
A survivor's life in the dungeon. (Danmachi fanfic)

witness the journey of a man who lost everything, as he dives in the dungeon for strength and power. will he succumb to the dangers that he'll face, or will he persevere and find what he's looking for, be it revenge or closure that's for him to decide. . . . . . Hey, I'm writing my very first fanfic, I'll write this story as realistic as I can, so no overpowered MC, he'll be strong, but not in an overpowered kind of strong. I hope y'all like it, and please leave comments and feedback so that I may improve the writing of the fanfic, and it will be deeply appreciated. this fanfic will be dark, themes of death, violence, gore, and other dark stuff, so reader discretion is advised.

TheManCandy · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter 115 an awkward reunion. Tension rises.

The aftermath of the fight could be seen in the 18th floor, bodies of adventurers who paid the ultimate sacrifice littered the floor, limbs torn from their bodies, injured mortals who had no choice but to retire from the only job they knew how.

They had won, but at such a large loss. They were never prepared for the attack, hell they thought it was impossible, after all, the 18th floor is a safe zone. Away from the monsters that would kill them on sight.

But alas, if everything goes as expected, then it wouldn't be life, wouldn't it?

Everyone knew that if August didn't arrive, they would all be dead. And with that thought in mind, everyone stared at the young boy, only 15 years of age, with awe and reverence.

He had singlehandedly fought all the monsters that attacked the 18th floor safe zone, along with the black goliath, and won. The legend of him was growing, and everyone in the safe zone knew they are witnessing a rise of someone great.




Froke and rest arrived after the fight was over, to be clear they had ran after August, but the fight didn't last 5 minutes, they didn't even see how it unfolded.

But they saw the mayhem, the aftermath of such a battle, as the ground was littered with blood, charred dirt, and remnants of August's mana.

"What the hell happened here?" Froke muttered, while the others stared and scowled, watching the adventurers picking up their dead and healing the wounds of the injured.

Denki was among those who are helping, truth be told he was tired, but he knew that they are shorthanded right now, so he did everything he can to help, carrying the wounded, and assisting Asfi as she applied first aid into their wounds.

"Denki!" Katty called on the young samurai, making him turn towards their direction. Denki beams as he saw the hume bunny, after all another person who has medical knowledge would be welcomed right now.

His eyes moved to see everyone who was left on the surface here, the smile on his face grew larger, but stopped when he saw another person with the group, his eyes met that of Froke.

Froke had an awkward expression on her face, she remembered the last time the two of them talked. Suffice to say that it didn't end well.

Denki's expression turned blank, he opened his mouth and spoke, ignoring Froke as he did. "Katty, help with the healing, the rest of you assist on the injured and bring them here." he then looked at Asfi who was busy applying potion to a wounded adventurer who lost a chunk of his flesh on his left shoulder. "Miss Asfi. We have another healer here, I'll take my leave and help with others."

Asfi nod without looking, she was concentrating on her task, too preoccupied to see the awkward atmosphere that was forming.

The other members of the Heracles familia who came with August looked at the two (Denki, and Froke) seemingly confused on why things seems tense for the two. When they came here, August had told them that it was the 3 of them that used to dive together, and from his stories, it seems like the three of them are close. But right now, there was an awkward atmosphere within the two that made them uncomfortable. They hurriedly moved, with Katty moving towards Asfi while the rest scurried to help the recovery and relief mission that was happening.

They spared one last glance though before moving, seeing Froke staring at Denki with a yearning expression while the young samurai was not even looking at her direction.

Jogu who had no filter muttered before leaving. "Talk about awkward." he spoke softly, but since the others are all adventurers with enhance senses, they all heard him, and looked at him annoyingly, with Katty even elbowing him at his ribs.

"Read the room man." Thorne shook his head as he moves, wanting to get out of the awkward environment, the others following suit, looking at Jogu and shaking their head as they passed.

"What the fuck did I do?" Jogu asked confused, and received another elbow from Katty.

"Just... Just shut-up dude." Kiez sighed and pat Jogu at his shoulders.

They gave a nod to Froke and went on their way, the hybrid returned the nod as well, but they can see it clearly that she was uncomfortable with the situation right now.

When they were gone, Froke ran up aftering Denki who left a little while earlier, she needed to talk to him. 'But what?..' she stopped on her tracks. 'What can I even say?' her thoughts was on shambles, she really didn't know how ta face Denki right now.

"Yo!" Froke jumped and yelp as a voice came right behind him. "If you're looking for Denki, he's at the tent with lady Hestia, that slightly annoying god, and Bell." It was August, he had a small smile on his face, as he pointed at the camp where Denki headed.

"August... I-I don't know what to say to him." Froke answered, down ridden, she kept her eyes on the ground, and bit her lips.

"He's your friend, I'm sure he'll be happy to see y-"

"He couldn't even look at me!" Froke cut him off, her voice raised unintentionally. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to raise my voice."

August sighed, he raised his hand and patted Froke in the head. "Look, you've been through a lot. I really don't get what happened when I was gone, but sooner or later, the two of you have to talk it out."

"Hmmm." Froke nodded, but it was without any strength at all, she knew August was right but she didn't know where to even start. 'Should I just go and say hi like old-times? Should I just approach him?' she was deep in thought, wondering what to do.

August was about to open his mouth, but a voice startled him. "Young August!" he clicked his tongue in annoyance as he could sense Hermes moving closer into their direction.

"As much as I love to stay and help, that annoying god has been bugging me since after the fight, so I gotta bolt." he chuckled at his choice of words, it wasn't intentional after all but he does have a penchant for using lightning. He looked at Froke one last time. "Talk to him." he saidbefore turning towards Hermes. "Lord Hermes, as much as I love to talk to you, I really need to help the others in the recovery effort so I'll talk to you later instead." he then ran away, leaving Hermes and Froke alone.

Hermes panted and sighs, he had been trying to talk to August as soon as the fight ended, but the mortal always finds a way to get out of the conversation. "What a shy child." he mutters earning an eye role from Froke.

'You're just annoying though.' She thought as she made her way inside the tent, listening to August's advice to have her talk with Denki.




Denki was on a sour mood, it all started when he saw Froke earlier, truth be told, he was feeling guilty with their last conversation, but seeing her here made all that guilt turn into anger.

For him, it just prove his point, Froke didn't even talk to him when he needed her the most. When August was in his coma, he tried to employ Froke so many times, but the hybrid kept on making excuses. And because of that, he said some nasty things, things he really didn't mean and only said due to frustration which earned him a slap on the face.

He felt guilty about calling Froke a gold digger, and someone who's only in the party because August the "Gaé bulg" was there. And when he was in a coma she left. For the past 2 months he racked his brain, trying to find the best way to apologize. But when he saw Froke here, coming along with August, all those thoughts flew out the window.

In his mind, Froke was just here for the money, and now that August is back, she's back as well. He felt angry, disgusted by the hybrid he once called his friend.

Bell and Hestia watched awkwardly as Denki was fixing his belongings, packing it for the journey back to the surface, they could feel the tension he had in the air.

"Uhmm... Mr. Denki. Is everything ok?" Bell asked, he was covered in bandage from head to toe, he inched closer to the young samurai, trying to see the look he had on his face.

"I'm fine." Denki spoke curtly. Not looking at Bell, he was not in a talking mood right now.

"Samurai, did something happen?" Hestia tried as well, walking besides Bell.

"Everything is fine lady Hestia." he pulled his bag and placed it on his shoulder. "If you'll excuse me, with the captain here we had ourself our own camp, and I would be moving there right now." He spoke without any readable emotion and moved passed the two, heading towards the exit.

Hestia and Bell looked at each other, as though they are urging one another to speak, but the two are both socially awkward individuals who didn't know how to tackle such a situation. Denki gazed back at the two and sigh. "We'll be leaving tomorrow, with the captain here, we wouldn't have to wait for the Loki familia to come back. I suggest you packed your belongings as well." He then exited the tent, leaving the two of them not knowing what just happened.

As he opened the flapped of the tent he stood face to face with Froke who was looking at him with pleading eyes. "Denki..."

Denki took a glance at her and walked pass her, ignoring the hybrid completely.

Froke felt the chill in the young samurai's movement, Denki was so cold right now, he didn't even acknowledge her standing in front of him. She chased after the young samurai, her steeps felt heavy but he pushed on. "Denki come on... Talk to me."

Denki continued to ignore her, as if he wasn't there in the first place, this made Froke a bit mad, she ran towards Denki and grabbed his arms, turning him to face her. "Will you please talk to me!" her voice was a bit raised, grabbing the attention of everyone in the vicinity.

Denki looked at her coldly, his eyes then snapped to the other adventurer, as if saying "Mind your own business." he then returned his attention back to Froke, and with a cold voice he answered. "What?"

Froke was taken a back by the coldness in Denki's voice, she took a step back, a bit of fear in her eyes, Denki had released a bit of bloodlust when he looked at the adventurers earlier, and in turn it reached Froke as well.

But Denki didn't care. He continued to look at Froke, indifferent to her and the others reaction. "You said you want to talk right? Then talk."

Froke had been put on the spot, she wanted to talk with Denki, but now that she has a chance, she couldn't form a sentence, a word, anything, to say to him. She found herself tongue tied.

"If your not going to say anything, then I'm leaving. I'm busy and I would appreciate if you leave me alone."  Denki turned, leaving Froke standing on her place like a statue.

As Denki took his first step, something inside of Froke snapped. "I'm sorry, but I'm trying ok! You don't have to be an asshole about everything Denki!" her voice shriek making Denki stop on his tracks, the other adventurer forgot all about their injuries, straining their ears to listen. After all, be it god or mortal, no one could say no to a potential drama, especially if it's happening in front of them.

"So I'm the asshole?" Denki chuckled, he then look back, a mocking smile on his face as he looked at Froke. "I'm the asshole then? Fine, then you're the gold digging bitch! Welcome back! Now that the captain is awake, you can finally earn big again right?!" Denki snapped as well, he walked closer to Froke, his face inches away from her, he was angry.

Froke's eyes widened, Denki's words stung, she clenched her fist and bit her mouth, her ears and tail lying limp, as tears started to fill her eyes. "You don't know anything Denki." She muttered softly, but her voice was filled with sadness, and anger.

Denki chuckled. "Oh I know everything Froke, at first I was guilty, but seeing you here today just proves my point. We were never your friends, me and the captain are just your money bags." a mocking smile on his face grew larger, he was angry. Angry why talking like this made his heart hurt so much, he pushed the guilt that was forming a lump on his throat, too blinded by the anger that he was feeling. "You don't belong here with us Froke, maybe that pallum in your familia is right. You really are trash."


A violent thud echoes through the camp sight as a fist landed squarely on Denki's face, sending him crashing to the ground. Denki felt angry, his hands moved to his katana as he rolled to quickly get up, but stopped on his tracks when he saw who punched him. August was looking at him coldly, his eyes was screaming for him to stay the fuck down or else.

"Denki..." August spoke coldly. "Apologize."

The campsight grew quiet as they stared at the escalating tension. August too pissed offed, released a portion of his mana and looked around. Staring at every adventurer in the area. "Fuck off." he mutters to a whisper, but everyone could here it loud and clear. The adventurers scram, too afraid of what August might do if they didn't.

He then stared back at Denki, and again he spoke, this time much more firmer. "Apologize to her!"













Chapter 115 is now complete. How are you all enjoying the story so far?

Sorry for not posting on schedule, was busy with IRL stuffs.

Here's a quick question. Is Denki justified to be angry here? He did feel abandoned, especially since he needed Froke at a time when August was in his coma.

Or was he on the wrong here? After all he doesn't know the whole story on why Froke avoided him. Froke was doing what she thought was the best course to take in order to not pull Denki and August into her shit with Apollo.


Please leave a comment, review, and feedback to help me improve this fanfic. Every little thing helps me understand your preferences and will contribute to writing a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

Thank you for following this fanfic. I hope you're enjoying it.

Have a good day, everyone. Love y'all.