
A Spirit Animal For The Common Man

The_Kurona · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Nogistune

Kaito threw a right hook against Kuragaris head, zipping him across the room at hypersonic speeds. Right as he collided with the wall, Kaito appeared in front of him. Grabbing him by the neck, Kaito lifts Kuragari up and slams him into the ground. Kuragari coughed up blood as his spine shattered against the concrete. Kaito placed his hand on Kuragaris head and began crushing it.

Suddenly Kaito jerked back, his body beginning to twitch aggressively. Kaito screamed as if he was in pain, his voice switching between a demonic screech and a young boy. He clawed at his face slowly tearing his skin up. Blood seeped down his face from the claw marks. His eyes suddenly went back to normal and he swayed back and forth. For just a moment it was quiet. Everyone looked in freight as they waited to see what was going to happen.

Nine tails covered in a dark aura sprung out of Kaito's back. The sound of bones cracking and body parts twisting came from Kaito as his body began to morph. Slowly but surely Kaito formed into a half human half fox like creature. Its head slowly turned to face Yuto. Looking at Yuto lay on the floor helpless, it gracefully made its way over to him.

It stopped in front of Yuto and picked him up. "Kaito..?" His vision was blurry making it hard to make out what was in front of him. It looked at Yuto, its face almost unrecognizable."You hurt.. Friend? I kill… you" it spoke as if it was still learning their language. Its voice was low, demonic almost.

Suddenly a loud screeching noise came from the speakers. It dropped to the floor and held its head. The students dropped alongside the humanoid creature. "Your time is up, the scores of each student shall be ranked on the school board at the front entrance of the school." the man explained.

Green orbs appeared out of what looked like summoning signs on the floor. The orbs floated over to every student and healed them. Before anyone noticed, Kaito was back to normal. He looked at his hands then down at Yuto.

Yuto sat up and rubbed his head. "I'm alright… but how?" he asked himself. Someone wrapped their arms around Yuto from behind. He turned his head to see Akari. "But I saw you die…" he said, his eyes beginning to water up. "Yeah I thought so too but I hung onto life as much as possible and I also saw everything…" she stated.

Kaito looked at Akari, his face full of guilt. Akari looked at Kaito, giving him the worst side eye imaginable. "Come on Yuto, let's leave before that thing kills the both of us." she said, lifting Yuto up in the process. Kaito sat back with tears beginning to swell up in his eyes. He had no clue on what was happening.

Akari began walking Yuto towards the exit. Kaito reached his hand out, praying this was all just a dream. Yuto turned his head to look at Kaito before pushing Akari away from him. "What are you doing? don't tell me you're going to stay friends with him…" she said, her face showing the ugliest expression plausible.

"Of course he's been nothing but nice to me since I got here and the fact you want to discriminate against him for something he can't control is just a load of crap." Yuto shouted, his voice having somewhat of a growl to it. Akari stepped back, her eyes widening. "He's mind controlling you… he has to be." she said.

Yuto looked away from her in disgust. He slowly limped over to Kaito. Akari watched in disgust before running out the exit. "You alright?" Yuto said, a small smirk forming on his face. Yuto reached his hand out for Kaito causing Kaito to tear up even more. Whipping the tears away, Kaito grabbed his hand and stood up. "Thanks for staying by my side." Kaito thanked him with a warm hug. Yuto patted him on the back and laughed. "Don't sweat it, we're friends after all." Yuto said.

The boys wrapped their arms around one another and walked towards the exit. "Shall we go see our scores?" Yuto asked. Kaito nodded in return and the two exited the room. As they walked down the hall, a girl's voice echoed. Both the boys turned to see Shio hollering at them.

"Oh it's you, what's up?" Kaito smiled faintly. "I heard there was some commotion happening down here and I wanted to know what happened." she replied. "Let's not talk about that right now…" Yuto said. Shio raised a brow but shrugged it off.

The boys made their way to the front of the school. Shio walked behind them slowly with her hands in her pockets. As they reached the score board, they noticed a crowd of students surrounding it making it hard to see. The school was filled with tall students making Yuto and Kaito seem more on the shorter side.

"God I can't see," Kaito said with a frustrated look on his face. Looking up at the board, Yuto scratched his head. "Did we really score that low?" he questioned. "No, quite the opposite." Shio said from behind. She pointed at the top of the board. Kaito looked at where she was pointing, his eyes beginning to widen.

#1: Kaito Nakamura, #2: Kuragari Sato and #3: Yuto Watanabe. "Wait, why aren't you up there Shio?" Kaito asked. "Oh, I had a meeting so I couldn't attend the fight," she explained. "Oh that sucks, I would have loved to fight you" Yuto said. "Trust me I would have destroyed you both." she said confidently.

They all laughed and giggled. "Yeah sure, maybe in a million years," Kaito said mockingly. Yuto turned to face Kaito and put his fist out. Kaito raised his and fist bumped him. "Bros, right?" Yuto smirked.

"Forever and always"