
Autumn leaves and Cherry Blossoms

Octobers; always a bliss. Sweater weather, crunchy leaves & pumpkin spice everything.  Just another 'autumn' day at East-Court High School, of the ever- beauteous ville of Vancouver. Bella, a Literature student and most importantly a sweet and introverted young lady seated herself with her diary under the blazed tree, the fallen leaves adding comfort to her short stay.  She began to beautifully put her senses down on a blank page.  The warm colored sweaters, the sweet smell of the pumpkin spice latte sitting right next to her. There was just so much to be remembered. Just as she started to get engrossed, a tall, brunette, curly-wavy haired, hazel -eyed,  22 - year old approached Bella with some crunchy pecan cookies. It was her closest friend, Noah.

Noah: hey, I got us some cookies:) what're you up to?

Bella: hmmm....

Noah: Bella?

Bella: sorry, I was just starting to get pretty involved. I was just, i don't know, i guess just taking ALL of this in.   On this piece of paper.

Noah : Can i see?

Bella: oh its not well written at all Noah.

Noah: Alright then. Are you free after classes today?

Bella: Of course! What do you want to do?

Noah: There's a neighborhood that's filled with cherry Blossoms I heard. I thought it would be great if you could come too?

Bella: oh my gosh I love cherry blossoms! when should we head there?

Noah: (smiles)

           :we could head there directly after classes if you wanted.

Bella: sounds good! I'll wait for you at the cafeteria:)

- a while later...

Noah: ready?

Bella: I'm so excited let's go!

- In a few minutes, the repeated rows of cherry blossom trees began to become visible to them. The trees from a distance, appeared to look like blushing clouds. The cloud of flowers seem to blush and sprinkled in the pinkish clouds was a powder of white; so endearing, so soft, like the cheeks of a baby so recently born.

Noah: what do you think?

Bella : I'm so speechless. This can't be real!

- Bella and Noah walked deeper into the rosy forest and stopped before the biggest and prettiest tree of all.

Bella: Noakie...?

Noah: mmmm?

Bella: Can I like.. maybe write something down in my diary really quick? I reallyyy want to remember this.

Noah: Take your time:) I'm going to go take some pictures  :)

- Noah's heart melted every time he looked at her. She looked so sweet and cozy in her fall outfit looking so peaceful just writing her thoughts away. It looked perfect to him, her amidst the cherry blossom trees. It was simply an overload of pretty things.

Bella recorded the details of the dream-like scenery around her. A half an hour passed by and Noah finally returned to her after snapping several pictures of the trees and of... her. That he had captured in secret. Oh and of course, the trees:)

Noah: are you done Bella? I'm reallllyy hungry.

Bella: mmmhm. There, this one came out real good! Wanna see?

Noah: yeahh

-  Noah read over her descriptions and at gazed at her in awe.

Noah: Bella do you even realise how incredible this turned out?! When are you going to put your work out there? It can be literally anything; big or small, but you HAVE to try!

Bella: I was actually meaning to tell you something. I might have started working on a plot?

Noah: REALLY? Finally! What's it about??

Bella: don't make fun of me:/

Noah: ...why?

Bella: Its romantic hehehe

      - Bella never seemed to be interested in the topic of romance and surprised Noah. However, it wasn't just surprise that took him over. His eyes lit up and somewhere in his mind and in his heart, a happy thought began to linger as a result of her response.

         Well. If you still haven't caught on to the fact, Noah had fallen for Bella. 2 years back. He had meant to tell her about how he felt, but how could he? Bella was his best mate. They had done everything together for the past 8 years. Moreover, when he dropped the hints here and there, she didn't seem to catch on and Noah began to accept the fact that she wasn't interested in being in a relationship at all, let alone be with in one with him. She was a shy girl; she had very few friends. Her group involved Noah and well...just Noah. He knew that if his confession were to weaken or even break off their friendship, he would never be able to handle it and neither would she. His fears hence ended up silencing both his wishful thoughts and emotions.

Noah: woahh! I never thought-

           : Bella, do you have someone in mind?

Bella:   Oh no not at all. I told you, life's been so boring for me lately, so I just. I guess i've been writing more than usual so I can maybe enter of world of like endless possibilities..you know, enter a place full of things that i've always wanted. Before I can think of any of that, I HAVE to find my own identity. Achieve something for myself. I want to be able to publish my first book before anything else right now:)

- Noah's heart sank. However somehow, he quickly managed to fight off the fallen expression on his face and instead replaced it with a fake smile.

Noah: (nods gently and smiles warmly)

           :  I get that:) I think we should head back, its getting dark.

Bella: mmhm:) let's get going!

- They walked home together and meanwhile, Noah couldn't take his mind off what she had said. It was a clear no. He felt his heart break each time he thought about it. As they made their way into the porch of Bella's house, he finally asked her.

Noah : Bella, can I ask you something?