
True love is magic

A Strawberry land! (Fairytale written by me)

Mike was a little boy who lived in Paris. One-day, he went to his uncle's place in Venice with his big sister Jane who was twenty, twice Mike's age. Her eyes were the same colour as her little brother's. They both had big hazel eyes that were truly magnificent and breathtaking. Mike was too short for his age and looked like eight.

" Jamie! Hurry up and get down"

Jane got down from the bus carrying a huge suitcase. They both walked to a cake shop in Venice after a long journey from home. They had cheese cake and hot coffee. Jane looked at the map to their uncle's house.

While starring at the map she walked and bumped into an old gentleman. She said sorry and before she could say more the old gentleman began to make a big black hole and both Jane and Mike were pulled into it magically.

They both fell into a strange land. There were little strawberry people everywhere peering at them.

Mike was thrilled and hugged himself.

" Are you insane? Stop giggling Mikey. This is creepy and I am about to faint. Where are we? How did we get here" screamed Jane.



Mike was still laughing non stop for like ten minutes. Jane was shocked but finally she managed to shake him by his shoulders but he didn't stop laughing.

Then suddenly anger rose in her exotic eyes.

" What did you do to my brother? Who are you all?" Demanded Jane looking around.

There were fifty odd strawberry creatures surrounding both of them. There were pink strawberry children too. The strawberry adults were enormous as big as deer, they were dark red and had huge black eyes and green thick lips. They were made out of real strawberries and they looked like strawberries too. JANE THOUGHT COULD LIFE GET CRAZIER THAN THIS MOMENT WHEN A BRAVE LOOKING STRAWBERRY CREATURE STEPPED FORWARD.

"HELLO! BEAUTIFUL MAIDEN, I am the leader here and my name is Clan. I wish to help you and your brother. We also ask for your help. Any human who laughs in Strawberry Land is destined to laugh continously for two days and then turns into a living strawberry. So, don't you dare laugh beautiful maiden".

" What!" Said Jane.

" Yes, our land is cursed by an evil king who has no heart and if a girl can make him fall in love then your brother will stop laughing and the king can live a normal life like a honored kind king and you both can return to your world. We were cursed too by him and we turned into strawberries." Explained the leader of the strawberry people.

" You got to be kidding me, right?" chocked Jane. Her fear was returning again.


" That is precisely right. That is why you are so precious for us. We think you can break the spell. You have a golden heart I can see it reflect from your innocent stunning eyes." Another strawberry man told her.

A lady strawberry woman took hold of Jane's arm and took her to a hut. The hut was made of wood.

" Make yourself at home. You can use my bed to sleep. Take a good rest. By noon we must head east. We are running our of time. I hope you want to rescue your brother before he alters into one of us. Before midnight we must reach the castle of your future lover."

" Thank you for everything. I will wake up at noon and immediately we will travel. I can't wait to get home with my brother from this craziness."

With a pink sun setting Jane, Clan and two others travelled north. Mike was taken to Clan's hut and kept there. Mike was still laughing like a maniac. Clan introduced his daughter Winci to Jane. Winci took her to the town in the north and they both went to a shopping mall. Jane bought an exquisite gown to wear to the castle. Winci gave her three wishing butterflies as a present. Jane put them on her hair.

Jane headed east with Clan and Winci in the night. They walked for like forever and finally, Jane saw the enchanted castle. It was nearly dawn. A pretty bird came and sat on Jane's hand.

The garden of the castle was so beautiful. Jane felt so happy and then did see a flying fox. Winci told Jane not to be scared. Jane took one butterfly out of her hair and wished for the strange Fox guarding the garden to fall asleep. Her wish came true. Then they finally arrived at the front door. A robot with a weapon was standing there. He saw them. Before he could attack them Jane wished on another butterfly. A butterfly flew around the metal robot and the robot disappeared.

Jane, Clan and Winci entered the empty palace hall. Jane saw a picture of a handsome prince hanging on a wall, little did she know it was Henfred the evil king. Then she saw three other pictures of beautiful princesses.

" Jane you must go find the king. We will hide inside the castle." Said Clan.

" Good luck!" Wished Winci hugging Jane tight. Jane climbed the stairs leaving the strawberry father and the daughter behind. She peeped inside many grand rooms. Then finally in the living room of the castle top floor there stood a person dressed royally. He was practising sword fighting all by himself.

" Excuse me, are you the king here? I am Jane. Call me Jamie. I am lost. Will you be kind enough to let me eat something? I am sorry for trespassing."

Suddenly he turned around.

" Who are you? How dare you come here? You are forced to me my servant from today. You can't wear such beautiful clothes infront of me hereafter. I will provide you will pleasant clothes. You are my slave now. Call me King Henfred. GO CHANGE INTO A SIMPLE WHITE DRESS AND GO TO THE PALACE GARDEN AND PLUCK ME A BUNCH OF FLOWERS. Women can only do that." Laughed the evil king. Jane was shown her small servant chamber and inside her room she found several plain looking dresses. She wondered who they belonged to. Jane was too terrified to ask Henfred. She changed into a white gown and ran into the garden to pick flowers. She felt like crying.

" King Henfred I brought you what you asked for." Jane gave him dozens of fresh flowers.

Henfred took them and threw them on the floor.

" Now, I will punish you. I found out you destroyed my servant metal robot with some magic. What are you? A witch? Well, you are to do all the work in this castle. Make lunch for me now. Tidy the rooms. By the way, I woke my flying pet fox. So, he will guard the castle. You won't be able to escape from here. Now, get to work.The only servant was my robot, who did all the work in my castle. Now that he is no more you must carry his duties. Forget about guarding the front gate of my home because women can't even protect themselves. I need roast lamb and baked potatoes with boiled vegetables prepared in two hours." Barked the cruel king.

Jane was trembling.

" Yes, king Henfred." Said Jane and rushed out of his living room.

As there were no other servants in the castle Jane cooked and cleaned the castle. While she was dusting the dinning room she found Winci and Clan hidding in a closet.

Jane told them everything that happened with the evil king. Jane said she is his slave now.

" I don't think he will fall in love with me. He is a brute." Jane told them.

" Jamie trust yourself. You can change him to a better person. Try your best. Show him love." Winci whispered.

" I am scared of him. You better hide some where else. I don't want you both to get caught." Jane whispered back.

It was midnight when Jane finally finished her duties and got to bed. She cried herself to sleep on her first night at the castle. She never felt so helpless.

A week passed. Oneday while Jane was pulling out weeds in the castle garden she heard a noise. She saw Henfred approaching her with his flying fox. Jane by this time hated the merry sight of Henfred.

" Working? I am thirsty. Make tea and bring it to the garden tea table, you little fool."

Two huge tears rolled down her cheeks.

Henfred touched her tears to mock her and laugh but the moment he touched her face something happened to him. His mean eyes had warmth in them.

" I am sorry. I treated you so bad. You are so beautiful and gentle. You can have tea with me. Can I help you make tea?" Henfred said with such compassion that it shocked Jane.

" Yes, but do you know how to make tea king Henfred?" Questioned Jane softly.

" No, but you can teach me." There was amusement and kindness in his eyes.

Jane made tea and told Henfred to watch her make tea so he will learn how to make a cup of milk tea. They both had tea and freshly baked cinnamon rolls in the garden. After having tea king Henfred used magic and made a flower crown for Jane. She wore it on her head to please the king. Jane became friends with king Henfred from that day. King Henfred told her the cinnamon rolls were the most piquant and deliciously said rolls he ever tasted.

" I want to surprise you. Come right after me." Said the king delicately and with a boyish grin.

The king showed Jane her new glitzy room. It was fit for a queen. He told her to take a wash. He gifted her a golden long dress made for a princess.

Jane had a bath and wore the dress. She then went in search of Winci and Clan. She searched the kitchen and there she found them under the stove.

"What a odd place to hide. Come out! Look at me. I am wearing a gorgeous suit Winci. King Henfred is friends with me now. I have no idea why he became so nice to me..." laughed Jane. JANE TOLD WINCI EVERY DETAIL THAT HAPPENED THAT DAY WITH KING HENFRED. Both the girls were giggling and jumping up and down with childish glee.

" Stop laughing." Commanded Clan.

" You will turn into a strawberry after two days of non stop laughter." Added Clan with utter grief.

Both Winci and Jane giggled even harder, even more.

" Jane used her first butterfly at our house and wished that even if she laughs in Strawberry Land the spell of the evil king should not affect her. Pretty smart, right?" Blabbered Winci.

"A courtly, over-elaborate speech or should I say a florid idea! Jamie you are the one, so awesome and smart with a heart of true innocence. I say, you are the gem capable of making him fall head over heels for you. I think, your ways of naive charm are working wonders with the king".

By the time Jane appeared in her new room it was dinner time. She saw a box on her bed. She opened it. Inside the box she found a pair of golden shoes and a note.


Henfred and Jane had a gourmet delicious meal under a starlit sky. They both were very happy. Henfred escorted Jane to her room and said goodnight. Jane thanked him for everything.

Jane wondered what she must do in order to make him fall in love with her.

"May I give you a goodnight hug, your majesty?"

"Well....It is late. I don't need a hug. Go sleep!" He said that and left.

Henfred couldn't sleep that night. He was thinking of how special Jane was to him. He liked her but he was not ready to fall in love. He was scared of the world of love. Nevertheless, he was becoming a different person because of Jane. He was smiling more and hating less. He was deeming of Jane's glittering innocent eyes. He had never seen such beauty in a woman before.

Jane was taken to Henfred's mother's library the next day. She was told to use it as her own. Henfred said his mother died when he was a child.

Henfred learnt honesty and humanity from Jane each day. Jane taught him how to sing. Jane showed him the grace of a human heart. Jane and Henfred would go for long walks in the castle garden in the evenings. Jane told him she is a Buddhist and that her mother is a Sri Lankan. Her mother married her father in France. Her father was a french man who travelled the world by sea and that is how he met her mother. Jane would meditate near the lake each morning and Henfred would watch in awe.

Henfred after two months gave Jane another ballroom golden dress that had magic sparkles everywhere.

Jane nearly fainted when she saw it. Henfred told her to wear it and come to his living room. Henfred was a better man now. Every time Jane looked into his eyes she saw innocence and joy. His once nasty eyes had become kind. The reason was Jane's core. Jane was truly a sweet soul. Henfred had never felt so close to anyone. He felt something inside of him. He felt his heart. He knew. Yes, he knew.

He waited patiently in his living room for Jane. When she entered the room he walked to her and gave her a rose as a token of his love. He was in love with Jane.

" I love you. I can't help it. You are my precious princess. Please, take this. I have a gold crown just for you. Please wear this crown for me to see."

" I love you too." Jane wore the dazzling crown on her head.

KING HENFRED KISSED JANE. The moment it happened the spell was broken. The whole kingdom was filled with strawberries plants again and strawberry creatures were turned to humans. Faraway in the north Mike turned from a living strawberry creature into a boy.

Jane didn't yet know that she rescued the whole Strawberry Land. After her first kiss she danced around the castle like a little child.

" Jane! You did it. I am a girl. You broke the curse." A little girl came and hugged Jane.



Behind them stood a tall lean man. It was Clan.

" Let us go now." Said Clan with glee.

" I can't! I mean, I will but I love king Henfred. WHAT AM I TO DO?" Cried Jane.

She ran into the arms of Henfred. She held him and wept bitterly.

" What is wrong my love?"

" I have to leave this land. I don't belong in your world. It is so hard to leave you my baby but I have to do it for my family. Please give me permission to go to my home."

King Henfred was heart broken.

He gave her a magic wand and told her to use it to open the door to her world. He said that door to the earth is in the north. He said his flying pet fox will take her there.

Jane felt so miserable. She gave Henfred a final goodbye kiss and left with tears flowing from her huge refined eyes.

Jane left the castle with a heavy heart. She had to leave his land. She belonged in the normal world in France. Her parents must be worried sick by now. She must get her brother and herself to her world.

She said goodbye to Winci and Clan at the door to her world. She stroked Henfred's flying fox's head. " Give this golden crown to Henfred. Tell him I will always love him till forever. Tell him I thank him for his love. "

Jane opened the door with the wand and Mike and Jane left the Strawberry Land. Mike couldn't wait to get back home.

Jane and Mike told their uncle what happened. Their uncle and aunty took them to Paris. Jane's parents were overjoyed to see their children.

" Mom, I am back home" Mike said and ran into his parents' arms.

Jane missed king Henfred but she smiled inspite of her pain. She thought she will never love another man ever again.

" Jane! Look who is here... I have a friend with me and his son. You think you know them?" Smiled Jane's dad.

Jane was so astonished. She saw the old gentleman who she knocked against at the cake shop in Venice with a handsome young man. They both appeared from her sitting room.

Jane ran into his arms.

" Henfred, I nearly died when I left you. I love you."

" This is my father. He and his two sisters live in Paris. He left the kingdom of Strawberry Land the moment I cursed my people and changed them into living strawberries. "

" My child, I knew you could save my son and the Strawberry Land." Told Henfred's father.

Jane smiled like she had never smiled before. She was so happy and ebullient.

Jane married Henfred and went back to the Strawberry Land. Once a year they would come to Paris with loads of strawberries and splendid gifts when coming to see their families.

Everyone was content. Everyone!

Jane and Henfred lived happily ever after as the king and queen of a Strawberry Land. They both ruled the land generously and all the people in the kingdom loved them to bits.

Love is more magical than any magic on earth or in any other place. Love is the fairytale.

Jane said this to Henfred and they danced and danced with love so pure and true.