

Please leave a review if you like the story. I'll also leave a review in your story! Uroya is a young girl who is bullied by a group of boys led by Zinra. However, she is saved by a magical bunny and begins to train hard in order to stand up to Zinra. Through her hard work and training, Uroya becomes much larger and faster than others her age and develops impressive muscles at just six years old. She finally gets the chance to give Zinra a lecture, humiliating him in front of the entire village. For the following years, Uroya continues to stand up to Zinra, causing him to stop growing and appearing as an adult. One day, a mysterious man arrives in the village and invites young people to attend The Witch Hunter Academy, where Uroya and Zinra begin a new chapter in their lives.

SefaAYNA · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Good Witches And Bad Witches

Uroya chuckled and finally released Ayveil, patting him on the head. "Oh, I have no doubt you'll try. But in the end, I'll always come out on top. Remember that."

With that, Uroya and Myerna turned and walked away, leaving Zinra and Ayveil standing there, red-faced and humiliated.

Vanfiel was known for his strict teaching methods and his skill with a sword. As he entered the classroom, the students all sat up straight in their desks, knowing that they were in for a challenging lesson.

As Vanfiel began to speak, Zinra leaned over to Ayveil and whispered, "I brought my dragon cub to class today. I'm going to try to teach him some magic while Vanfiel is talking."

Ayveil's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you crazy? Wait.. A dragon? Oh my... If Vanfiel finds out, he'll kick you out of the academy!"

Zinra shrugged. "I just want my dragon to learn as much as he can. And besides, Vanfiel is always so serious. It'll be nice to have a little distraction."

Farathor chuckled. "Well, just be careful. I don't want to have to find a new friend to sit with."

As Vanfiel continued to lecture, Zinra pulled out his dragon cub and began to whisper spells to him. The dragon seemed to be paying attention, his little eyes focused intently on Zinra's lips.

Meanwhile, Uroya sat at the front of the class, her attention fully on Vanfiel's words. She had always been a top student in strength, and she was determined to continue her success. Myerna sat next to her, also paying attention, while Liraa doodled in her notebook.

As the lesson went on, Zinra's dragon began to show signs of magic, causing small sparks to fly from his tiny claws. Zinra beamed with pride, but Farathor and Ayveil looked on nervously, worried that they would get caught.

In the end, their fears were unfounded, as Vanfiel was too focused on his lecture to notice the small dragon under the desk. And Zinra's dragon had learned a valuable lesson in magic, all thanks to his clever owner.

-Vanfiel continues his lecture, answering a question from a student; "Yes, witch hunters are trained to hunt and kill witches. It is a dangerous job, but it is necessary to protect the common people from the evil deeds of witches. However, not all witches are evil. Some may use their powers for good, and it is important to distinguish between the two. That is why we have a strict code of conduct for witch hunters, to ensure that we only target those who pose a threat to the innocent."

-Zinra raises his hand and asks a question; "But sir, how do we know if a witch is truly evil or not? What if we make a mistake and end up hurting someone who is using their powers for good?"

-Vanfiel nods and says; "That is a valid concern, Zinra. It is important for a witch hunter to always be careful and use their discretion. We have a council of experienced witch hunters who make the final decision on whether or not a witch should be targeted. It is not an easy job, and mistakes can be made. That is why it is important for us to always strive for justice and be mindful of the consequences of our actions."

-The lecture continues, with Vanfiel covering various topics on witches and witch hunting. The students listen intently, taking notes and asking questions when they have them. Despite the heavy subject matter, there is a sense of camaraderie in the classroom, as the students all share a common goal of protecting the innocent and upholding justice.

-Zinra raises his hand and asks, "What about the good witches? You said not all witches are bad, so what do good witches do?"

-Vanfiel nods and replies, "Good witches are rare, but they do exist. They use their powers for the benefit of others, often working to protect and heal. They may not be as powerful as evil witches, but they do what they can to make a positive impact on the world."

-Uroya speaks up, "But how can we tell the difference between good and evil witches? It seems like it would be difficult to trust anyone with such powerful abilities."

-Vanfiel nods, "That's a valid concern. It's not always easy to tell the difference, but there are some signs to look out for. Good witches tend to have a more positive energy about them, and they are often more open and willing to work with others. Evil witches, on the other hand, tend to be more secretive and manipulative, using their powers for their own gain rather than for the benefit of others. It's important to be cautious and observe any witch you come across before deciding whether or not to trust them.

As Vanfiel continued his lecture, a student raised their hand to ask a question. "Professor Vanfiel, what do you mean by evil witches control people? How do they do it?"

Vanfiel nodded, considering the student's question. "There are many ways that witches can control people," he replied. "Some use hypnosis or mind control spells, while others use more subtle methods like manipulation or coercion. It's important for us as witch hunters to be aware of these tactics and to be able to recognize when someone is under a witch's control."

Another student spoke up. "But how can we protect ourselves from these spells? Is there any way to resist a witch's control?"

Vanfiel sighed, knowing that this was a difficult question to answer. "It can be difficult to resist a witch's spells, especially if they are powerful and experienced," he said. "However, there are certain measures that you can take to protect yourself. Wearing an amulet, as I mentioned before, can help to block out some spells. Additionally, training your mind and staying aware of your surroundings can also help you to resist a witch's control."

A third student interjected. "What about the pendant you mentioned? How does it protect us from instant death?"

Vanfiel nodded, understanding the student's curiosity. "The pendant is a special magical item that we give to our graduated students," he explained. "It is imbued with powerful protective spells that can deflect certain types of attacks, including those that could potentially kill you instantly. It's not a foolproof defense, but it can give you a crucial advantage in a fight against a witch."

Uroya stood up from her seat, a smug grin spreading across her face. "I killed a witch last night," she announced confidently.

The other students burst out laughing, shaking their heads in disbelief. Vanfiel, the professor, raised an eyebrow, a hint of skepticism on his face.

"Miss Uroya, do you have any proof of this?" he asked.

Uroya stood tall, her smirk growing wider. She was taller than the rest of the students, even the tall man Vanfiel. The class gasped at the sight of Uroya's sudden growth.

Vanfiel looked up at Uroya, his head at the level of her neck. "How is this possible? How did you become so tall so quickly?"

Uroya shrugged, her smirk never leaving her face. "I won't explain how, but let's just say that I have a feeling I'll be as tall as this academy building by the time I graduate."

The class was in stunned silence, unsure of how to react to Uroya's outrageous claim. Some of the students whispered to each other in disbelief, while others simply stared at Uroya in shock.

The sun was high in the sky as Uroya, Myerna, and Liraa stepped onto the flat-topped mountain where the weekly challenge was held. The other students watched with fear and trepidation, none of them daring to confront the group known as Cruel Grip. After last week's bloody victory, the name had become synonymous with death and destruction.

Zinra, Ayveil, and Farathor watched from the sidelines as Master Vanfeil approached them, his finger pointed in their direction. Their hearts sank as they realized they were being chosen to challenge Cruel Grip. No one wanted to face Uroya and Myerna, two girls who had proven themselves to be ruthless killers in the previous challenge. But it was too late, as Vanfeil's finger pointed directly at them.

"You!" Vanfeil declared, his voice echoing through the mountain.

As Ayveil opened his mouth to beg for mercy, a student from behind them spoke up, using harsh words to try and deter Vanfeil from choosing their group. Despite their plea, Vanfeil remained steadfast.

"Please, Master Vanfeil," the student pleaded, "we don't want to face Cruel Grip. They're too strong, too dangerous. We don't want to die."

But the members of Cruel Grip only laughed, their cackles filling the air with an ominous sound. All except for one, who stood quietly among the others, her eyes fixed on the trembling group before her.

Ayveil let out a sigh of relief, grateful to have avoided the confrontation. The other team, however, was not so lucky.