
A Spellbinding Tale: Clary And Leandre’s Timeless Love Saga

°°Mature content°° An Archer by passion! When she wields her bow, she is a hunter, seeking no good game. A student by profession. When she walks through the university gates, students run away from her, for there is no one like Clary who seeks trouble. One fine night, drunk on potent and fuelled by her rebellious spirit, Clary raised her glass as a toast to the sky and released brazen curses against none other than the King of the Gods himself, Zeus, for his lust over women until she passed out of exhaustion.  The result: thunders and lightning strike in the sky for the entire night!  The next thing Clary knew, she was thrown into the mysterious Zeus university in Nocturnal Heights. The pesky Lord's hands were tied to punish her with his thunderbolt, so he sent her to his abode to torture her. .......... Leandre, a man whose power commanded fear with looks that rivalled Adonis and a body that boasted Spartan Warrior. He was not a man to be trifled with, for no one dared offend him, and no one came close to capturing his attention until he unexpectedly crossed paths with Clary. His first meeting with her was a blast, the second was a disaster, and the third, he doesn't need to describe. He expected no less from the troublemaker. By a twist of fate, he was assigned an important mission to tackle where the notorious trouble seeker was sent to pay for her sins.  A baby is born from a mother's womb with a white coating called Vernix Caseosa, a protective shield that guards the infant. But Leandre came out of the sacred depth of his mother's womb with an extra asset. A golden half-wing. A symbol of his incompleteness, and his heart burned with a fierce desire to find the missing piece that would make him whole. But as he searched, he found himself torn between two paths. Would he bind himself to his destiny and the other half of his wing when he found her? Or would he follow the beat of his own heart, which had already been captured by a certain troublemaker?  ........ When a looming threat has been waiting for Clary in the form of a certain Werewolf called Lycaon, cursed by the divine wrath of the sky God, the chaos will ignite again. Challenges will brew. Wars break down. Will Leandre be able to protect his beloved girl, or will the forces of destiny tear them apart forever? In this spellbinding tale of Clary and Leandre's timeless love saga, their love will be put to the ultimate test. After all, what is a love story without turmoil? ... Holding his gaze steady on Clary, Leandre crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall. ''My dear Clary Sage essential oil_.'' ''Hold up there, Lavender!'' Clary interrupted. ''It's Clary for you_'' ''Lavender again!''  Clary's breath hitched in her throat as Leandre's strong arm snaked around her waist, pulling her close. ''What's my name? Tell me...'' His voice was hoarse and low as he leaned closer, sinking his teeth into her soft lobe. The slow, painless nip sent jitters down her spine. ''Leandre! If you seduce me another time, I swear on the bushy beard of Zeus_ Lightning flashed. Thunder roared from the sky. ''Your frenemy showed up in time,'' Leandre whispered, suppressing his smile upon seeing her frantic eyes. Clary furiously gazed up, her blazing eyes fixed on the sky. ''It's just your beard! Don't you have any work other than poking your nose into my private business?" More thunder in the sky!  .... It is a blend of Greek mythology and the modern world. My other book: The Devil's Sweetheart. IG: Ansly_ylsna Discord: https://discord.gg/p4AWrb9

ainsley · Fantasy
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109 Chs

Bat wing oil: Rat tail oil: Graveyard dirt oil

Clary dialled the hotline number, ready to give butterfly astrology a tongue-lashing for fooling people in the name of astrology, but alas, she was met with a wait time stretched on like the longest noodle in the world. "Are they hosting a tea party for each customer?"

Clary ended the call and thought of painting a new portrait. As she pondered the next cartoon she wanted to paint after Mickey, Clary caught sight of a Bugatti through the windows.

She immediately scampered down the stairs and out of the house. Her dad and uncle alighted the car together, both of them appearing tired. Clary couldn't help but wonder about the driving spirit of these two oldies to work on Sunday as well.

"Hey, dad and Wazzy." Clary smiled, greeting them. "What's up?"

"Dead tired!" Warren exclaimed, flaunting a snoozy gesture.

"Why didn't you come to the lab?" Eugene asked, gently ruffling her daughter's hair before making his way inside the house.

"It's a long story!" Clary sighed.

"You can cut it short," Eugene suggested.

"You will miss the thrill, papa," Clary said. "I will tell the full story when you are free."

"Alright!" Eugene smiled. Regardless of the gruelling stress he undergoes throughout the day, a single glimpse of his daughter's face will put a smile on his face.

The brothers went to their rooms, and fifteen minutes later, they returned refreshed to the extravagant dining room to have dinner. "Aunt Theida has made my favourite dishes!" Clary exclaimed, the aromas wafted into her nose stirring her hunger.

"We have got this prepared to celebrate your victorious return to college after the suspension." Eugene and Warren teased with mischievous grins, to which Clary pouted with a sneering gaze.

Grandma Audrey bitterly looked at his son's pampering. The memory of her daughter-in-law's laughter roaming around the house echoed in her mind like the tinkling of a distant bell. How happy this house would be if both were here. She felt as though the fates had dealt her a cruel blow, snatching away both of her daughters-in-law and leaving her granddaughter and grandson motherless, her son drowning in a sea of grief for the loss of their beloved wives.

Shaking off the bitter thoughts, grandma Audrey cast a gaze upon her sons, who were busy devouring their meal. "My dear offspring, did you see my Instagram posts? Do tell me why your likes are lacking on my Instagram post."

"I was busy concocting formulas like a zany wizard in the lab," Eugene looked at his mother, his eyes alight with amusement.

"And I was busy closing deals like a tycoon on a caffeine blender," Warren winked with a glint of humour.

"Liars!" She grumbled with a huff."Your dad is busy as a bee, but he was the first to like and comment."

His schedule is as empty as a ghost town except for the golf adventures. Eugene and Warren thought of commenting it but quickly reconsidered, not wanting to risk incurring another lecture from their mother. "By the way, where is dad?" Eugene asked. "We haven't seen him for a week except talking on the phone in between his golf breaks."

"Where else could he be?" Grandma Audrey grumbled. "At Golf court, playing Golf with Pepsi Jackson, as if they both are trying to solve the mystery of the missing ball in a round."

Eugene and Warren looked at each other with their brows raised in suspicion. Meanwhile, Clary, who was chowing down her food, suddenly lifted her head. "Dad." She called.

Eugene responded with a hm, and Clary questioned. "How does Pepsi Jackson look like? Have you seen him?" Except for hearing his name, she hasn't seen him.

"Your grandfather hasn't introduced this character yet, baby." Eugene and Warren are also curious about this mysterious fellow named Pepsi Jackson. The old man complains about his rude behaviour all the time, yet he spends all the time playing golf only with him. Just how much free time does Pepsi Jackson have?

Clary nodded, making a note to ask her grandfather to introduce this Pepsi dude.

After dinner, Eugene and Warren sat in the living room discussing the business while Clary hurried off to her room and returned in an instant with her latest Mickey Mouse painting. "Dad and Wazzy," Clary called them in excitement, capturing their full attention. "Guess what I painted this time,"

Another painting to sell? Eugene and Warren swallowed hard as they saw Clary shroud the painting in secrecy, not revealing the face.

"W_e are poor at guessing, daughter. Why don't you reveal it to us directly?" Eugene half-smiled. Whatever it is, the painting will be an eyesore to the eyes, like a Hawaiian shirt at a funeral.

"Ta Da!" Clary chirped and gingerly rotated the canvas.

Eugene and Warren's eyes nearly shot out of their skull sockets, seeing a dog portrait with whiskers that looked like spaghetti, chillaxing on a sunny beach decked out in a polka dot dress. Whiskers on a dog? "Nice dog." Eugene and Warren commented.

"It's not a dog. Can't you differentiate between a dog and a kitty?" Clary corrected. "This here is Mickey, the coolest cat in the land."

"Oh!" But that surely doesn't look like a cat. Eugene and Warren looked at the painting with poker faces trying to identify how this doggo could possibly resemble a kitty.

"Anyway, I have drawn this for our company's annual day event, but the day is far too long." Clary sighed. "So, I am hoping you can sell it this week. I will think of another artwork for our annual day. Since Mickey's paintings are in great demand, set a high price. I expect no less than 1000 euros this time." She passed the painting to her dad and scampered up the stairs to her room.

After a completely long silence, Eugene spoke. "We need to find another scapegoat?"

"How about the director?" Warren suggested.

"We already sold the giraffe portrait, which he still complains about," Eugene retorted. "He will not fall for our tricks anymore."

"No employee is ready to buy your daughter's paintings, gene!" Warren thought for a second, and his eyes lit up. "How about Alistair? We can also start grooming him from now for the future." Eugene slyly smiled. "You know...that..he is going to be our..." He didnot need to mention the rest since his brother understood.

"He will come with a frying pan to kill me." Eugene sighed.

After talking for a while, both the brothers went to their rooms tired.


It was eleven in the night, yet Clary was fully absorbed. She was in the midst of composing her thesis when her mobile phone rang, breaking her concentration. "Who could be this time?" Upon peeping, her heart sank at the sight of the address name. "Enforcers?" She recalled she hadn't gotten a reply for the sarcastic 'witch oil' reply she sent.

Clary eagerly clicked open the message, her eyes growing wide with disbelief as she read the message. [Enforcers: Bat wing oil, rat tail oil, graveyard dirt oil. Are these three 'witch' oils available?]

"Oh boy! Enforcers is taking the game seriously!" Clary laughed, her lips parted in surprise.

Clary pondered for a moment, her mind racing with thoughts of witches and their mysterious potions. A stroke of brilliance hit her, and she began typing. [Essentialoillover: Why don't you give 'our eye of a lizard', 'toe of a frog', and 'tongue of a dog' oils a shot? They are our showstoppers, after all]

Clary hit the send button, her heart beating a little faster as she eagerly awaited this game. To her delight, the reply came in quicker than a witch's broomstick.

[Enforcers: I am more than willing to buy. Let me check my crystal ball for the price of these peculiar oils]

"Are we talking in a witch's language?" Clary burst into a fit of laughter. "This dude's sarcasm is as thick as molasses."

Clary quickly began composing the message.

[Essentialoillover: A pouch filled with the shimmering scales of a dragon and a unicorn's lock shall suffice as payment for these oils. But I can give them for free if you do me a favour. It's a little personal, though]

[Enforcers: Did you encounter a spell-casting criminal?]

"A spell-casting criminal? They are better." Clary muttered, shaking her head. "He wants to shave my head."

Clary replied. [Essentialoillover: Dealing with spell-casting criminals is a piece of cake for me, but this jackass is a real thorn. I want you to beat him up with no damage to his body. Can you do that?]