
A Strange Warfare

Toren was born in the middle of a great war. While everyone expects men to join the battle, Toren wishes to become someone else, doing what he wants. In the midst of this conflict, he found a magical blue flower that he felt could grant his wish.

Seven_Cruz · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Chapter 31

"Among the two sons of a secret revolution's leader, one will remain true and loyal to his country, while the other will be a traitor. The loyal son will suffer tremendously, while the cunning son will be swallowed by greed and desire. The traitor is brave and daring – an attribute acquired from the rigorous battle he must overcome. He will be granted one of his most rebellious desire and would set forth to a new world order."

That was the prophecy written on the talisman of Madam Lumen where she had performed the clairvoyance for Muren's children.

Madam Lumen herself was once a patriotic person who had been a notable warrior for her people too.

It was more than natural to be concerned when a threat of betrayal was just nearby.

However, that day, she did not speak a word against Airen to contradict her when she assured that her sons would not betray the country.

Madam Lumen knew that the prophecy would come true by hook or by crook. No matter what happens, she thought destiny was an invincible and undefeated enemy that will have its cruel or romantic ways.

She had been known for her reputation of undisputable readings as a shaman.

Always hoping that her ominous predictions were wrong, what must happen always happened.

She could not trick her own eyes.

However, that specific day, she had seen something beforehand.

Out of all the ominous predictions she had made, most of which made her anxious and desperate, but one of them had somehow comforted her.

It was her own time of death.

And at the face of one's own demise after such a long and arduous life, nothing had been more intimate than that moment.

It did not matter to her any longer if the revolt came to a success and everyone was freed against the colonizers.

She did not mind the wandering oppression and the unfair society.

Her rest was coming nearer than anyone had expected.

All those legends and all those grueling status will soon fade away into a black nothingness.

She could not hate the children despite knowing that one of them might bring the world into ruination.

And the reason she had always loathed the presence of Airen was rooted deep into the old woman. Madam Lumen knew Airen's heart and her true identity right from the very start.

Today, it does not matter anymore if things go downhill.

People would still move and act according to what was always inevitable.

Meanwhile, after the training in the late afternoon, Airen pulled her second son with her as they went privately to the small pantry.

This was where the usual private conversations were held, so no one suspected a thing.

She looked around to see if someone was eyeing them.

When she had confirmed that everything was clear, she bent down and slowly revealed a hidden trapdoor from below the carpet cloth.

Toren gasped and expressed his shock wide-eyed.

"You have to go down here and hide for a while so your father would not hurt you anymore. Only come out when it is time to sleep. Even your father cannot do a thing when it is lights off."

"I never thought that we had a secret underground room, mother..."