
A Spartan Who Went Rouge (Halo x Male Oc)

In year 2511, born from a family of scientists and researchers. The young child did not know what he was born into, a war. When the Insurrection War, began the family hid their data inside a data chip inside a core placed in his body. Now in the year 2525, the Spartan who was believed KIA showed up to end the war just to live in peace.

Arngrim_Asura · Video Games
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Spartan II Arc #5


Date: February 17th, 2526


The death of his friends and the betray still left a big wound in him, he sat in his room his mind still processing his emotions, he couldn't cry nor could he feel furious. He lost the will to keep going especially since the people he cared about so much were gone. The blonde hair boy looked at the necklace Ishtar gave him, it seemed to mental break him more than he ever realized.

Knock Knock

"Come in." His face forcing a wide smile. He then saw John enter his room, his face didn't show much but he knew Yin was going through some things.

"If you're here to check on me then don't, I'm fine."

"Stop lying to yourself. You're suffering more than you realize...I don't know if you're ever going to let go away, but right now we need our Spartan Lieutenant."


The teenager stood up from his bed walking up to John, his eyes showed no fear, his fists clenched. "Stop acting like you truly know me or the shit I've been through, you wasn't there. If you think we're the same then don't, I've watched my parents die and it began to replay in my brain every time. My comrades died because I didn't know Kaito would betrayed us. So you tell me John, what have you done in order to keep going—oh wait you only had Sam die while I lost my friends."

His voice held sadness and malice, John only patted the Spartan, it shocked the Mind of Yin since he never felt a headpat. Tears somehow flow down his face, in all of his years he couldn't even shed a tear, yet here he is crying.

"Alright, I get it. I know you're still in pain, but you must understand that we all fail to protect those we care about. That's why we have to keep moving forward, even if it kills us." John patted his shoulder before leaving the room. Yin thought about what John said, slapping himself across his face.

"Tune to get back to work." He tried his best to ignore his pain and suffering. The Spartan left his room and made his way to the briefing room.


When he made it to the Briefing room, he saw Dr. Halsey and John going over a mission back on Reach. He walked in and took of his helmet, "What's the big alien ship doing at Reach?"  He asked with a small smile.

"Ah, Glad you can join us 418. We was just going over our plan to deploy every Spartan we have to defend Reach."

"We don't even know how many targets are in that Ship. We will be at a disadvantage." The Spartan put a finger to his chin, he noticed there was a reactor core.

"What if we can try overheating their shield, that way we can use war heads to attack the inside."  He suggested the two noticed a small cube like think on top of his head, it was lending him information.

"Hmm..I believe we tried that and it was a close call, we lost Sam in the process." Yin looked down, when he came back he also heard about Sam's death which caused him to have a mental breakdown.

"We don't have to worry about that anymore. Though, it's still a fact that 418 is still a primary target. The Guardian of Knowledge? Does that sound familiar to you?"

Yin shook his head in denial, he hasn't have the slightest clue of what that was. "It's probably why they're looking for you or something else."


After the debrief, Yin couldn't help but try to remember what was the Guardian of Knowledge. Was it a celestial being? Or just another way of saying he was a key?

"Yin can I have some of your time?" Dr. Halsey asked stepping out of the Debriefing room. Her face seemed to be interested about what he told her about.

Yin nodded swiftly he moved closer to the doctor to make sure no one hears their conversation. "The other Spartans have been brief with the mission, if the Covenant is after you then you must get as far way from Reach as soon as possible."

The Spartan understand that without him, humanity will be safer. He then walked away, he always swore to never abandon battle, but if he did he will always remember himself as a coward.


April 26, 2526

Location: Circinius IV


the Covenant launched a surprise attack on Circinius IV. Three Ceudar-pattern heavy corvettes entered the atmosphere and attacked Corbulo Academy. Locally stationed Marines provided an initial defense of the academy and the evacuation of the cadets via the school's space elevator was begun immediately. Orbiting UNSC vessels soon deployed Orbital Drop Shock Troopers directly onto the campus. However, one of the Covenant corvettes fired on the elevator, causing it to collapse on the school and halt the evacuation. Since all the cadets and staff had converged near the elevator for evacuation, the collapse of the elevator killed many members of the academy. Moments later, the survivors came under attack by Sangheili and Kig-Yar troops.

Corbulo's officer cadets were caught off-guard by this attack. General Black was killed within minutes of the attack; Colonel K.L. Mehaffey attempted to organize the surviving cadets inside the tunnels, though she too was quickly killed. Covenant forces soon overwhelmed the ODSTs and Marines, and proceeded to annihilate the planet's entire population, with only four Cadets April Orenski, Thomas Lasky, Chyler Silva, and Michael Sullivan left alive.

Yin was transfer to Blue Team, he was finally getting back into the field. The medical records showed that he suffered severe depression and anxiety, yet it wasn't going to stop this guy from winning the war. Blue Team was subsequently deployed to Circinius IV in response to a response to the cadets' distress beacon.

John-117 and Yin-418 infiltrated besieged school rescuing the surviving cadets.

"Alright John, take the cadets and get them out of here." Yin said uncollapsing his bow. He was prepare to make sure everyone gets back safe, he heard more elites coming.

"We're not leaving you."

"Who said you are? I'll be right behind you guys, just go!" He yelled shooting trap mine arrows around, he was buying time, so the others could leave.

"Over here jackasses!"

He aggressively shouted leading the grunts and elites to the trap mines causing huge explosions. He led the enemies northwest away from Blue Team's location, he zipping and zooming dodging energy blasts and crystal energy shards. He grabbed a random arrow from his quiver and threw it behind. It seemed to be an arrowhead filled with shield piercing bullets, harming them.

"Jeez, they're like swarms of bees."

Then Yin talked into comms. "This is Genesis 418, requesting immediate air support on my position."

"Lieutenant, where are you? What's you're position?" Kelly asked desperately.

"I'm on the outskirts of the city, due northwest. Covenant is swarming me so I'm leading them away from the city and off the planet."

"That's crazy, you're supposed to come back, not sacrifice your life!"

"Our mission as soldiers is to protect humanity, no matter the cost." He said calmly, he then hoped into a full operating pelican and took off to the sky. Many Banshee's followed after them, he was being shot at yet they all missed. The pelican seemed to make to outer space, one of the wings were hit with an energy blast.

"Holy shit! Sorry Blue Team, I think this is it…it's been fun."

The Spartans soldiers back on earth, could only feel lost without the joy of the Spartans. "Yin, it was..an honor being your friend."

"You and me both, John. Just keep looking ahead, don't worry about the past." He said putting the pelican to full speed away from the Circinius System. Drifting into space, the dark endless space.

Hull integrity: 75%

System Report: Operational

Activating low power…

"Y'know…drifting in space is not so bad at all…it feels like I'm close to my family than ever. I'm sorry…mom…dad…I couldn't help but felt useless even to this day. Forgive…this…idiotic…son…" The Spartan boy feel asleep in the pilot seat of the pelican, he smile remained even if he was sleeping.

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