
A Spartan Who Went Rouge (Halo x Male Oc)

In year 2511, born from a family of scientists and researchers. The young child did not know what he was born into, a war. When the Insurrection War, began the family hid their data inside a data chip inside a core placed in his body. Now in the year 2525, the Spartan who was believed KIA showed up to end the war just to live in peace.

Arngrim_Asura · Video Games
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9 Chs

Tribal Arc #1

Date: October 13th, 2534

Location: Sanghelios, Urs-Fied Joori System


Where am I?

Is knowledge what you seek in thy world?

Who are you?

Thy old version of you. I spent more over 12 galactic years roaming the universe..yet here I am stuck inside this body of yours.

Why am I here? Am I dead?

No..not yet at least. Your body has subconsciously shut down your body in order for your powers to awaken to take the hit.

So there's a chance I can get back to reach!

No. Heed this warning Yin, when the Prophets discovers the first ring, your true secrets will be revealed.

Wait..where are you going!? Come back!!


"Ahhh!!" The protagonists woke up from screaming from his dream. He looked around to see he was in some form of a tent with medical supplies.

Yin rubbed his eyes trying to adjust his eye sight, the tent felt like a house with the wooden creaking floor. The bandages on his body's were like mint leaves but had properties to heal him, "Where am I?"

"You're in my tent." He turned to see a covenant soldier, he tried to get up yet his body was still in pain. "You shouldn't get up, your body is still in pain from the crash." The covenant voice was more feminine than the ones he killed.

"How long have I been here?"

"Eight years. 7 months, and 45 days." She replied. Yin stared at the covenant to study her every move, he noticed how huge her melons were. She turned back to him as he looked away quickly, his face glowing red.

"My name is sage and I'm the only warrior here." She introduced herself to the injured Spartan who spoke with a friendly voice. "My name is Yin Arcadius, I'm from the planet called reach."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Yin. The other warriors are out as of right now." She said helping up to his feet, he stumbled a bit since he hasn't move his legs for a long time.

"So tell me more about your village."

"Well the old chief of this humble planet made a deal with the prophets, it cost us millions of our kind." She clenched her hands, He couldn't understand the pain she went through but he had to get back to his planet to make sure it's safe. "Now the covenant is only giving us the left over of food and resources just to maintain a suitable life. I wish he never made a deal with the prophets."

"Maybe I can help, I'm very good at replenishing food crops." He suggested, he couldn't help staring at her thick thighs and her plump ass, he mentally slapped himself to snap out of his dirty thoughts.

"Really!? I mean of course you can, we helped you live to see another sun." She coughed pulling herself together. "Also, if you're looking for your armor and weapons, they're with the chief as of right now."

"Thank you, sage." He patted her shoulder before leaving the tent. "Follow me." She said walking towards a tent with ancient markings on it. He followed behind her, the village appeared to be a ran down wastelands, children, adults, and elderly alike sick to some degree. The food seemed to be okay, but it holds a bit of diseases.

"I didn't think it was this bad…" Yin thought to himself, his eye's wandering all over the place. He noticed a sick child and he unhesitatingly ran to catch him before it fell to the ground. "You're going to be okay." His breath was hazy, he never seen a child this sick before.

"I…I'm okay…" The child spoke sickly, he gripped Yin's hand with every energy he had left. "Please… save o-our… people…." The child slowly closed his eyes as Yin tried keep him awake.

"Oi! Stay awake!" He lightly tapped on the child's cheeks. His eyes glowed bright yellow, a cube appeared next to him just within seconds.

"Your emotions summoned me, what is it you want to know?" The cube echo out a voice similar to his but much deeper and scruffy. "How can I save this child?"

"You can't, you must focusing on how to save the village members. The knowledge is already in your head so let's hope you're good at what you're doing." The cube vanished into thin air. Yin sighed laying the Sangheili boy, he walked away his head staring at the ground.

"This is what we're suffering from everyday, I don't think we'll last a year at this pace." Sage stated walking inside the tent. "Chief, he's here." She bowed down on her knees.

"Hello there sir, I'm Yin. I'm from the planet reach and my kind have been fighting your war for a year now."

"You mean 8 years." The chief corrected him gazing up and down on him, Yin did look like a child in his eyes.

"8 years?" Time stop for Yin, his mind still trying to process that he has been asleep for 8 years. "That can't be true, I only left Reach a day ago."

"Sorry, young child but 8 years have past since you crashed here. I do beg of you, we need your help to help us prevail against the Covenant!" The chief bowed to him, he then realized that there is a way to save this planet.

He kneeled down on his left knee, his warm smile filled the room with hope. "Is there a temple?"

"There's one south of the village but no one came back. It can only be opened by a certain key." Sage replied lifting her head up.

"I think I know where the key is, we must be quick before the next eclipse." He said calmly, he noticed a map hung on top of the desk.

Sage stood up, "So are you going to help us?" She asked softly.

"Of course I am, I'm not a soldier anymore." He said knowing that he's read M.I.A or K.I.A. He couldn't help but feel excited to be able to adventure on a different planet without anything going wrong.

He then looked up hearing a huge ship entering the atmosphere, it was a huge Covenant super carrier. "They're here to resupply." The chief said pushing Yin into a hiding place in the tent. What was going to happened to their village if they don't have enough resources to give? How was Yin going to help them without his armor and weapons?

You decided on the outcome.