
A Spartan's galactic empire

A baby crashes on earth during the time acient Greece ruled the Mediterranean sea. After his spaceship malfunctions, his escape pod falls to the earth at breakneck speeds. after falling down to earth he crashes in Greece and gets stuck in the mountains. Leonidas sent on a search party by his half brother, cleomenes the first. Finds the small, garlon and decides to adopt the child, naming him Deimos. I might still use different works as inspiration but I will create all characters in the book myself and create the universe and world's independently too.) And if I use other lightnovels or other works as inspiration, I will put it underneath my chapters afterwards. also a few tags so you know if it is something for you no harem no smut a lot of gore and violence ( once the war arcs begin) sci-fi cunning protagonist ruthless when needed but is capable of showing empathy.

jonas_karel · Fantasy
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51 Chs


Agiad Royal palace, Deimos room

Deimos was excited for the upcoming excursion.

It was a official expection of the royal family to their farms, worked on by their Helot slaves.

Deimos was sitting on his bed, made from wood reed and a lot of wool.

He was very proud of his bed, he knows his friends do not have such a luxurious bedding.

Their beds are mostly made of hay reed and sometimes a little wool.

He was too young to understand the social differences between a normal Spartan family and the royal one.

Making it so that Phobos and Deimos had many good friends.

The only difference they noticed, was that the toys, and toga they wore were of a higher quality than those of their friends.

Making them very proud of their father and mother.

And they loved to show it of to their friends.

Much to the dislike and envy of their peers.

Deimos who was doing his own thing. Suddenly heard a voice.

"Dariel" he exclaimed. Dariel has always been like a second mother to him.

While sometimes she mysteriously disappears, he knows she will never abandon him.

"Hey little guy did you miss me" she said. "Yes I did Deimos acknowledges" he had been waiting for his language lessons from her.

They have been practicing all the languages of earths empires be it Persian, greek, Egyptian.

Even languages he doesn't know of but she says will be important later like, Latin, Gargan, asai, Mayan, Chinese and soul language.

She said asai is a acient language.

And that Latin wil be important in the future, Mayan is a language from very far away.

"I don't know how far away but at least further than Persia I heard her say" thought Deimos.

China is said to lay behind the Persian Empire. Half a world away, Gargan is supposed to be my mother tongue.

But I don't understand because I am a Spartan not a Garnan.

I will ask Dariel another time.

"Oke Darius did you do as I said and let the nanites scan your body" asked Dariel.

"Yes Dariel" Deimos awnserd. Oke pull up the screen then.

"Oke" awnserd Deimos.

[True Devine Blessing System]


[Strength] planetary lvl 3 (7650×10 kg)

[Speed] planetary lvl 2 (379 km/h)

[Agility] planetary lvl 1

( reflexes good enough for up to 100 km/h speed)


[Eyes of the watcher] LEVEL 1 planet lv

(Capabele of seeing trough all of creation, be it illusions attacks or the essence of all things you will be able to see trough it)

(With higher levels you will be able to use more Devine power while using it making the attack stronger and make it easier to identify wich is in front of you)

[Devine strength] LEVEL 1 NEW

(God one gave his people a champion named Samson, he was undefeated and could fight armies on his own. Alas he did not heed Gods words and lost his strength. Now after you killed the priest of the false god God has decided to gift you a new blessing. As you are now the champion of your people )

[Level 1 increases your strength 10×]

"Well done Deimos" said Dariel.

Deimos proud of the compliment started to grin.

Well I should explain what is shown to you.

The planetary before the level means that this power can not yet damage a planet nor destroy it.

So it is a power level suitable for these environments.

"I see" Deimos said, and what does the level mean then.

Dariel thought for a second before she showed it in front of Deimos as a screen.

[Planetary strength]

Level 1 up to 1000 kg

Level 2 up to 10000 kg

Level 3 up to 100000 kg

Level 4 up to 1000000 kg

[Planetary speed]

Level 1 up to 100 km/h

Level 2 up to 500 km/h

Level 3 up to 2500 km/h

Level 4 up to 10000 km/h

Dariel follows it up with a explanation.

What you see here are the upper limits of a level.

The reason Agility is not here is that it concerns the reaction time and coordination response.

Meaning without it you can't control your body optimally.

Let's say for example speed.

Without enough agility if you go running, your top speed you would immediately make you stumble.

And you would crash into a mountain. Strength it is even more dangerous if you do not control it precisely you could end up killing, and destroying everything around you.

By now Deimos little face was white thinking of what could go wrong.

Dariel continues luckily your body adapts and grows with your strength.

With more strength your speed grows too, but your nerves have to get used to it.

This imbalance is because you are still young, and your body grows faster than that your nerves can adapt to it.

Deimos nods his head fully immersed in the explanation.

In a helot village on the outskirts of Sparta, king leotychidas was riding his horse trough the small farms.

Build of sun dried mud bricks, these houses were not the most secure and repairs had to be make periodically.

Because the wall will fail with heavy weather or age.

Red roof tiles crown these houses.

While it looks poverty stricken; the village has a welcoming atmosphere.

Leotychidas was in a good mood.

The insect was finally found, it was about 15 cm long and 3cm thick.

Looking at the insect in his hands leotychidas was ecstatic.

A good quality poison can be made out of it.

Looking left he started speaking to the priest " have you contacted the assassin's brotherhood"? Asked leotychidas.

"Yes"the old priest awnserd but their demands are a lot.

They are taking a big risk going after a Spartan prince, and they want your full support afterwards.

Leotychidas frowned, "tell them I agree". "Yes your highness" said the priest disappearing in the shadow of a tree.

Back at the Agiad Royal palace Leonidas was packing his weapons and armour for the journey.

It was a annual routine to check the helloten farms of the family.

Knowing he had to be prepared for the worst.

He will take 30 of his best trained men, to go around to ensure that his sons would not be in any danger.

In 5 days they would leave, they would be away for the next three week afterwards.

Gorgo walked into their bedroom hugging her husband.

Leo are you sure they are ready for such a long journey, they are only three years old. Don't worry Gorgo it will be a save trip I will make sure of that.

Alright I will trust you she said with a rasp voice. Leonidas hearing her this way looks right and left before walking backwards and shutting the door.

In the blacksmithing section of Sparta leotychidas stood there discussing with a old blacksmith.

So you want this insect to be made into a poison, that is melted together with the metal.

"Yes" leotychidas awnserd.

That would be a difficult task, this insect is as poisenous as my worn shoe.

I would have to be extremely carefull, working with it.

It is heat resistant tough, so the poison won't evaporate into the air and kill me.

It will be brittle though can't use it a lot.

Hearing this leotychidas was not disappointed.

The dagger only needed to work once so it did not matter if it broke afterwards.

"That is good enough" said leotychidas I want it made and be ready in 5 days.

Give me three and a half and I should be able to finish it.

Great I shall give you a bonus once it's done.

Walking away leotychidas turns to the priest,

"I want no witnesses; once he is done despose of him and his family" Leotigydas ordered.

The priest giving a creepie smile asked "can I have his daughter ".

"Do what you want with her" leotychidas said, but clean up once your done.

Haha very well your highness.

I will follow your orders.