
A Spellbinding Tale: Clary And Leandre’s Timeless Love Saga

°°Mature content°° An Archer by passion! When she wields her bow, she is a hunter, seeking no good game. A student by profession. When she walks through the university gates, students run away from her, for there is no one like Clary who seeks trouble. One fine night, drunk on potent and fuelled by her rebellious spirit, Clary raised her glass as a toast to the sky and released brazen curses against none other than the King of the Gods himself, Zeus, for his lust over women until she passed out of exhaustion.  The result: thunders and lightning strike in the sky for the entire night!  The next thing Clary knew, she was thrown into the mysterious Zeus university in Nocturnal Heights. The pesky Lord's hands were tied to punish her with his thunderbolt, so he sent her to his abode to torture her. .......... Leandre, a man whose power commanded fear with looks that rivalled Adonis and a body that boasted Spartan Warrior. He was not a man to be trifled with, for no one dared offend him, and no one came close to capturing his attention until he unexpectedly crossed paths with Clary. His first meeting with her was a blast, the second was a disaster, and the third, he doesn't need to describe. He expected no less from the troublemaker. By a twist of fate, he was assigned an important mission to tackle where the notorious trouble seeker was sent to pay for her sins.  A baby is born from a mother's womb with a white coating called Vernix Caseosa, a protective shield that guards the infant. But Leandre came out of the sacred depth of his mother's womb with an extra asset. A golden half-wing. A symbol of his incompleteness, and his heart burned with a fierce desire to find the missing piece that would make him whole. But as he searched, he found himself torn between two paths. Would he bind himself to his destiny and the other half of his wing when he found her? Or would he follow the beat of his own heart, which had already been captured by a certain troublemaker?  ........ When a looming threat has been waiting for Clary in the form of a certain Werewolf called Lycaon, cursed by the divine wrath of the sky God, the chaos will ignite again. Challenges will brew. Wars break down. Will Leandre be able to protect his beloved girl, or will the forces of destiny tear them apart forever? In this spellbinding tale of Clary and Leandre's timeless love saga, their love will be put to the ultimate test. After all, what is a love story without turmoil? ... Holding his gaze steady on Clary, Leandre crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall. ''My dear Clary Sage essential oil_.'' ''Hold up there, Lavender!'' Clary interrupted. ''It's Clary for you_'' ''Lavender again!''  Clary's breath hitched in her throat as Leandre's strong arm snaked around her waist, pulling her close. ''What's my name? Tell me...'' His voice was hoarse and low as he leaned closer, sinking his teeth into her soft lobe. The slow, painless nip sent jitters down her spine. ''Leandre! If you seduce me another time, I swear on the bushy beard of Zeus_ Lightning flashed. Thunder roared from the sky. ''Your frenemy showed up in time,'' Leandre whispered, suppressing his smile upon seeing her frantic eyes. Clary furiously gazed up, her blazing eyes fixed on the sky. ''It's just your beard! Don't you have any work other than poking your nose into my private business?" More thunder in the sky!  .... It is a blend of Greek mythology and the modern world. My other book: The Devil's Sweetheart. IG: Ansly_ylsna Discord: https://discord.gg/p4AWrb9

ainsley · Fantasy
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109 Chs

Pineapple Fruit : Pervy Fruit

Dozens of white cars raced over the city with screaming sirens, the red and blue lights flashed brightly in the evening. The heir of the Anceril groups, Jeff Eads's kidnap, has spread throughout the city.

Jumping to the platform stand, Clary lifted the placard high. A slogan was written on it. 'Chop off Jeff's raping tool.'

''We love enforcers!'' Candy and Ariel screamed, holding a placard of 'the enforcers' sketch art. 'Enforcers have no laws.'

Thousands of students, working professionals, and many more gathered for the curfew supporting Everly. As the police car pulled into the entrance, the media sprawled like bees towards the chief officer. ''We heard you have a President's orders to rescue Jeff.'' They threw question after question without letting him get down. "Are you rescuing him?"

''Doesn't Jeff deserves for what he did?''

"I have no comments for the moment. Please allow me to go inside." The officer sighed, shaking his head.


Without a word, the officer walked past them into Jeff's house. Being a Government body, he must obey the President's orders. Somewhere in his heart, he is happy that the rapist is in the hands of Enforcers, who will teach him a lesson for a lifetime.

''Any news?'' Jeff's father asked, his expression grim, watching the news. A woman fired his son's scarecrow, which raged him.

''According to the information we got.'' The officer addressed Jeff's father, flipping the pages of the file. ''Jeff has gone to a nightclub with his girlfriend, and at around twelve, the party ended. He went to the parking lot to get his car" The officer closed the file and looked at the chairman.

''And he never came out."

''I don't know what you do. I want my son back in an hour unharmed.'' The old man slammed his fists on the glass table. His shiny bald head sparkled under the mounted ceiling chandeliers. ''I will get an order from the President. Involve the NIS in this.''

NIS? The chief's mind went blank. The director of NIS, Duncan Drakos, doesn't even listen to the Prime Minister's orders, let alone the President's. He has his own rules in the department. If the officer told the truth, this oldie would break his head. In the end, he said. ''We will be on it, Mr Eads.''

''Also,'' The old man ordered. ''The girl with green eyes, who is campaigning in front of my house, take immediate action on her.'' It's all because of her the problem started. She gathered an army and began campaigning in front of his house since yesterday. How dares she writes 'Chop off the Rapist tool' about my son.

''My apologies, Mr Eads.'' The chief officer said, ''We cannot take action against public unless they have done something wrong. We will try our best to find your son. Please refrain from doing anything to the crowd, which will only worsen the matter." The officer strolled off the house to meet the maverick director, leaving the old man fuming angrily for not obeying his command.


Hands behind his back, a man in a dark flamed muscular T-shirt stood tall in the training field, watching the hundreds of trainees practice rifle shooting. Handsome like a refined warrior, his face was scarred from the battles. It didnot slip from his sharp brown eyes that Jason missed hitting the bull's eye. ''Jason Martin, fifty rounds around the field for missing the bullseye again.'' Duncan's authoritative voice, as sharp as a shovel, echoed in the air.

Jason swore underneath, looking at the hole his rifle shot which was at the outer ring in the target board.

''Sir!'' Another trainee named Evandre raised his hand. ''Gillen squeezed Martha's butt. I saw with my own eyes." His haircut was of a fruity style. The top of his hair was stuck up straight and dyed with green colour to look like leaves. The rest of the hair was shaved with diagonal cuts and dyed with yellow to form the actual body of a Pineapple. Only he was an exception to have the funky haircuts in the academy.

Gillen cursed the Pineapple under his breath. How did he find out? Gulping hard, he turned and gazed into the director's burning eyes. ''Sir, I didnot_''

''It's been a long time since we had a cup of Latte in my office, Gillen.'' Duncan gave him a smug dangerous smile, scaring the poor man. ''Follow me to the office."

Gillen silently cried, cursing Pineapple as he followed the director. On the other hand, Jason grinned, despite the fifty-round punishment. Fifty rounds in the field are far better than a cup of latte at the director's office. Just as he was about to go for a round, he felt someone pinch his waist. He turned around to see Pineapple cheekily laughing at him.

"Don't you dare miss a single round. I am counting."

"Get lost, you pervy fruit," Jason grumbled and walked away. His hands itched to beat the pulp out of this Pineapple, but he would immediately go to the director's office to nitpick, and the scary man listens to him.

Evandre sneered at Jason, stroking his stuck-up hair. "I will take care of you after the roll call."

Meanwhile, Gillen sat erectly in the chair, watching the director make two warm, freshly foam-topped lattes. He would have loved the service if the director had stopped there. Instead, he added coconut ash, blacker than the night, and a teaspoon of virgin coconut oil into a glass. Psychopath, Gillen muttered. Why does this scary man have a weird hobby to torture us?

Duncan pushed the glass towards Gillen. ''Your Latte.''

''Sir.. Can I skip this time?'' Gillen softly pleaded, keeping his tone low not to anger him. ''I didnot touch Martha's butt. That Pine..I mean..Evandre was joking_''

''The coffee is getting cold,'' Duncan said, lazily taking a sip of his latte, warm and fresh, just like he liked.

Closing his eyes, Gillen lifted the cup to his lips and took a sip of the nasty latte, tasting the bitter, smoky particles rolled in oil. His face twisted in all folds as if his body rolled in a sewage drain pipe. Since the day he started training at National Intelligence Service(NIS), this is his ninth time in the director's office for a 'Cup of Latte.' Gillen doesn't know what satisfaction the director gets in feeding the charcoal food to the trainees.

''Next time, if I hear any complaints about you while practising on the grounds, I will turn you into a..'' Duncan paused and looked at Gillen, letting him contribute to the answer.

''Rodent,'' Gillen completed, covering his pearly back teeth with the back of his hand. As if this psychopath has godly powers to turn me into a rodent, Gillen told himself. Had he known about this psychopath's director beforehand, he would have opted for the family business his father generously offered.

A knock on the door interrupted Gillen's thoughts. A man wearing a blue uniform entered. Seizing the chance, Gillen ran out of the room, covering his mouth, thinking he should carry a toothbrush in his pocket until the training was completed.

''What brings the chief officer to my place?'' Duncan lazily asked, grabbing a file from the drawer like he was not concerned about his visit.

The officer sat opposite Duncan. After a minute's pause, he said. ''The rising actor, Jeff Eads, was kidnapped yesterday night. We have orders from the President to bring the NIS for the search operation.''

Yesterday night? Duncan thought hard. Something is dawning on him. Was it that punk and his troublesome friends? Quickly composing himself, he added. ''Does NIS reports to President or Prime Minister? My team is very expensive to involve in petty filial things, officer,''

''I am sure you can answer the reason to President.'' The chief officer was glad to be out of this operation.

''I don't bound by rules, unlike you, officer.''

''That I know. If that's the case, I will leave it to your hands to deliver the message'' The officer took his leave. The moment he left, Duncan immediately rang the bell, calling for his assistant.

After a knock, the door was pushed open, and a man entered and bowed. ''Lord A_''

Duncan snapped at him. His fiery eyes glowed like nuclear explosions for a brief second before turning to normal. 'You better pay attention to where you are, Casio."

The assistant gulped and immediately corrected. ''I_I am sorry, sir.''

''Quickly check if Leandre and his pesky friends are inside the academy,''

Duncan ordered, tapping his legs on the footrest.

The assistant nodded, and within two minutes, he returned. ''Sir, Leandre and his friends have gone out in the afternoon. Since you promised a half-day off for the top five trainees in the quest, Leandre and his friends occupied the top four. With a stamp approval of your signature, the four friends went out together.''

''Brats!'' Duncan gritted his teeth. If the kidnapping happened yesterday...

Duncan opened his laptop and checked the CCTV footage of yesterday night. There was nothing unusual, but he could screenplay the events that might have happened. They dared to hide from the CCTV angle? "These punks!"

Duncan looked at the wall clock—it was five in the evening. ''Casio, assemble the trainees for the roll call in the ground. I will personally take attendance today. If the brats don't show up by sharp seven.. I will see their end today.'' He slammed the table.

''Roger that, sir.''


A small room built with stones at the city's far end resembled an ancient dungeon. A man whimpered as he scrunched into a ball, his hands and ankles tied together with a rough rope. His eyes went alert, hearing the door unlock, followed by rough footsteps.

''Finally, you are showing up? Which bastard are you to kidnap me? Is it for money? How much do you want? I am a famous actor, Jeff Eads. My father is the chairman of Anceril groups. Whoever you are, my fans will kill you. My father will drag you behind bars.''

''That was one show-off introduction I ever heard."

Following the voice, Jeff looked around. A tall silhouette stood in the shadows; every muscle in his body radiated power. His black eyes resembled a pool of flashing fires. Handsome was an understatement. His leonine strength and spartan shoulders spoke of his athletic strength. Sleeves of his black shirt rolled up to the elbows, his blue veins protruding like a mountain range on a relief map.

''It's you!'' Jeff stammered, recognizing him instantly.''Why did you kidnap_''

''Well..someone requested me to chop off your raping tool. So, here I am." Like a panther, he strode inside, never taking his eyes off the target.


Leandre's pronunciation would be 'Leander'. I fashioned the last two letters to my taste. I have added Evandre's Pineapple hair cut in the comments. Check it out.