
Meet her first!

- Star, will you please come here and help me with the cooking?

- No, I don't think so.

- Come here. Now!

- But you jus.." I didn't ask you," bellowed Star's mother from the kitchen. "Fine I'm coming," Star shouted back from her room.

After successfully wasting 15 useless minutes, Star appeared in the kitchen with an "I don't want to help you look" on her face." I thought you were just asking," said Star as she started peeling the boiled potatoes kept on the table.

One thing had always amazed Star was that her mother somehow manages to match her mood and temper with the weather. For, now Mrs Rosewood wore a grumpy expression on her face which is excellently matching with the dark gloomy night outside.

"Mum, I'm talking to you," Star said rather impatiently. "You know it always pisses me off".

"What pisses you off?" asked Mrs Rosewood, now turning to her daughter.

Star took a deep breath before starting, "That you don't talk to me whenever I'm around and you shout like a bullfrog whenever I'm out of your sight! Honestly, Mom, I don't think you need any help right now. You're almost done cooking. What is it you need to tell me right now?" finished Star with a forced calmness in her voice.

"Star," said Mrs Rosewood serenely, "listen, I can talk to you whenever I want to. I'm your mother. And most of the time I have to stay alone. And yes, I'm done with the cooking but, my head is aching so I thought you wouldn't mind helping me with the mashed potatoes". She whispered, "I'm sorry" before turning away.

Mrs Rosewood was now radiating a black aura, which was surrounding her like an unfathomable wall. She'd look exactly like the night sky only if she wasn't being guarded by a human form.

"Potatoes are done," mumbled Star. "You want to have your dinner here or you'll ha-

"No thanks, I'll have it in my room" Star finished her mother's sentence. Mrs Rosewood looked at her 17-year-old daughter with plain cold eyes. She wore no expression this time. It was hard to tell whether she was angry or disappointed.