
A Spellbinding Tale: Clary And Leandre’s Timeless Love Saga

°°Mature content°° An Archer by passion! When she wields her bow, she is a hunter, seeking no good game. A student by profession. When she walks through the university gates, students run away from her, for there is no one like Clary who seeks trouble. One fine night, drunk on potent and fuelled by her rebellious spirit, Clary raised her glass as a toast to the sky and released brazen curses against none other than the King of the Gods himself, Zeus, for his lust over women until she passed out of exhaustion.  The result: thunders and lightning strike in the sky for the entire night!  The next thing Clary knew, she was thrown into the mysterious Zeus university in Nocturnal Heights. The pesky Lord's hands were tied to punish her with his thunderbolt, so he sent her to his abode to torture her. .......... Leandre, a man whose power commanded fear with looks that rivalled Adonis and a body that boasted Spartan Warrior. He was not a man to be trifled with, for no one dared offend him, and no one came close to capturing his attention until he unexpectedly crossed paths with Clary. His first meeting with her was a blast, the second was a disaster, and the third, he doesn't need to describe. He expected no less from the troublemaker. By a twist of fate, he was assigned an important mission to tackle where the notorious trouble seeker was sent to pay for her sins.  A baby is born from a mother's womb with a white coating called Vernix Caseosa, a protective shield that guards the infant. But Leandre came out of the sacred depth of his mother's womb with an extra asset. A golden half-wing. A symbol of his incompleteness, and his heart burned with a fierce desire to find the missing piece that would make him whole. But as he searched, he found himself torn between two paths. Would he bind himself to his destiny and the other half of his wing when he found her? Or would he follow the beat of his own heart, which had already been captured by a certain troublemaker?  ........ When a looming threat has been waiting for Clary in the form of a certain Werewolf called Lycaon, cursed by the divine wrath of the sky God, the chaos will ignite again. Challenges will brew. Wars break down. Will Leandre be able to protect his beloved girl, or will the forces of destiny tear them apart forever? In this spellbinding tale of Clary and Leandre's timeless love saga, their love will be put to the ultimate test. After all, what is a love story without turmoil? ... Holding his gaze steady on Clary, Leandre crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall. ''My dear Clary Sage essential oil_.'' ''Hold up there, Lavender!'' Clary interrupted. ''It's Clary for you_'' ''Lavender again!''  Clary's breath hitched in her throat as Leandre's strong arm snaked around her waist, pulling her close. ''What's my name? Tell me...'' His voice was hoarse and low as he leaned closer, sinking his teeth into her soft lobe. The slow, painless nip sent jitters down her spine. ''Leandre! If you seduce me another time, I swear on the bushy beard of Zeus_ Lightning flashed. Thunder roared from the sky. ''Your frenemy showed up in time,'' Leandre whispered, suppressing his smile upon seeing her frantic eyes. Clary furiously gazed up, her blazing eyes fixed on the sky. ''It's just your beard! Don't you have any work other than poking your nose into my private business?" More thunder in the sky!  .... It is a blend of Greek mythology and the modern world. My other book: The Devil's Sweetheart. IG: Ansly_ylsna Discord: https://discord.gg/p4AWrb9

ainsley · Fantasy
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109 Chs

Firecracker Kalhys

Leandre gazed at the dainty figure walking inside the toy shop, a blue backpack on her back, clasping its straps tightly in her fingers. "Kalhys! What is she doing here alone?''

''What lhys?'' Dustin asked, following Leandre's direction. Why is he looking at a toy shop?

''Dustin," Leandre called, throwing the car keys at him, which his friend caught in time. ''Carry on. I wil come back to the academy directly."

''Where?'' Xanth frowned, checking his wristwatch. ''It's half past 6. We don't have much time left before the roll call." It's close to twenty minute drive to reach the academy by car, and they only have thirty minutes left for the roll call. If missed, the punishment would be bigger than a cup of Latte.

''I will be back before it starts, Xanth," Leandre assured, and then his focus shifted to Dustin. "Drive carefully. Not a single scratch on my baby."

"Fine!" Dustin snorted grumpily, agreeing to Leandre's demands. He is willing to drive the car; can't this idiot at least request him properly? Leandre's crazy obsession with guns and cars has reached a point where his friends will not wonder if his future wife will divorce him out of jealousy if he ever gets one.

To begin with, Leandre covered his face, not intending to freak out a fan in the middle of the street. He then crossed the road and walked inside the toys store. Immediately he was welcomed by kids' cries, boys racing in toy cars, dashing the people who meddled their way, and girls fighting over the barbie toys with their parents.

Leandre searched the aisle passageway for a certain kid. At the far end of a corner, an adorable little girl, not more than six years, wearing a blue polka-dotted dress, was staring at a stuffed monkey toy, her crescent eyes shining like pebbles in the ocean.

''Kalhys!" Leandre called, pulling out the mask to let the little one identify him.

The little girl jumped in surprise and turned around, hearing her name being called out. Leandre's heart warmed immensely. He felt an inkling of joy seeing her after a long time.

''Leandre!" Her voice bubbled with enthusiasm as her eyes twinkled in delight. Her adorable smile melted Leandre's heart again.

"How are you? Kalhys missed you."

''Leandre missed you too.'' He was surprised to hear his voice mimicking the kid's language. Blame this adorable one. Shaking his head, he lifted his hand to ruffle her silky hair, but Kalhys stepped back, fuming at him with her big eyes. "Doesn't Leandre know Kalhys have Haphephobia? She hates someone touching her."

Hell yes! Although Leandre remembers Kalhy's doesn't like skinship, the urge to ruffle her hair has made him overthrow the logic out of the window. He felt sorry that her parents had to deal with such a problem. "I am sorry, Kalhys. I will be careful next time. But don't worry; you will get over this soon since you are taking treatment."

"Thank you, Leandre. If that happens, I will let you ruffle my silky hair once." Kalhys said. "Also, sorry for yelling at you. Are we still friends?" She hopefully asked, looking at him with puppy eyes.

Is she going to kill me with her cuteness? She looks so adorable. "Of course, yes. Friends, don't say sorry to each other, right?" He reminded her of her own words she once told him.

Kalhys nodded, a big grin on her face, revealing her pearly milky teeth. "Leandre is the best."

Leandre smiled in return, recalling the first encounter with this little kid at a rifle shooting academy. He went to meet an acquaintance at the academy, where he saw a kid cluelessly wandering alone. When he approached her, she immediately burst into tears. She talked about her missing parents, cursing her father for leaving her side to teach her mother rifle shooting. His heart ached for the little one as she wept, tears rolling down her cheeks uncontrollably. Leandre promised to help her find her parents; fortunately, she found her mother before he did. She ran to her side without thanking him.

A month later, he met her in a shopping arena for the second time. Leaning back on the railing opposite a women's clothing store, Leandre found her playing hide and seek with a dustbin placed at the corner end. It somewhat surprised Leandre to see her. She apologized to him for not saying a thank you when they first met. She asked if he could play a game with her in the Kid's World on the top floor since her mom was busy shopping. Although he didnot want to scare her mother by taking her child away, Leandre could not disagree when he saw Kalhys plead with him. It turned out, a kid became his friend.

And this is his third time meeting her.

Breaking his thoughts from his revere, Leandre sensed she was alone again. ''Why are you wandering alone? Where are your mom and dad?''

''They are in the restaurant next door, eating snacks," Kalhys replied in her sweet baby voice. ''Since a kid's store is next to the restaurant, I asked my mom and dad to buy me a stuffed monkey toy. My lovely mom said she would buy me next time, but my crooked dad said no to monkey toys. He also told me that girls like me should play with superman toys which I hate. My dad was busy watching youtube shorts, and my mom went to wash her hands. Seizing the chance, I slipped from their hands and landed here."

Did she slip under his nose? What kind of father is he? Is mobile more important than his kid? And speaking about Kalhys, she is the pretty brave one for her age. Wonder how her parents are dealing with this firecracker at home. Leandre thought, squatting to her height. ''So, who is going to pay for the toy? Does Kalhys have money?''

With a cynical attitude, Kalhys pointed her index fingers to the backpack. ''My wicked dad stuffs my bag with lots of money, knowing that I get missed a lot."

"Can't agree anymore." Leandre chuckled, listening to Kalhys call her father using weird names. Just in time, Leandre received a text from Knox saying Duncan would take the roll call. Leandre cursed under his breath.

''What's wrong? Do you have work? Are you going?''

Leandre could sense a lingering sadness in her tone. His decision to leave immediately changed as he decided to stay for a while and spend with the little kid. He doesn't mind a cup of Latte at the psychopath's office to trade with Kalhys's cuteness. 'I can make time for you, little one."

A smile erupted from Kalhys's face reaching up to her ears. While watching her beautiful smile, Leandre witnessed a long eyelash on her cheek. He lifted his hand to remove it, and before his fingers brushed past her face, Kalhys arched her back like a hunter's bow. ''Kalhys is still under treatment and doesn't like touching her precious face. Even mom and dad, for that matter. Leandre should stop his obsession over Kalhys adorable face and silky hair."

"Aha!" Leandre cross-questioned, amused by her back-and-forth replies. "Then how will your mom get you ready for school?"

"I do it by myself. I can take a shower by myself and eat on my own." Kalhys motioned Leandre to come forward and whispered in a low voice. "I can clean my potty also." She grinned.

''Alright, strong independent lady! You win." Leandre sighed, shaking his head. "It's not good for a kid to roam alone. Your mom and dad must be searching for you. Let's go. I will hand you over to your parents."

''But my toy_''

''No buts. Let's go.'' He sternly said, leaving no room for discussions.

Kalhys pouted and reluctantly nodded her head. She walked along with Leandre out of the toy shop and made a beeline to the restaurant. Pointing her finger to the first floor of the restaurant building, Kalhys said. "My parents are on the first floor. It might get late for you if you come along with me. Carry on with your work. I can walk from here.'' She bade him goodbye and dashed inside, slipping into the crowd.

''Wait ..Kalhys.''

She was gone in a blink of an eye.

''What the!'' Leandre hastily walked inside to look for her, but there was no trace of the little kid. "Where did she disappear this fast?" Just in time, Leandre got a text from Xanth asking about his whereabouts. Remembering the psychopath was the one taking rollcall today, Leandre left the place believing the firecracker had safely reached her parents.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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