
Making fuel-Level 1(1.2)

-Grab Phone To Begin Fuel Creation-

...I'd rather play a shitty one piece game.

-Memory Cannot Be Recreated/Accept Present Option Or Choose Another-

"Alright how about some monster hunter?"


I blanked out once again finding myself in my old office as soon as I opened my eyes.

-You Will Play As A Horn User Against Nergigante-

.....Come on if your going to have me play a role I suck at why not just have me play as a hammer user.


"Fine damn it"

I got of my seat and turned the console on grabbed a controller and returned to my chair.


As I began to relax everything began flooding into my head once again.

I remembered dying, I remembered the king, I remembered that piece of shit bastard light, and I especially remembered what my life was like.

I looked at the controller in my hand and remembered the time I tricked lily into thinking she was playing persona trying so hard to play and keep her entertained.

...My eyes feel warm...It hurts...

I looked at the tv and remembered the time she scolded me for spending such on something I'd rarely use...She had such an annoyed look with her little frown.

And then I remembered all the arguments me and her have gotten into...all the things we used to do...

I looked at the computer and printer sitting right on the wooden desk I bought years ago and remembered the struggles we had trying to find a balance between each other.

".....I should've listened to her earlier damn it then I would've been able to spend more time with my baby's."

-Reccoment Host Begins-


-Host Dream Time Mirrors The World So Will Host Begin Fuel Creation Then Breakdown-


It hurts...So many regrets...

-May Host Remember It Is Possible To Revive Family-

...Maybe I should've stuck with the king.

-May Host Remember What King Did With Host-

...What did he do...god my head...he put something on my neck...what did It do?

-It Is A Relic Infused With Sloths Spell/It Lowers Capacity For Thought-

...I remeber... I remember...What did I do...I just remember waking up to fire and naked guys...didn't he also try to lock me up?

-Host Is Guarenteed Survival And Freedom Of Thought As Long As Host Meets Agreement-

...Oh yeah...So if I obey you everything will be fine?

-Of Course-

...Okay I'll play.

I grabbed the controller and moved it closer to me resting my wrist on the edge of the desk.

-Host Is Experiencing Emotional Burnout Unable To Collect Fuel-

...Then how about we talk a little bit.

-I Will Answer All Questions-

...Why did you not save my original body.

-Host Has Already Learned Answer-

...Quality huh?

-Yes/Note:Current Body Is Only A Slight Increase In Quality-


-Host Is Limited To Low Level Flame Creation/Host Is Can Use Full Extent Of Mental Manipulation And Boost Effects-


-In Your Words You Fall Under The Berserker Class Capable Low To Mid Tier Flame Spells-

...Okay now real quickly real real quickly like super fast....

Can you cut the act already.

I moved my hands away from the controller placing them on the armrest of the chair.

-Host Is Being Unclear-

You sound just like a shitty system in a trash novel and if I remember right that asshole likes going through my memories which is the only place you find those terms.

To put it simply your way to fake for something made by someone who can take over the body of an apostle.


Now come on your definitely planning something so how about we try to make a new agreement.

-Fine but I dont think I ever said I could take over an apostle of god.

It's implied now come on I know either you need me or you cant get rid of me so what do you want.

-...Was I really that obvious.

I mean your pretty bad at fooling me after all you broke me and took over for a bit after all.


I span around my chair and began twirling my finger in the air.

"If I break you get to take over right. So does that mean when I went cold and killed him in my sleep you managed to get some words in.

-.....You do understand my strength right?

"Yes but you havent done anything other than make it so that I'm only ever pissed. Now tell me why were the flames that I woke up to burning only on the demons in the room and tell me why was the king so quick to lock me in a dungeon."


"I mean if he can lock you up what can he do to me huh?"


"You should know that I like to call myself a self made man."


"So let's see your limited to only suppression or ignition at the moment as well as making your host more suitable to live in and so far it looks like you can only associate with your name."

-...You were acting so stupid.

"Someone who can afford two kids, a two story house, streaming services,a two story house, a car, and managed to survive college has to be in a good position to afford all this together and let me tell you where I come from a pay that can support all this is something you work hard to earn."

-...You're really starting to piss me off.

"Yeah I'm not scared after all you need fuel so it's clear the king did something to you."

-...Did you fake panicking...no it was real.

"Yup ."


"Sorry your not going to find any worth while memories of me working."

-...Fine tell me what you want.

"Aw what happened to the fun guy act. Same terms but you stop trying to ruin my mind."


"Now give me more info on the world after all I dont want...to...risk death...again."

-Not all that calm are we after all.

"Fuck off"

-Fuck you too asshole.

"So you learned to curse huh."

I stopped spinning since I was starting to get a headeache.

-...Alright but seriously I need you to take over a kid.



"Maybe I'd you were envy you'd know."

-Okay okay so we have to rest for another five hours or this bodys going to sleep on its own.

"Alright so let's keep this conversation going. Now I'll start you were way to quick to give up and you also seem to be learning on your own what's going on."

-I am only an ember of the original flame.

"Oh yeah flame died off right?"

-No answer.

"Yeah didn't the king call you remains."

-No answer.

"Alright well how about you and me play some monster hunter."

-Alright well to build up some trust I guess I should compliment you.

"Don't even try."

-To bad. You're pretty tough but the quality of what your making is just perfect so keep holding back okay.

"Fuck off now come on go go."

-Okay okay