
A Strange Dream

Trevor Sibanda has been having the same dream over and over again: a mysterious girl he’s never met, but feels an unexplainable connection to. One day, Trevor's world is turned upside down when he encounters the girl from his dreams in real life. Her name is Shylene Folger, a vampire who has also been dreaming of Trevor. Shylene reveals that as vampires, they are destined mates, which is why they share these vivid dreams. However, Shylene is reluctant to accept Trevor as her mate because he is human. Despite the tension, Shylene’s feelings for Trevor grow, leading her to make the bold decision to marry him. Their union, however, is threatened by Shylene's half-brother, Ace. In a bid for power, Ace manipulates the string of fate that binds Shylene and Trevor, severing their connection. Ace’s true motive is to claim their father’s throne, a privilege reserved only for a married heir. As Shylene and Ace clash over their inheritance, Trevor is caught in the middle of a supernatural battle that tests their love and loyalty. The outcome of their fight will determine not only the future of their kingdom but also the fate of Trevor and Shylene’s bond. In a world where power and destiny intertwine, can love overcome the obstacles laid by fate and family?

Polite_Sibanda · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 4

[Writer's Pov]

Somewhere, in a dimly lit room, a woman and a man are seen sleeping in the bed together.

The woman, whose name is Shylene, slowly opens her eyes and feels the  warmth of the man's body against hers.

She let out a gentle smile as she cuddles with him, relishing the comforting scent of his hair.

Their legs are entangled, and their bodies touching each other flesh to flesh like inseparables.

Then, she starts running her fingers through the hair on his chest, savoring the tenderness of the moment. She looks at his handsome face and smiles again, but yet, even as her touch lingered on his skin, she could feel the chill of death creeping over him. The warmth of his embrace was fading, and soon, he became cold for her to cuddle.

She gazes at the gruesome bite marks on his neck and the metallic scent of his blood filling her nostrils.

"Ew..., "she says, furrowing her brows and feeling disgusted as she recalls the bitter taste of his blood.

With a disgusted look in her face, she gets out of her bed sheets, leaving his cold, lifeless body lying there, and then walks towards the window, allowing the early sunrays to bathe her with its ecstatic heat.

After a few minutes, she walks over to her chest drawer, grabs a cigarette and a lighter, and then heads back to the window, the morning sunlight feeling amazing on her completely naked body.

She lit the cigarette and took a deep puff, blowing out the smoke with a smile.

"There's nothing better than a morning smoke after a crazy night, with the sun on your bare skin, "she says, looking out through her window with a smile on her face.

Suddenly, someone opened her door, and she looked back and sees her friend Marvin, looking formal as always.

"Morning, sweetheart, "Marvin greets Shylene as soon as she opens the door.

"Hey Pipsqueak,  "she responds.

"How was your night....woah....wait a minute. Don't tell me you've.....

"Yeah, I did it. He was a jerk Pipsqueak. 

Pipsqueak is Marvin's pet name that only Shylene uses to call her. At first, it was a name to mock how short she is, but eventually, Shylene got addicted to that name, and she only calls her by her real name Marvin when she's really pissed off at something. 

The others in the family don't dare call Marvin Pipsqueak because when she snaps, no one can stop her.

These two are sisters.  They're closer to each other than to anyone else.

Marvin is 19 years old, and Shylene, the older sister, is 21.

They do most of the things together and people who dont know them might think they are twins. However, they are  both so different in nature.

Marvin is known for her smart and rational thinking. She always wears eyeglasses, not because she needs them, but because she thinks they make her look more intelligent. She also often tends to overthink situations, even when it's not necessary, but her analytical mind is always searching for the best solution. Despite her logical nature, Marvin is fiercely loyal and always there for her friend Shylene, no matter what. Lastly, Marvin has a lover, and the two are crazy in love with each other.

Shylene, on the other hand, is a whole different case.

She is single, not because she wants to, but because she hasn't found her ideal boyfriend. She wants a handsome young man who has the sweetest blood amongst others.

She's also the most beautiful in the family, and because of that, a lot of guys drool over her.

She takes some to her room at night, and if they don't meet her expectations, she sucks them dry.

Every time when she does that, she wakes up and smokes a cigarette by her window early in the morning. She's also not very friendly or kind. She gets whatever she wants, even if it means using physical force. In simple words, she's a wild bull.

"For fvcks sake, you'll die single Shylene.  I'm starting to think you're now just killing for fun. That dude was handsome and hot. You shouldn't have wasted him like that.

"Ick.... don't remind me of that rabbit.  His d**k was so small. It barely scratched anything, and he lasted less than a minute and slept. To make things worse, his blood was disgusting.  I've never tasted something so fucking disgusting in my life.

"Yeah.... yeah. You've been saying the same thing for more than I can remember now. Everyone is just disgusting to you. I think it's high time you try the real partner pared for you by the gods of fate. The one you've been dreaming about. What do you think?

"What!! Hell no. I'm never doing that shit!!! Fvck fate!!, "she said, switching her cigarette off.

"But sis. He's the one fate prepared for you. It doesn't matter how he looks or what he is. What matters is that he's your destined partner.

"Listen, Pipsqueak.  I was enjoying the morning sunrays before you came, and now you've ruined it. For crying out loud,you think I'd settle for a mere human!!! A human!!! ," she said, feeling angry and opening a wardrobe to look for clothes to put on.

"So, what will you do? You're turning 22 in a few months' time, and you know, as the oldest child and the heir of our family, you have to be married to take over the throne. If you're not, our half-brother Ace might take your place.

"Don't bring that up. His name alone fumes me with anger.

"Well, let's go and see your destined partner before Ace outshines you. Maybe you two might start kicking it anytime soon. I bet he's been seeing you too in his dreams, judging by the way he fainted that other day.

"Pipsqueak,  give me a break, will you. I don't want to go back to that filthy village again. Everything about this is not my style. Last time you made me wear cheap clothes,  and even made me carry a box of tomatoes around. I did it because I thought maybe I'd meet someone worth it, but my hopes were crashed when I saw a mere worthless human. He's not even hot. He's.... he's just average, "she said, smashing her wardrobe door hard in anger.

"That was the only logical solution to avoid being suspicious. But it was worth it. At least, we now know that he's the one. So, are we going or not?

And ... Oh... before I forget. I brought other spare glasses for you to make you look intelligent since you threw away the ones I gave you last time out of anger.

"You're crazy you know that. Who said wearing glasses can make one look smart?

"It can, trust me. So, what do you say? We going? ," she said looking at Shylene with her puppy eyes. 

"Damn you, Pipsqueak.... Don't give me those puppy eyes. They won't work on me. They were maybe going to work if you knew how to do them, but daaaaa. Anyway, I'll think about it. Now get out of my room. I need some privacy. 

"Okay,  cool. I was about to go anyway.  I have a boyfriend, you know. I bet he's now missing my fat a$$.