
A Spyce Ninja's Multiversal Journey

Dying and getting reincarnated is something a lot of weebs want. Though, being someone who is a weeb, Faye didn't want that. Yet, that is what she got. Dying during surgery after being pushed down the stair by your brother is not even a good way to go either. Now she was reincarnated as Momo Minamoto, now here she was looking around only to see where she was only to hear a voice ring out in her head. "Welcome to the training world host! Shall we begin your training?" " Eh? EH!? WHAT!?"

YuriNeko · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter One

Flames where everywhere, surrounding Momo, it burned her skin. Tears of pain and blood rolled down her face. She could hear the laughter of multiple people.

'What is happening? One minute I am in a forest reading the chakra book and next I am here.'

Their faces were blurry, she could see their evil grins though. Suddenly multiple voices rang out.


Her body was out if her control as she chuckled, Momo was confused why did her body chuckle? Her head slightly moved and now Momo could see blurry figures, that looked like Momo's friends from the show.

"I'm sorry everyone, but your too late to save me..." Momo's body said before flames consumed her.


Momo jolted up, noticing she was in control of her body once more, there was also no wounds on her. Looking around she now sees that she must've fallen asleep, but... It felt so real... Was that what happened when Momo burned to death?

" So they tried to save me but they were too late..." Moko felt raindrops hitting her face and looked up, only to see that it was a clear sky.

"Am... Am I crying? Why am I crying?" Momo asked to no one in particular. Instead of not getting a answer, her system answered her.

"Well host, you have Momo's body and some memories that weren't damaged, the trauma from being burned alive is engraved in your mind. So you are bound to get nightmares or night terrors. Suggested action is unavailable at this time due to being in the training world." Momo sighs, she would have to deal with this for a while then. Though, she hopes she doesn't get this every night.

"Thank you for telling me system. By the way, do you have a name or do I just call you system?" Momo felt that she should call the system by something else.

" I have no name, if host wants they could give me a name." The system responds to momo who had a excited look. She was going to name the system after a A.I.

"Your name is F.R.I.D.A.Y also known as Friday." Momo felt that this name suited her A.I in her system. 

[Utilizing name please wait.... Name Accepted!]

"You may now call me Friday, host." 

"Awesome, but I should really get back to this book." Momo didn't want to wait to long cause she wanted to start training. She was not even close to being finished yet and was excited to unlock her chakra, though she was a little nervous. Moslty about her chakra pools, would it be big or small?

She wondered who her first sensei would be, she felt that most if her senseis would be ninjas, but she she was not sure. 


"Finally, I unlocked my chakra. It was a bit harder then I thought. I have a good amount of chakra, probably near the same amount of chakra as Naruto without the kyubi chakra, if not then a little less. I seem to have okay chakra control but it could use some work." Momo wiping the sweat off her head, it was night already and she was slightly tired. 

"Hey Friday? I am going to rest for a bit, is there anyway you could prevent nightmares for at least 3 hours?" The pink haired teen asks it was already night, it was morning when she started reading this book. She didn't think it would take this long, now she was barely awake.

"Of course host! Enjoy your rest." Friday answers Momo in it's robotic voice. Momo nodded and took off her Anbu mask, it was uncomfortable to sleep with her on from what she learned earlier. Laying down on the grass, she quickly fell asleep. After a few minutes Friday's voice rang out, somehow not waking Momo.

"Summoning trainers... Please wait."

A neon flashed behind Momo, along with a few pairs of feet softly landing on the grass. There was silent talking before they all sat down on the ground.

"So this is the kid we are training? She kinda looks like Sakura-chan." An excited male voice rang out.

"Your right she does look like me Naruto. Also who is he?" The female voice called 'Sakura' said, Naruto was right the kid did look similar to Sakura.

"My name is Shisui Uchiha, I believe I am here to train this kid as well." Shisui answered Sakura, even if she wasn't talking to him she was still talking about him.

"Hn" A male voice rang out.

"Naruto wait don't yell you might wak-" The adult male voice was interrupted by Naruto, who probably wasn't even listening to him.

"Oh! Teme, you're here to!?" Naruto yelled out, scaring the shit out of Momo which made.her jump to her feet. She wasn't expecting to be woken up like this, she was less tired but that didn't mean she wanted to wake up!

"What the hell!? Who the hell yells like that in the middle of the night!? Quiet down." Momo yelled out not processing that other people in the training world. She soon froze, before turning to the other people. There was Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki, Minato Namikaze, Shisui Uchiha, and Sasuke Uchiha. Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke looked to be the age of when they battled Kaguya. "Eh what? What are you guys doing here? Friday, would have told me if she was summoning you." 

"Well Host, I did tell you that I would summon them after you finished and unlocked your chakra." So Friday did summon them when she was asleep, god that didn't seem like a good first impression. Momo sighed and rubbed her forehead, she couldn't do anything now and it is best that she introduced herself to her senseis.

"My name is Momo Minamoto, I am in your care. I am excited to learn from you." Momo bowed slightly to them, she was used to doing this as she did grow up in Japan in both lives. 

"... I called training her first." Sakura said as she crossed her arms. "I could help her with her chakra control and could train her in healing jutsu. Knowing Naruto and Sasuke, you two might injured her." Naruto pouted while Assume huffed, they didn't deny that Momo would get injured while they trained her. Minato sighed, Momo would probably be safest with him, Sakura, and Shisui.

"Then... I call training her after Sakura. Besides I could teach her my Jutsus." Shisui called out, Minato looked confused before he realized that they were calling out who would be training Momo in order.

Minato:" After Shisui, I will train Momo, I can see that she has some of my Kunais, who knows maybe I could teach her how to cook as well." Minato wanted to have Momo train easily before the harsh training that Naruto and Sasuke would put the poor kid through. Sasuke smirked, he wasn't going to be the last one to train the kid in front of them.

"I will train her after Minato then, hope you are going to be ready kid. It will be Hell." Sasuke scared Momo, it seemed that he won't go easy when he trains her. Momo hid behind Minato, she was now afraid to train with Sasuke, knowing that she might be injured to the point were Sakura might have to heal her. After all this people in front of her were way stronger then the people in her world. Sweat ran down her forehead as she knew that Sasuke and Naruto had the six path's chakra. 

"Oh man! I wanted to train her first but now I have to go last!?" Naruto yelled out, he wasn't happy about it but he knew that he couldn't really do anything about it.

Moko sighed and turned to Sakura, not wanting to think about training with Naruto and Sasuke, "So when does our training begin?" 

"Hmm, We will start when it is morning, so let's try to get some sleep. It I best to have energy for training." Sakura said with a smile, which made Momo smile back at her. A little of people think Sakura is useless but without Sakura many people would be dead, cause she had to heal everyone during the great ninja war.

"Can't wait!" Momo said in response, excited to begin training. Sakura laughed a little, Momo reminded her of when Naruto was a kid.

"I can see that but right now we should get some sleep. It is late." Sakura said, causing Momo to smile sheepishly.


So the next chapter is going to be when the training is over, because I am not good at writing training montages.


I didn't expect this book to get so many views. Thank you all for reading this book! Also, Momo's soul is more dominant then Faye's sole. So when talking about the past it will mostly be Momo's past.

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