
Chapter 1

A few days ago it was 10 o'clock in the night. It was raining heavily outside. I was sitting for dinner, someone knocked on the door. A girl standing outside was very beautiful in appearance. Her clothes were completely wet and she was very nervous. Before that I asked who you are? She cut my point in the middle and said, "My car has got spoiled and due to heavy rain there is no mechanic around, so can I stay tonight?" Her voice was so sweet that I was lost in her dreams. I dreamt of a child in the first meeting. my eye open when she pinch in front of my eyes and I asked her to come in?

She came inside and took a long breath, I said, while giving towels and clothes. "You are too wet and your clothes are wet, so change your clothes otherwise you will get cold."

As soon as she went to the bathroom I started cleaning my house immediately. My house seemed like a junkyard, all the stuff was scattered around here. At the age of 32, how difficult it is to spent life alone? What didn't I have? A good job, A house of two rooms, A whole lot of stuff and yet I was a virgin in spite of everything. After years, a girl had stepped on my door. she was a stranger but I had dreamed of marrying her, In that rashness I cleaned the entire room in 5 minutes and broke 2-4 cups too. I had just kept the cup of tea on the table, that time her hair splash made me mad.

I'm sorry friends, I'm ashamed to tell you, but the moment I lived. I want to share with you. I saw her dripping drops from her hair was touching her red lips. I was felt myself in the place of a drop of water at that time. My heart beat was faster when suddenly the lightning flared and the towel unloosened from her body. Her naked body was in front of my eyes. My naked eyes had seen everything that he did not want to see. I closed my eyes and turned my face on the other side. She quickly walked into the room. When she came out