
A split between old and new

After a long battle 001 also titled as reaper was sent to a new world gaining a body of his future self can he survive in a world he doesn't know off?

Endlessdragon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


"Make way!" a young boy shouted to the group near the peak. The guard looked at the huge carriage with confusion as no one told him they were making a delivery.

"Stop why are you here?" the guard walked up to the carriage and stopped a distance away.

"My master wanted materials to craft please make way." the young boy said as he pointed to the open carriage top.

"Who is your master?" the guard asked.


"Eldest brother he has returned?" the guard asked as he looked at the young boy in confusion.

"Yes he asked me to bring many different metals and materials it seems he wishes to craft something."

"I would also like to request for you to help me in delivering the goods as master doesn't have many servants other than me and my sister."

"I'll help!" the halberd boy yelled as he ran to the servant.

"No you will not I will not allow you to harm eldest brother." the guard said.

"Harm?" the servant said as he looked at the two skinny boys and the only fit looking, girl.

"Yes, what if they were to cause any problems to eldest brother if he was stuck in his cultivation by this kid the president would never forgive me much less old white scar." the guard said.

"If master was that weak I don't think he would even reach qi gathering realm much less nascent soul." the servant reasoned.

"If the master was harmed by these boys then they should be the genius of the sect."

"Dont worry I'll take the blame come with me." the servant said as he patted the free space on the carriage seat.

The halberd boy got on quickly while the other two looked at each other before joining him. The guard also joined them walking with the carriage he made sure to keep an eye on the kids.

As they arrived at the house they saw reaper sitting on the porch looking at the evening sun. The halberd boy got excited about making another friend while the other two looked at reaper with admiration he was so young but was a nascent soul.

The servant stopped the carriage and got off the kids and the guard followed him up to reaper and bowed.

"Greetings child of chaos I'm Sun Feng a junior of sword peak and a disciple of the president of the peak." the guard introduced himself he was trying to also help his master make familiarity.

"Hello I'm Lin Jun Let's be friends!" the halberd boy said as he ran up to reaper. His friendly and carefree manner shocked the group but reaper didn't care.

"Hello, I am reaper I shall accept your friendship." as he wished to quicken his information gathering making friends was best especially with a child that didn't know how to keep secrets.

"Please forgive him he's quite outgoing." the girl said as she dragged lin jun back to the group the guard looked at him with anger.

"I am Meng Xun congratulations on becoming the youngest nascent soul I'm sorry for a late congratulations." the girl said as she bowed again.

"I was asleep for a month so to me it's been fairly recent." reaper said.

I am Zhen Kun congratulation on your breakthrough." the dagger boy said as he bowed again.

"Master I have brought the material where should I place them?" the servant asked.

"Place them in the back I'll go help. Reaper said as he got up but his servant stopped him.

"You don't need to let us take care of it."

"It will be faster if I join I wish to finish this soon." reaper said as he walked to the back of the house with the group. The servant drove the carriage to the back and started to unload the material with the help of the others.

With odins help, they finished the unloading in half an hour. The two boys barely help but they were mere early qi gathers while the others were foundation establishment cultivators and above.

Even though he was a servant Luo Zhen was a peak foundation establishment cultivator a realm below the guard. Even the girl was at the first level of the foundation establishment she was considered a genius among the outer sect members.

In this world, everyone was strong even without martial arts but the old genetic alterations of the star empire had persisted in this world. Even to this day, no one was born with any disability the only way one could become crippled would be through injury or curses.

Even if weak the boys could easily lift a thousand pounds. but even with that strength and also being twice as strong as a mortal after becoming cultivators lin jun could not lift a halberd even the sword on him was heavy but he acted normal.

Lin jun was the first case of the genetic enchantments starting to wear off he was the same as his ancestors before the enhancements. Lin jun marveled at the sight of reaper carrying ten tons as if was nothing and to reaper it truly was.

Reaper had many feats of strength one notable one was keeping the capital ship of the prince together after it was split in half. He easily carried sixteen solar masses of metal on each hand which converted into earth solar masses was 48 solar masses in each hand.

After everyone evacuated reaper even used the halves as hammers and fought the huge fleet. And to say there is no fear as a seven-foot-tall man flying at you with two severe halves of a capital ship as hammers is but an understatement.

Another was using the same ship to attack the kingdom that launched the attack after he returned the ship to the prince who returned it back as a pair of great words. Which he currently had in his subspace but he couldn't really use them.

For one he did not need them and two a sword that weighed 45 solar masses and was the length of a few ten thousand kilometers was pretty noticeable.

"What are you going to craft?" lin jun asked as he walked towards reaper.

"For now I will be making servants." reaper said as he examined the metals he ordered.

"Servants do you know puppeteering?" lin jun asked worriedly.

"Puppeteering no I'm going to make a simple robot with an ai program to help me on making the other equipment ill be making." reaper said casually as he finished his scan and took a chunk of iron.

"Robot with ai what are those?" lin jun asked.

"Did you bring the crafting equipment?" reaper asked.

"Yes master it's inside on the third room." the servant said.

'How much does it cost to learn how to control the elements?'

[there are three different types basic, partial, and full control which would you like?]

'What are the differences?'

[basic is just giving you the simple forms to control the elements and cost only the qi gathering realm.]

[partial gives you the knowledge to make more complex constructs and example would be with basic you can make a fireball and partial you can make a dragon of fire this cost the nascent soul realm]

[full control gives you the knowledge to form hypercomplex and embodiments of the elements an example like before partial allows you to make a dragon of fire while full allows you to make the true embodiment of fire]

[I recommend getting the basic as it is cheap and you can easily reach the partial level with your knowledge]

'Then give me the basic one.'

After that, he received a simple introduction of the elements and how to control them. His energy dipped but compared to his cultivation it was like taking a drop from the sea. As an immortal cultivator, he has every element even without being one he could use them all but it would be less practical.

In this world, the root only determined how attuned to an element you were. Low roots gave a 50% boost to any element mid roots gave a 100% boost high gave 500% and the immortal root was 1000%. Of course, even if you were attuned to fire you could still use water but most didn't as it would be weaker than their main element.

From a numerical standpoint, no roots did 10 damage low roots gave 15 mid gave 20 high gave 50 and immortal gave 100. Reaper could use all elements but he did not know how to control them each time he used his energy it would be a mixture of every element. Now he could divide the elements and use them which would be helpful and using his knowledge from the elemental control and his scientific knowledge he could make more complex shapes.

Entering the forge room Odin prepped the furnace and the items he would use the iron was quite pure for the world's standard but to him, it was not good for robotics. He used his fire element to light the furnace and placed the iron chunk into it.

He held out his hand and a few nanites fell to the furnace. He was going to melt the iron and then use the nanites to alter the atoms of the iron and infuse it to make it stronger. Naturally, he could make steel using the carbon but with the surrounding elements, he could make a better metal called Xestraetrium used to make war engines it was also used to make reapers teeth.

Was it reached its melting point the nanites started to work quickly. Soon they finished and he and slowly lowered the temperature after a while a white Ingot was revealed and reaper inspected it. Seeing it was a success reaper got the other materials and started to transmute the metals.

After half a days work he had finished having a ton of Xestraetrium for the body 10 tons of Thaorium for the neural haptic wiring and 10 pounds of Feskil for the battery.

The ai didn't need anything as he could send nanites into the robot body and have them control it. Soon Odin got to work in an hour he made a robot and then ordered it to help him make the rest.

The sun rose and soon an army of a thousand robots were born while in the middle he decided to make weapons and tools for crafting. But soon most of the robots stopped working and shut off they ran out of energy using the special properties of Feskil he used his own energy and stored 1.23 × 10^14 zettajoules into the battery.