

Please leave a review if you like the story. I'll also leave a review in your story! Uroya is a young girl who is bullied by a group of boys led by Zinra. However, she is saved by a magical bunny and begins to train hard in order to stand up to Zinra. Through her hard work and training, Uroya becomes much larger and faster than others her age and develops impressive muscles at just six years old. She finally gets the chance to give Zinra a lecture, humiliating him in front of the entire village. For the following years, Uroya continues to stand up to Zinra, causing him to stop growing and appearing as an adult. One day, a mysterious man arrives in the village and invites young people to attend The Witch Hunter Academy, where Uroya and Zinra begin a new chapter in their lives.

SefaAYNA · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

The Last Witch Hunter

The group redoubled their efforts, each of them attacking the blood bat in turn. Uroya swung her greataxe with all her might, the weapon slicing through the air with a fierce whistle. The blood bat managed to dodge the attack, its wings flapping madly as it disappeared into the shadows.

Liraa tried her luck next, her daggers flashing in the dim light. But the blood bat was too quick, easily evading her attacks. As she stumbled, her eyes glazing over, Uroya and Myerna could see the horror on her face.

"Liraa, snap out of it!" Myerna shouted, trying to shake her teammate out of the blood bat's hypnotic spell.

But it was no use. Liraa seemed lost in a world of her own, muttering to herself about a mother who was a flower. Uroya felt a pang of sadness as she saw her normally cheerful friend reduced to this state.

Determined to save her, Uroya attacked the blood bat again, her greataxe whistling through the air. But again, the creature was too fast, easily dodging the attack.

Myerna tried to use the environment to her advantage, using the murky waters of the swamp to her advantage. But the blood bat seemed to anticipate her every move, its skeleton-like form shimmering in and out of focus.

As the battle raged on, the blood bat let out a deafening scream, its hypnotic powers lashing out at the group. Uroya and Myerna were able to resist its influence, but they had no idea what was happening.

Uroya attacked the blood bat once more, her greataxe flashing through the air. But again, the creature was too fast, easily dodging the attack.

Just when it seemed like all was lost, Myerna had an idea. She pulled out one of her remaining spears, taking careful aim at the giant blood bat perched atop the giant tree. With a fierce cry, she let fly, the spear arcing through the air towards its target.

To the group's amazement, the spear found its mark, sinking deep into the blood bat's flesh. With a cry of triumph, Myerna rushed forward to finish it off.

But just as she reached the creature, Uroya heard the sound of footsteps approaching. "Be careful, Myerna," she shouted.

A group of commoners, soldiers, and even witch hunters appeared on the scene, their eyes filled with hatred. "Witches... must die," one of them spat, his gaze fixed on Uroya and the others.

Uroya quickly realized what was happening. "They are hypnotized!" she shouted, trying to reason with the group. "This blood bat has been controlling their minds!"

But it was no use. The group was too far gone, driven by their hatred and fear of witches. They rushed at Uroya and the others, their weapons raised.

As the group fought for their lives, Uroya noticed Liraa standing off to the side, a look of pure hatred on her face. She was muttering to herself about a mother who was a flower, and as Uroya walked back towards her, she stepped on the flower that Liraa had been talking about.

"You witch! You killed my mom!" Liraa shrieked, launching herself at Uroya. The horror of the situation was palpable, as Uroya tried to defend herself against her own teammate, driven mad by the blood bat's hypnotic powers.

The night air was cool and crisp in the garden of the Witch Hunter's academy, the fountains and training places casting a tranquil glow in the moonlight. Zinra, a young man with piercing green eyes and a determined set to his jaw, made his way to his dormitory room, his thoughts on the day's events.

Inside, he found his roommates Ayveil and Falathor fast asleep. Ayveil was looking thin, short boy, his neat and tidy habits reflected in the tidiness of his side of the room. Falathor, on the other hand, looking tall, slender boy, with a habit of leaving his clothes scattered everywhere.

Zinra placed two potions on the desk, one for Ayveil and one for Falathor. These potions were powerful healing draughts, capable of mending even the most severe of injuries. They glowed with an otherworldly light, their contents swirling and churning within the glass vials.

As he watched his friends sleep, Zinra couldn't help but worry about Uroya. He had noticed that she had been feeling down lately, her normally bright and cheerful demeanor replaced by a more subdued and depressed one. Zinra wanted to help her, but he was afraid of her powers and what she might do if he approached her.

Turning his gaze to the window, Zinra saw that the moon was casting its light on the spot where Uroya usually practiced.

As the commoners closed in on Uroya, she raised her greataxe, ready to defend herself. With a fierce growl, she swung the weapon with all her might, parrying the attacks of the three commoners. With one swift blow, she killed them all, their bodies crumpling to the ground in a grotesque heap.

Filled with anger, Uroya turned her attention to the next group of attackers. Five commoners closed in on her at once, but Uroya was more than a match for them. She counter-attacked with ferocity, her greataxe tearing through their flesh with ease. The sound of their screams filled the air as their bodies were ripped apart by the force of her blows.

While Uroya fought off the commoners, Myerna was making her way up the giant tree, trying to avoid the hypnotized people and finish off the blood bat. But Uroya was not faring as well. She felt a sudden stabbing pain in her back and turned to see Liraa, her normally cheerful face twisted with anger as she backstabbed her. Uroya was shocked and saddened by this betrayal.

Before she could react, another commoner swung a sickle at her, the blade sinking deep into Uroya's enormous, muscular body. She cried out in pain, but she was not one to go down easily. With a mighty push, she sent Liraa flying, and with a fierce cry, she threw her greataxe, the weapon tearing through the air as it killed the commoners instantly.

With her bare hands, Uroya began to punch and blow the heads of the hypnotized people, enjoying the feeling of dominance and excitement that came with each kill. The gore of the scene was almost too much to bear, but Uroya reveled in it, her bloodthirsty nature taking over.

As the battle raged on, Myerna finally reached the blood bat. She took her spear, ready to finish it off, but the creature was quick to react. It shook off the spear, flying into the air once more. Myerna jumped onto its back, determined to take it down. With a fierce cry, she plunged her spear deep into the creature's flesh, hoping finally bringing it down.

As the fight raged on, one of the witch hunters attacked Uroya with a sword, enhanced with a yellow glowing magic. The attack was strong enough to push Uroya back, but she was not one to go down easily. With a fierce growl, she parried the attack with her greataxe, the force of the blow causing the weapon to sing through the air.

Uroya smirked, thinking to herself, "Is this the full extent of the witch hunters' capabilities?" She grabbed the witch hunter by the head, her strong hand crushing his skull with ease. The eyeball of the dying man hung from its cracked head, a grotesque sight to behold. This witch hunter had spent his entire life surviving in the academy, and yet he had met his end at the hands of a young girl. Uroya felt a sense of satisfaction wash over her as she reveled in the kill.

Determined to take out as many of her enemies as possible, Uroya attacked two witch hunters at once. One of them was thrown into a tree, the force of the impact causing the tree to splinter and the witch hunter to faint. The other one managed to block her attack, but Uroya was not done yet. She continued to fight, her moves fast and deadly as she took on the witch hunters with all her might.

With a fierce growl, Myerna forced the blood bat to fall to the ground, its body impaled on the tree that Uroya had broken before. The sound of the creature's screams filled the air as it writhed in pain, its wings flailing about in a desperate attempt to escape.

Myerna stood over the blood bat, her spear at the ready as she prepared to deliver the final blow. The air was thick with the smell of blood and sweat, the tension of the battle palpable as she prepared to end the creature's life.

"It's over," she said, her voice cold and determined.

With a fierce cry, she plunged her spear into the creature's blind eye, ending its life once and for all. As the blood bat lay dying, Myerna let out a sigh of relief, the weight of the battle finally lifting from her shoulders.

As the hypnosis effect finally lifted from the last witch hunter, he looked around in horror at the scene before him. The bodies of his comrades lay scattered about, their blood staining the ground in a grotesque display. He couldn't even bring himself to scream, his mind numb with shock and fear.

As the witch hunter tried to run, Uroya caught him, her strong hand grasping his head as she lifted him up, her smile twisted into a cruel sneer. They were at eye level now, and the witch hunter could feel the full weight of Uroya's power bearing down upon him. He struggled and kicked, trying to escape her grasp, but it was no use.

"Please," he begged, tears streaming down his face as he begged for mercy. "Let me go. I won't tell anyone, I promise."

But Uroya only chuckled, her voice dripping with false sympathy as she spoke. "Oh, I'll let you go," she said. "But first, let's have a little fun."