
A Star Trek Dream

Star Trek Voyager Reincarnation. Starting as a Vulcan/Klingon Hybrid at the start of Voyager. Will probably have epic powers later, but weak in the beginning.

DaoistbobU86 · TV
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6 Chs

Delta Quadrant

"The Cardassians gave us the last known heading of the Maquis ship, and we have charts of the plasma storm activity the day it disappeared. With a little help, we might be able to approximate its course." Janeway says.

"I'd guess they were trying to get to one of the M-class planetoids in the Terikof Belt." Paris speaks up.

"That's beyond the Moriya system." Cavit interjects.

"The plasma storms would have forced them in this direction." Chitonn says.

"Adjust our course to match." Janeway orders.

"Aye, Captain." Chitonn responds.

"The Cardassians claimed they forced the Maquis ship into a plasma storm where it was destroyed, but our probes haven't picked up any debris." Janeway says.

"A plasma storm might not leave any debris." Paris chides.

"We'd still be able to pick up a resonance trace from the warp core."

Alarms go off as Kim starts speaking loudly.

"Captain, I'm reading a coherent tetryon beam scanning us."

"Origin, Mister Kim."

"I'm not sure. There's also a displacement wave moving toward us."

"On screen."

On the large viewer in front of the bridge, appears the image of space and a massive wave of energy heading toward them.

"Analysis." Janeway asks.

"It's some kind of polarized magnetic variation."

"We might be able to disperse it with a graviton particle field." Cavit suggests.

"Do it. Red Alert. Move us away from it, Lieutenant."

Stadi responds with, "New heading, 41-180."

"Initiating graviton field."

"The graviton field had no effect." Kim says the obvious, as the wave is still coming.

"Full Impulse." Janeway orders.

"The wave will intercept us in twelve seconds." Kim gives them how long they have.

"Can we go to Warp?

"Not until we clear the plasma field, Captain." Stadi says regretfully.

"Five seconds."

"Brace for impact." Janeway says.


Everyone goes flying across the bridge. Wiring falls limply from the ceiling, sparking dangerously. Broken conduits are everywhere.

Slowly, she moves to Cavit, who is unmoving on the ground. She checks him for a pulse and finds none.

"Report!" She shouts to anyone still conscious. Even she had taken a bad hit.

Kim responds with, "Hull breach, deck fourteen. Comm lines to Engineering are down. Trying to re-establish."

"Repair crews, seal off hull breach on deck fourteen."

"Aye, Captain." A voice sounds from the comms.

"Casualty reports coming in. Sickbay is not responding."

"Bridge to Sickbay. Doctor, can you hear me? Paris, how's Stadi?"

Paris moves over to her and checks her. She's laying on the console.

"She's dead." He says sadly.

"Captain, there's something out there." Kim says.

"I need a better description than that, Mister Kim."

"I don't know. I'm reading… I'm not sure what I'm reading."

"Can you get the viewscreen operational?"

"I'm trying." He says.

In a moment, a scene of a massive alien space station is on the screen. It has what looks to be arms on its sides, ten of them. It's sending pulses of energy to a planet far away.

"Captain, if these sensors are working, we're over seventy thousand light years from where we were. We're on the other side of the galaxy."

Chitonn, who had been fairly silent, remembered something that his best friend had asked him. About if he had been willing to join Voyager even if he was going to be "trapped thousands of light-years from home with no way back."

"Captain, permission to check on Sickbay."

"Permission granted. Paris, get us closer to that Array."

"Aye, Captain." He says as he gently moves Stadi off the chair.

As the ship moves closer, the Maquis ship can be seen out the viewer.

"Life signs, Mister Kim."

"None, Captain, but our sensors can't penetrate the Array."

"What about the pulses coming from it, any idea what those are?"

"Massive bursts of radiant energy. It's directed toward a nearby G-type system."

"Try hailing the array."

"Engineering to the Captain. We have severe damage here. Chief Engineer is dead. Possibility of a warp core breach."

"Secure all engineering systems. I'm on my way."

"No response from the Array."

"Mister Kim, you have the Bridge."

"Aye, Captain."


"Aggh!" Chitonn yells as the heat from the room comes out as soon as the door opens.

"Fire suppression systems offline." The computer states.


He grabs asbestos gloves and a fire extinguisher as he rushes inside. Quickly putting out the fire, he finds the Chief and Assistant Medical Officer dead, laying next to an exploded console.

"Ellie! Where are you?!"

Looking around quickly, he finds a body in the corner of the room.

"Ellie! Can you hear me?"

No response.

A tense expression appears on his face.

"Computer, activate the EMH."

"Please state the nature of the medical emergency." The calm voice resounds.


The holographic doctor grabs a tricorder on his way over and scans her as soon as he is in range.

"Severe damage to the brain, a broken arm and cracked cranium. You, replicate 10 cc's of Alkysine, now!" He shouts at the Ensign.

Rushing over to the replicator, Chitonn says, "Computer, 10 cc's of Alkysine."

While he was getting the medicine, the Doctor was carrying her to a biobed.

Once Chitonn has the medicine, he runs back to the doctor, who had continued checking on her, just to double check her status.

Handing the Alkysine to the Doctor, he checks it quickly to make sure it's what he wants, then injects her with it.

"She is out of immediate danger. It will take quite some time to recover." He continues scanning. "What happened here?" He looks over at the deceased medical officers.

"We were pulled into the Delta Quadrant by an unknown force. The medical officers are dead, except for her. You should expect more patients."

With that, the Doctor observes an influx of more than a dozen patients in the next minute, each wound more serious than the last. He tries to help each one, but struggles to keep up. The Ensign had been helping, along with some others who had basic medical training, but none are experienced officers.

"I fear we'll need to ask the captain for reinforcements by day's end." He jokes with the Ensign.

"I think we have more pressing problems, actually." He responds.