it was his right to do as he pleased as their owner. It was a sick way to view his familia, and many gods knew of this but didn't care. So why should he?

"HYAKENTHOS!!!" Apollo screamed for his captain, no doubt wanting to "calm his mind" again. But no answer came, only silence. He got even angrier and marched towards the door, wanting to vent at the incompetent man he made his captain. But as his hand reached for the door, he felt a cold air blowing behind his neck.

He paused, feeling a tingle of mana inside the room. "Who's there?" he asked, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice. "I'm in no mood for games; I suggest you show yourself now!"

"My my... Apollo... How the mighty have fallen." A sweet and melodic voice entered his ears, a familiar voice from heaven. The voice sent shivers down his spine as the darkness in his office began to fold and bend, forming into the figure of a woman. "I like this look on you much better. It's more... Desperate."

Apollo clicked his tongue as he saw who it was. His mind raced, trying to find an explanation for her presence. Then it clicked... Magic. She was known for this kind of stuff; even if gods couldn't use arcanum in the lower world, they could teach their children how to cast similar spells using mana.

He looked at the figure from head to toe with discerning eyes accustomed to looking down on everyone. "Why are you here... Apate?" he clenched his fist, his face scrunching into anger, remembering the events of three and a half months ago.

The attack on Orario, orchestrated by Evilus. Apate, the goddess of deceit, was a known member of that organization. As much of an asshole as Apollo was, he did hate Evilus and everything they stood for.

"My... Apollo, couldn't little old me visit one of my friends here in Orario?" Apate clutched her heart, acting hurt by Apollo's tone. "I do miss every-"

"CUT THE CRAP!!!" Apollo screamed in anger, cutting off Apate. "I'm in no mood for this... Especially from you Evilus scums!" His voice laced with venom as he glared at the goddess. "And don't give me that! I can clearly see that this is an apparition, something I'm sure one of your pesky children is casting right now. You don't even have the guts to come here in person."

"Oh, someone's angry... And a little bird told me that's because of a mortal who paid you a visit two days ago." Apate smiled as her figure hovered towards Apollo. "Must be humiliating. Especially for a proud god such as yourself."

"...." Apollo clenched his fist, remembering how August humiliated him. Everything that was happening right now was because of that mortal. The wound in his hands bled more profusely as his nails dug into it, the pain fueling his anger even more. Every drop of blood was added to his deep-seated anger towards the mortal.

"And worst of all... If this comes out, you'll be the laughingstock of the gods in Orario. A joke... All because of one lowly mortal." Apate's face inched closer towards Apollo's ear. And with a mocking tone, she whispered, "How pathetic."

Apollo threw a punch, but his hands only passed through the apparition. His face red in anger as Apate chuckled at his expense.

If his anger hadn't gotten the best of him, he might have noticed the implications behind Apate's words — that there was a spy in his midst, leaking information to Evilus. But alas, Apollo's anger had blinded him from logical thinking.

For the goddess, everything was falling right into the palm of her hands. She knew of Apollo's temper and had plans to use it to further her goals.

"SHUT UP!!!" Apollo rushed into her figure once again, but this time, Apate was standing in front of a wall. He punched only to hit the solid marble wall, hurting his own hands in the process as he grunted in pain and anger. He crouched down as he clenched his fist, teeth gritting and eyes red.

"Oh, how he treated you like a fool. Even going as far as pointing his spear towards you and taking your property in front of your eyes." The goddess added fuel to the fire, mocking the god even more.

"HYAKINTHOS!!!" Apollo screamed for his captain, calling him into his chambers, but Apate just laughed even louder.

"Don't bother. No one will hear you no matter how loud you scream. Did you forget just who I am? Do you think I wouldn't make preparations for this visit? This spell is perfect... For now, only you and I are in this room."

"What do you want?" Apollo grunted as he glared at the goddess.

Apate leaned closer and smiled meaningfully towards the god. "Oh no, Apollo... You got it all wrong." Her hands reached out to his face, sending a cold shiver down his spine. There was no sense of touch, only the cold sensation of the magic that made the apparition. "It is not I who needs something from you... From where I'm standing, it's the other way around... Don't you think?"

Apollo chuckled. "You must take me for a fool, Apate! Do you actually believe that I'll be joining Evilus?" He then spat at the floor where Apate's apparition floated. "I will not stoop so lowly to join your pathetic group just to get rid of a mortal!"

Apate shrugged. "I have no doubt in my mind that you're no fool, Apollo. As a matter of fact, I view you as one of the smarter gods." She moved her hand inside her cloak and revealed a pea-sized object that shone with a purple glow, filling the room with a dark and sinister ambiance.

The light slowly died down, revealing an orb of purple no bigger than a pebble people would pass by in the streets. Apate then smiled as the orb floated in her right hand. "Beautiful, isn't it?" she asked as she eyed Apollo. "One of Erebus' creations. As crazy as he is, I have to admit, that madman is a genius."

Apollo's eyes were laced with curiosity as he stared at the object. "What is that?"

"I believe that you are familiar with its effect. You, after all, witnessed it firsthand 3 and a half months ago." Apate grinned as she held it with her two fingers, dangling it in front of Apollo.

Apollo's eyes widened, as anger covered his face. "That's the thing that made that abomination?!"

"Close... This one is actually a variant... One less potent than the original." She closed her fist on the object and placed it back inside her cloak. "One I'm sure would aid you very well... That is, of course, if you're smart enough to take it." She then smiled sweetly towards Apollo. "You're smart enough, aren't you, Apollo?"

Apollo chuckled, which then turned into a maddened laughing fit, clenching his stomach as he wiped the tears off his eyes. "And what would you have me do? Join Evilus?" he turned serious in a snap, glaring at Apate who was just smiling and staring at him. "Didn't I make myself clear? I will not be joining your pathetic group!"

"Oh, but Apollo... This isn't an invitation for you to join. This is us extending our hand for you to take." Apate also turned serious as the coldness in her voice shifted the air inside the room. "If this was an invitation, you would actually have the leeway to say no. But we all know that you can't. After all... You have too much pride and ego to allow yourself to fall in status once words of your run-in with August get out."

She walked literally through Apollo, her apparition passing right through his body, sending a cold shiver running all over him. "We all know what would happen now... August had already given you his judgment... He did say he will kill you. And what would you do? Go and ask for help from your friends here in Orario? Hahaha! They'll laugh at how pathetic you are, being cornered by a mortal."

"Your reputation is what you value the most, and right now, everything you had built will come crashing down. Unless..." Apate playfully turned and extended her hand. "You'll be smart about it."

Apollo's anger rose even more; he wanted to slap the hand that Apate is giving him, but he had learned his lesson, he can't touch him. Instead, he screamed at her. "DON'T YOU DARE TOY WITH ME, APATE!!! YOU WILL NOT PLAY ME!!!"

"Hahaha! Play you?" Apate sarcastically mused; she looked at Apollo with amusement filling her eyes. She could feel it. Apollo is dancing at the palm of her hands; now it's time to finish this off. "I'm not playing you... I'm giving you a lifeline... One you so desperately need right now. We of Evilus and you share the same goal, to rid of August Kaizer and Heracles. I can't see why we can't scratch each of our back?"

Apollo had his eyes on Apate; his gaze moved to her hand, extended, as if asking for a shake, a metaphorical one since she wasn't here to begin with, but one nonetheless. He stared back at her face, a smile of temptation pulling Apollo into the abyss. His hands shook, slowly moving up towards Apate's. Stopping and continuing as his mind ran in turmoil.

The temptation Apate brings made him want to take her hand on the spot; killing August and Heracles would bring him nothing but joy. But at the same time, he knew that he would be taking a deal with the devil. Ironic since he was facing a god like him.

"Come on, Apollo... Search deep within you. You know my words are right. You did nothing wrong... They are the ones at fault." Apate's smile grew even larger as she sees the once steadfast Apollo, keeping on refusing her, now becoming hesitant. Tempted by her offer. "How dare a lowly mortal threaten you... You should make him pay. Take our hand; Evilus will aid you in bringing down the Gaé bulg and taking back your property."

Those words are what did it. Apollo extended his hand towards Apate, touching the cold air of the apparition that is the goddess. And with it, a deal has been set. Apollo has joined Evilus.












Chapter 119 is now complete. How are you all enjoying the story so far?

Sorry about that, I know you guys waited for a year for the next chapter...

Ok I'll stop with the new year jokes now. Hahaha.

Anyway, not hangover so was able to post today, happy new years to everyone.

Please leave a comment, review, and feedback to help me improve this fanfic. Every little thing helps me understand your preferences and will contribute to writing a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

Thank you for following this fanfic. I hope you're enjoying it.

Have a good day, everyone. Love y'all.