
A successful villain

In a world divided by hate,control,and segregation. Who will rise up and defend the weak? Save the poor? Dethrone the government? Abi is only trying to be a good girl for mother. Will she betray her teachings? Will she join the rebellion? With her crazy vision and words from friends, she is more confused then ever. No longer care free or full of ignorance. Will Abi stand by and do nothing?

Azian_Dumpling · Fantasy
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4 Chs


In the year of 5015 the world has made technological improvements. Super or meta human powers are no longer fiction. New discoveries have led to more racial diversity. Now the ogres,elf's,dragons,sirens and mythical creatures of the past have been brought to life again. So much progress has been made that no one is without food,water, or shelter. Currency is now only bronze,silver,and gold. As to not waste trees or damage the earth with waste. All waste is burned. The government all over has become a democracy.

Each town,city,state is divided by class. Large gated metal walls are used to separate each section. The poor on the bottom, middle class in the middle, and wealthy are located at the top. Races are also separated into classes. Dragons,hybrids,ogres,and any races deemed a threat to society are located in the poor sector. Sirens,humans,fairies, and all non threatening or deemed safe races are in the middle. The wealthy class is devised of elf's,unicorns,and human sorcerers. The upper sectors are allowed to travel to the lower sectors. The lower sectors are not permitted to leave at any time.

The government has produced laws to keep order in the world. Hybrids of any race are not allowed to be made. Anyone in violation of this order will be deemed apart of rebellion and dealt with accordingly. Those in middle class are allowed to earn a spot in the upper class. All powers are not permitted to be used except by the upper class. Middle class may earn the privilege to use their powers. Lower class may never be permitted to use their powers. Law enforcement is now made up of only super or meta humans. They are only allowed to keep order in each sector. Aiding the government in ridding the world of rebellion.

Rebels are anyone who disagrees with the government. Anyone practicing magic or using powers without a license. Any lower class out of their sector. All who question the government. Those who do not believe everything is perfect. Last all who threaten the government,law enforcement,or agents of order.

Dragons are known to have been created. Since they did not follow society's laws, they were disposed of. In the year of 4997 war was imposed on dragon race. By 5001 all dragons were disposed of. Now dragons are known as an extinct race.