

Please leave a review if you like the story. I'll also leave a review in your story! Uroya is a young girl who is bullied by a group of boys led by Zinra. However, she is saved by a magical bunny and begins to train hard in order to stand up to Zinra. Through her hard work and training, Uroya becomes much larger and faster than others her age and develops impressive muscles at just six years old. She finally gets the chance to give Zinra a lecture, humiliating him in front of the entire village. For the following years, Uroya continues to stand up to Zinra, causing him to stop growing and appearing as an adult. One day, a mysterious man arrives in the village and invites young people to attend The Witch Hunter Academy, where Uroya and Zinra begin a new chapter in their lives.

SefaAYNA · Fantasy
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22 Chs

One Last Challange

Uroya stood tall and proud, her eyes locked onto the leader of the group of boys as she spoke. She had humiliated and dominated him, and now it was time to rub it in.

"You're nothing but a weak, pitiful little boy," she sneered, her voice dripping with contempt. "You're thinner than a girl who is six years younger than you. How embarrassing is that?"

She laughed as the leader hung his head in shame, tears streaming down his face. He had never been humiliated like this before, and he knew that he would never live it down.

"And now, just to make sure you really understand your place," Uroya continued, her voice laced with malice. "I'm going to squeeze your cheeks, just like you're a little baby."

She reached out and grabbed the leader's cheeks, pinching them between her fingers as she laughed. He cried out in pain and embarrassment, his tears flowing freely as he begged for mercy.

"Please, stop," he whimpered, his voice trembling with fear and shame. "I'm sorry, I'll never bully anyone again, I promise."

But Uroya was not finished yet. She laughed as she lifted the leader off the ground with ease, her muscles rippling as she held him aloft. The other children watched in shock and amusement, laughing and jeering at the sight of the humiliated boy.

"You see this, everyone?" Uroya called out, her voice filled with triumph. "This is what happens when you mess with me. You will all learn to respect me, or suffer the same fate."

She set the leader back down on the ground, laughing as he crumpled to the ground in a heap. He sobbed uncontrollably, his face red and swollen with tears. Uroya looked down at him with disgust, her eyes filled with contempt.

"Now get out of my sight," she said, her voice cold and hard. "And don't you ever forget this lesson."

The leader stumbled to his feet, his head down as he made his way out of the village. The other children watched in amazement as he left, their eyes wide with fear and respect. They knew that they would never dare to cross Uroya again, not after what they had just witnessed.

Uroya stood tall and proud, her muscles rippling as she basked in the feeling of domination. She had humiliated and dominated the leader of the group of boys, and she knew that she would never be afraid of them again. She had proven herself to be the strongest and most powerful person in the village, and she intended to keep it that way.

Zinra's house was a small, humble abode, nestled among the other modest dwellings of the village. It was a single-story structure made of rough-hewn wood, with a thatched roof that was beginning to show its age. The interior was cramped and cluttered, filled with the simple furnishings and possessions of a poor family.

Zinra's bedroom was a cramped, windowless space at the back of the house. It was furnished with a narrow cot and a small table, upon which sat a battered candleholder and a few scraps of parchment. The room was dark and musty, and it smelled of sweat and despair.

As Zinra lay on his cot, shaking and crying, he felt a sense of despair wash over him. He was the strongest child in the village, or at least he had always thought so. But today, he had been humiliated by a girl who was six years younger than him. She had dominated him, easily overpowering him in their rough-and-tumble play. The memory of it made Zinra feel small and weak, like a girl.

He tried to push the thoughts out of his mind, but they refused to leave. He couldn't shake the feeling of shame and inadequacy that had settled over him like a cloak. He wished he could just disappear, to vanish into the shadows and never be seen again.

But even as he lay there, feeling sorry for himself, he knew that he couldn't give up. He had always been strong, and he couldn't let one defeat define him. He had to find a way to regain his strength and his confidence, to prove to himself and to the world that he was still the strongest child in the village.

With a renewed sense of determination, Zinra sat up and wiped the tears from his eyes. He knew what he had to do. He would train harder than ever before, pushing himself to his limits and beyond. He would become stronger than he had ever been, and he would never let anyone dominate him again.

And so, with a fierce determination in his heart, Zinra set out on a journey to reclaim his strength and his pride. He knew it would be a long and difficult road, but he was determined to see it through to the end, no matter what obstacles lay in his path.

For three long years, Zinra was dominated and humiliated by Uroya, the younger girl who had once been his playmate. As he entered puberty, his growth slowed and he began to thin out, while Uroya seemed to grow more and more muscular and strong with each passing day.

Despite his best efforts, Zinra could not keep up with her. She was taller and stronger than any of the other teens in the village, and she seemed to revel in her physical superiority. She would often challenge Zinra to wrestling matches, taunting him and making him look foolish in front of the other children.

Zinra tried to fight back, but it was no use. Uroya was too strong for him, and she seemed to enjoy humbling him with her superior strength. She would pin him to the ground and hold him there, laughing as he struggled and gasped for breath.

As the years went by, Zinra grew thinner and weaker, while Uroya grew more and more muscular. Even the other boys in the village began to ridicule Zinra, teasing him for his lack of strength and his inability to stand up to Uroya.

Despite the constant humiliation, Zinra refused to give up. He continued to train and push himself, determined to one day prove to Uroya and the rest of the village that he was still the strongest child. But no matter how hard he tried, he seemed to be no match for Uroya's fierce physical strength. Finally, one day, Zinra could take it no longer. He challenged Uroya to one last wrestling match, determined to either win or be crushed once and for all.

The sun beat down mercilessly on the dry, dusty ground as Zinra faced off against Uroya, his former playmate turned arch-nemesis. She stood tall and confident, her muscles rippling under her tanned skin, while Zinra looked thin and wiry by comparison.

Around them, a small crowd had gathered, cheering and jeering as the two teenagers prepared to do battle. Zinra could feel the eyes of the village upon him, and he knew that this was his chance to prove himself once and for all.

"Come on, Zinra!" shouted one of the boys. "You can do it! Show her who's boss!"

Zinra gritted his teeth and squared off against Uroya, his fists clenched at his sides. He had trained for this moment for years, pushing himself to his limits in order to become the strongest he could be. And now, finally, he would get his chance to show everyone what he was made of.

Uroya snorted and cracked her knuckles, a smug smile playing across her lips. "I'll make this quick," she said. "I don't have all day to play with you."

Without warning, she launched herself at Zinra, driving him to the ground with a powerful tackle. Zinra gasped as the air was knocked out of him, and he struggled to break free of her grasp. But Uroya was too strong, and she pinned him easily, pressing her weight down on him as she panted in his face.